Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 571 Throwing feces and poisoning is too much

Owen, who transformed into Andrew, was walking in a city in the Hundred Cities Alliance with the much grown-up Paris and the cat-eared maid. As for a certain warlock who had been walking together, he had gone to the tavern to show off his charm and wanted to experience the strangeness. World style.

In the past, Owen would definitely have gone along. After all, he had already prepared a thick diary to record various customs in other worlds. He has already filled half of it and gained a lot of inner understanding, but there is still a long way to go before it is complete. There is a long way to go, so naturally you will not miss any opportunity.

But he is not in the mood now. He is busy helping the body collect information about outsiders and snooping for news.

Unexpectedly, before they finished walking down the street, Owen and his two companions had a stack of lists or advertisements promoting their respective gods, which made the three of them look at each other.

The competition among the gods here is so fierce, and the conditions given are also very generous. Paris looked through it. From blessing love to granting powerful power, various promises seemed to be free of money.

Anyone else would have been moved by it, but Paris has been following Irving for so many years and is used to such methods, so he is not moved at all.

The cat-eared maid didn't even look at it, but she was a little too excited.

In fact, this is caused by the fact that the cat-eared maid, who is the chosen one by the Cat Goddess, is too close to the god.

These are not important. As long as you don't believe, it doesn't matter. Now let's see if any troublesome guys have come to this plane. Owen said lightly, but from the look on his face, Paris knew that there was nothing wrong with it. The master said it so simply.

But that's not important. Obeying and helping their master is what they need to do.

But the degree of involution of the Hundred Cities Alliance's faith is beyond Owen's imagination. There is a group of people preaching on almost every street, just like getting money by getting people to scan the QR code, and they relentlessly pursue people to spread the doctrine.

Moreover, the innovation is no longer limited to serious-looking or fanatical congregants. There are also slit nuns who teach online.

The most outrageous thing is that in addition to the three noble goddesses, there are the four evil gods born in the barbarian kingdom, the mithril lady from the underground, the elk goddess from the southern elf kingdom, the mountain god from the dwarf kingdom, the roaring dragon war god from the three human kingdoms, and the storm god. The God of God, the Goddess of Morning Glory, and even the mysterious God born in the chaotic area of ​​the imperial capital have sects here, which is simply a hodgepodge.

In addition, there are also familiar or unfamiliar demigods such as the Eye of Witchcraft, Witch of Thorns, Witch of Despair, and Devil's Blade, who are also recruiting people to preach. There are even Devil's Head and the Church of Flesh in the dark alleys. People like this are preaching doctrine, which is crazy.

It stands to reason that the Hundred Cities Alliance should also have its own gods, but it is greatly influenced by the Northland pantheon. Nearly one-third of the population are believers in the Holy Code, and the rest are divided among other chaotic sects. How can it be born? The soil of one’s own gods.

To make matters worse, Owen even saw outsiders following the same example and promoting outside gods everywhere.

Owen didn't know how many gods there were in the Divine Network, because when the number of gods he recorded reached three digits, he lost power.

It seems that the war between the gods is not far away, Owen thought with a sigh.

This is no joke. One main world can support many gods, but there is a limit to how many gods there can be, so there will definitely be competition and then it will develop into a war.

In fact, the whole process is much faster than Owen imagined. Hundreds of immigrant spacecraft are flying towards the main world, and there is a divine network extending in this direction.

Although the construction of the Divine Network is expensive, as long as it can occupy the main world where Owen is located, the cost can be recovered within a hundred years at most. It is definitely worth the gamble for the gods.

The most craziest ones are the orcs. They are more trouble-free. They don't care that the divine network is still far away from the main world. They use the divine network pipes as cannon barrels and directly use the fragments of the plane crowded with orcs as cannonballs. Come.

The orcs who were shot out like cannonballs are still enthusiastic. Even if many of their companions accidentally hit the passenger car on the way or became corpses melting in the void because of the premature breakdown of the divine barrier, their desire for the new world and desire to fight still cannot be reduced.

This is mainly because orcs are marginalized in all planes. The places they live in are either remote or harsh, or both. Therefore, if they want to survive, they have to fight and plunder. As for life and death, they have long been ignored.

However, Owen still underestimated those gods. Some gods did not have the strength to compete or simply wanted to destroy, so they launched some harmful things, including the limbs of the ancient gods.

In fact, similar methods are very common in the Divine Network. Otherwise, where did the secret realms accumulated outside the main world come from? They were not plane fragments that were used as cannonballs. They were attracted to the void because they failed to hit the target.

There is also evil energy, which is not something from the main world.

This time, all the gods in the main world couldn't sit still. Before, everyone sat at the same table and grabbed food. Even if they couldn't grab it, they could barely make ends meet by licking the soup and water spilled on the table. Now, they can barely make ends meet. These outsiders not only want to kick them off the table, but also want to throw feces and poison on the table if they can't squeeze in. This is going too far.

In the Kingdom of God, Owen took the invitation sent by the noble goddess, touched his chin, and fell into thinking.

Facing the threats from the outside, the gods of the main world could not sit still. They planned to do something, but they were unable to defeat four hands with two fists, let alone more than four hands, so they decided to unite to fight against the threats from the outside.

The only question now is who calls the shots.

Anyone who can become a god, except for the Goddess of Nobles and the God of Knights, who have their own main and deputy priesthoods or gods, who else is willing to bow down and be small.

Obviously, the so-called union is a quagmire, and not only Owen, but other gods also know this very well.

Unfortunately, this was the only way, so even if I knew it was a trap, I still had to hold my nose and jump.

Waiting to be dumped, or getting into a mud pit. Owen is unwilling to choose either, but the reality is that he has to choose, because even if the Northland God System is as awesome as he boasts, it cannot withstand the outside world. Invasion.

But thinking about it carefully, this was not an opportunity to choose a target suitable for joining the Northland God System, so he agreed.

The nominal boss of the Northland God System is the Eternal Holy Light, so he certainly cannot take action personally. Moreover, in Owen's setting, this person is not in the main world, so he can only go by himself, and he must also bring one or two deputies, otherwise How does it appear that the North God system is extraordinary?

In the end, Owen decided to take Angel to the kingdom of the noble goddess, but made some preparations.

It was impossible to fight directly, but if he didn't show enough strength, his words would have no weight, so he turned his attention to the system.

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