Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 572 Ridiculous Alliance of Gods

Each of them separated a clone. Owen, who was wearing a shadow cloak, took Angel, who was holding a death scythe, to the kingdom of the noble goddess, which was also the venue for discussing the alliance.

Even before he went, Owen knew that this trip would not go well, but he still had to go and socialize, otherwise he would most likely be targeted by the petty noble goddess.

Let's go. Owen opened a space and led Angel to walk on the plane wall, heading towards the divine kingdom of the noble goddess. Unexpectedly, he happened to see the plane fragmentation shell fired by the orc god pass through the long void and successfully reach the main world.

Although many of them failed, every time they hit, tens of thousands of orcs entered the main world. Just one wave added hundreds of thousands of strong orcs who were not afraid of death to the main world.

That's not the worst thing. The aura contained in the shell that was just mixed in it made Owen frown when he sensed it. He didn't know what the hell was in it. In short, it couldn't be anything good.

It seems that we have to speed up our pace. Irving said with a sigh, because the threats from the outside are no longer imaginary, but are actually falling on our heads.

An Qi on the side knew that the master was not talking about speeding up to go to the kingdom of the noble goddess, but speeding up the previous plan, because no matter what kind of changes we face, one's own strength is the most fundamental.

Knowing he couldn't wait any longer, Owen gestured with his hands, and a portal with sparks on the edge opened.

Passing through the portal, the two came to the divine kingdom of the noble goddess.

The invitation was a pass, and he successfully entered the Kingdom of God. It was such a scene of demons dancing wildly. Irving looked at it and shook his head, no longer having any expectations for this alliance.

An Qi looked at it and smiled secretly. After all, the more chaotic it is, the more opportunities there are.

Many of the gods who came here are from the evil camp, and even if they are not, they are neutral and chaotic, and there are very few lawful and good ones. At this moment, they are opening up their respective fields to collide with each other, not only to show their own strength, but also to compete for the next discussion. He had the right to speak, so regardless of whether Owen wanted it or not, he was immediately involved.

As his strength grew, Owen's temper also grew louder and louder. Although he would not directly fight, he would do such embarrassing things as pretending to slap someone in the face, and he would also join forces with Angel to launch the Shadow of Death Realm.

Because of the transformation of the World Tree, the divinity of the two is very harmonious, and the fields they expand are like one person. Let alone the collision of one or two fields, even if the other party joins forces, it will not be possible to break through it in a short time.

The four evil gods who have a big grudge against the Northland Gods are ready to take action and want to use this to teach the two of them a lesson.

The hatred between the two sides is really not small. Not to mention the lingering grievances between the Demon Head and the Flesh Church and the territory, just destroying the barbarian kingdom makes them want to curse.

The four forces spent a lot of time and energy to take root in the Barbarian Kingdom and create the Four Gods Abyss. However, the roots were almost dug up before the harvest was ready. They were forced to start early and spent a lot of knowledge and accumulation to complete the apotheosis of gods. It's not complete, otherwise you see a few evil gods hugging each other, and they are in a hurry to sacrifice the whole barbarian kingdom before they can be divided. As a result, the four evil gods are constantly implicated in each other, just like conjoined twins, so they can not hate the North God system.

Unfortunately, compared to the seemingly high-profile but very rule-abiding Northland pantheon, the four evil gods who do all kinds of evil are detestable to gods and ghosts. Many gods stare at them with malice. Obviously, as long as they dare to take action, they can't blame everyone. Stabbing in the back and working together to weaken these four things.

The Four Evil Gods were able to live so well even when everyone in the main world was shouting and beating them. Apart from clinging to each other, they were just keeping a close eye on them. When they sensed something was wrong, they decisively kept a low profile. They seemed to have nothing to do with their sinister appearance.

The evil king who spreads disgusting evil energy has become a mountain of flesh with his race of rat people. He is squinting and not talking at the moment. He looks as if he is asleep, which is very harmless.

The eggs of chaos that the Flesh Church has cultivated with all their strength are oversized flesh eggs. When they are not moving, they are just a ball of oversized flesh and blood. They don’t even have any facial features, making it difficult to find trouble.

The most irritable and irritable Abyss Mother Demon, half human and half insect, was huge in size. At this moment, she also calmed down. Even the fat belly that kept giving birth to demons reduced the frequency of squirming.

Only the spirit of the Death Curse, who seized the origin of Skeleton King and became a god through blood sacrifice, has been staring at Owen and An Qi's shadow field of death with bright eyes. However, he is the most honest among the four evil gods, and no one finds trouble.

The four evil gods did not dare to take action. Owen felt relaxed and in the mood to take a look at everyone who came. Unexpectedly, he saw many familiar people.

The so-called Elk Goddess is the cute deer lady, the Thorn Witch is his old classmate, the Despair Witch is his sister, and Ms. Mithril has also been seen in the underground world.

Of course, there are many enemies. He has fought against the Four Evil Gods, and there was friction in the early days of Demon Blade. Among the three in the south, the Morning Glory Goddess is also related to the demon lord's incarnation. Even the noble goddess who is the host, the two sides secretly plot against each other. More than once.

If the threat from the outside world hadn't been too great, I probably wouldn't have been able to sit together.

The gods had arrived, and the noble goddess who had not appeared until now also walked slowly, escorted by the God of Knights and the God of Guardians. She was elegant and full of posture, showing her aristocratic demeanor.

That is to say, the people who come here are all clones, and they cannot defeat the noble goddess in the Kingdom of God. Otherwise, if you give her some color, you really think they are all good-tempered.

As an aristocratic goddess, she is absolutely first-class in communication and more colorful. With a few words, she smoothed over the delays of the gods. Under her auspices, the discussion stage began.

Right from the beginning, good and evil were divided into two camps, and the gods in each camp were both independent and united with each other. They even used their spiritual consciousness to communicate across camps, causing crackling sounds in the sky above the gods, just like the movement of taking off a sweater in winter. This is the reason why spiritual consciousness exchanges collide and rub with each other too frequently.

Good guy, if this was a dormitory, there could be hundreds of groups.

Everyone knew that this would definitely not work, and that they would all end together, but no one was willing to take a step back, because it would cost their interests, and they would rather die than retreat even if it was just a little bit, which made Owen feel more and more irritable.

Unlike Owen, who is protected by a systematic father, the gods are also preying on the weak. Who can guarantee that giving in a little will not be mistaken as a sign of weakness, and then face endless temptations and attacks.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why Owen boasts about the Northland God System, which is to gain time for stable development.

Owen rubbed his brows as soon as he watched it for a while, feeling like he wanted to imitate Brother Crow and lift the table.

Of course, with the methods of the noble goddess, after a period of running-in and compromise, a loose alliance can still be formed, after all, where is the threat from the outside.

But for Owen, this kind of alliance full of contradictions and disputes was meaningless, so he left the rest of the exchange to Angel, who said nothing and only looked up a few times.

When a new wave of orc shells struck, this long and smelly alliance finally ended, because they had to go back to face the orc invasion problem.

The final conclusion reached by the alliance meeting was to reasonably help other alliances that were invaded by the outside world if there was spare capacity.

This is no different from farting. What does it mean to have spare power and what does it mean to provide reasonable help?

If you don’t want to save someone, you can just excuse yourself with an excuse. If you want to take advantage of the fire, it’s a good opportunity. As for whether it’s reasonable to help Zheng move the things back to your home, you’ve already robbed them. If it’s unreasonable, can you still expect the other party to spit it out?

It's good to be able to say sorry. Even if you bow, you have to appreciate the other person's sincerity. Even if the other person will do it again next time, just ask you if you are touched.

The so-called alliance was a joke, and Owen, who didn't want to stay any longer, left directly.

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