Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 527 Detention and Extraction

I don't know if Irving is despicable or not, but it is indeed safe. The problem has been solved before he shows up, but I don't know if there will be any future troubles.

Owen scratched his head with a headache. Even if he is a god, he is not omnipotent. Naturally, he doesn't know if there will be any future troubles, but he knows that such a powerful demigod will not suddenly appear in the main world, and a broken high-level Behind the artifact represents at least one main god, possibly even a god-king.

In fact, there is no difference between the two to Owen. What is the difference between killing him with one punch and pressing him to death with one finger?

It's not that he underestimates himself, cheating also takes time. At present, even if he shows all his cards, he will at most be in a fight with the middle god, and the outcome is unpredictable.

That god didn't go through all kinds of hardships to reach the throne of God. After hundreds and thousands of accumulations, it wasn't like being unlucky enough to encounter the end of the world. Basically, he wouldn't fall easily. Therefore, wanting to kill a god is not that difficult. Simple.

Not to mention that a main god like a superior god and a god-king who rules a god system are not on the same level at all. The gap is as big as a country noble and a king.

Fortunately, it was a broken high-level artifact that had not been recovered or repaired. This meant that it was only a hidden danger, not a crisis.

Owen, who breathed a sigh of relief, felt relieved after sensing that a little bit of divinity in Ciel was gradually taking shape. He asked Ciel, who had just made a breakthrough, to cut down those Chaos warriors and flesh-and-blood creations as the precipitates after transformation, and then immediately let An Qi personally escorted Kim to the bottom of the Kingdom of God, the only place where this broken high-level artifact could be completely isolated and suppressed.

The upper level of Owen's Kingdom is the Kingdom of Eternal Night, which represents death and tranquility. The middle Kingdom of Light represents light and nature, while the lower Kingdom of Purgatory represents sin and torture.

There is nothing beautiful in the Kingdom of Purgatory. Except for the ten legendary level abyss demons, all the evils that Owen can think of or can redeem are thrown here, making this place worthy of its name.

However, the purgatory was built, but there were too many monks and too few people to eat. As a result, the place remained empty for a long time.

There is no way, most of Owen's followers are devout believers who have been transformed by the system, and there are really not many qualified to be thrown away. The idle and panicked Abyss Demon can only pass the time by oiling the torture instruments every day.

Later, with the gradual expansion of the Holy Shield's business and the expansion of the faith, not only those outside believers, but also the souls of the evil people killed by the Holy Shield fell into his hands, and then it became the Kingdom of Purgatory. One of the background sound effects, the demons of the abyss finally have something to do.

Today is a great harvest. As long as the evil professionals die in Beicheng, none of them can escape. I really think he has a good temper.

So the Abyss Demon was gearing up to prepare a series of feasts for these new guests. First, they had a set of the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty to appetize their appetites, and then they played slowly.

An Qi turned a blind eye to the hellish scene in front of her. She was the planner and designer of the purgatory kingdom. No one was more suitable for this position than she, who was born as a devil in hell, so how could she not be accustomed to the environment here.

In a purgatory kingdom where skeletons serve as decorations and dead souls serve as sound effects, the only thing that represents life is the golden tree.

This giant tree that supports the entire Kingdom of God runs through the three major kingdoms, and its huge root system alone covers most of the Kingdom of Purgatory.

These root systems not only stabilize the foundation of the Kingdom of God, but also continuously extract void energy to expand the Kingdom of God. It can be said that it is the highest quality place in the entire Kingdom of God, and it is also a purgatory where sinners are imprisoned.

Angie, who had a cautious personality, dragged the immobile Kim backwards to the main root, and then mercilessly nailed the broken Kim to the root of the golden tree with the hunting god's sword.

Feeling the origin and divinity of the demigod, the roots of the golden tree began to devour her, causing most of Kim's body to sink into the roots, and the new and dense roots penetrated deep into her body through any gaps, The newly generated pale golden blood was extracted, which also included some body fluids. Therefore, the demigod who was chopping melons and vegetables against the Templars was not only weak, but also groaning in pain due to the endless extraction.

An Qi turned a blind eye to this. She put on the ghost king's cloak again and resumed her priesthood. She just stared at Kim with her arms folded and a sneer, feeling that she would give her a stab at any time.

Kim, who was about to be drained, was completely desperate. The sword had special attributes against gods, and the tree roots behind it made her feel like she was being gnawed by a kingdom of gods. Plus, an evil figure The gods were watching over her, and there were a group of big devils around her. Not to mention her current state, even in her heyday it was impossible to escape from detention.

As Kim despaired, Owen's attention also shifted here, and yes, he still didn't show up.

Although the other party's divinity has not been deprived, through the golden tree, Owen perceives that the other party has four points of divinity, namely a little gold, a little charm, a little chaos, and a little battle.

As for the incomplete high-level artifact that is still struggling and shaking, it contains four points of divinity, two points of gold, and two points of power.

Interestingly, Owen sensed that the golden divinity in the incomplete high-level artifact was actually stripped from Kim.

This is interesting. If Kim is not so stupid as to use her own delusion of divinity to create a high-level artifact, then she was forcibly deprived of part of her divinity by other gods and used it to build this high-level artifact. That is, she and this artifact In all likelihood, the owner has a grudge, a big one.

Although he is very interested in this, Owen does not plan to contact the other party now, but only increases the intensity of extraction, intending to completely transform and recast the other party's origin, and then become his capable general like An Qi.

This is not easy, because Owen discovered that the other party was originally a not weak god. Even if part of the divine origin was deprived and fell to the realm, the rest was extremely strong, and he could only rely on hard work. After all, Owen wanted a The subordinates, not the pure source, cannot be extracted roughly and forcefully.

If it weren't for Owen's golden tree that absorbs all laws and his unreasonable system, he wouldn't be able to do this, at least with his current strength.

But Owen is not in a hurry. He has enough time to transform Kim's origin, twist her will, and let her know the benefits of being soft. Simply put, it is a whip in one hand and a banana in the other, adjusting the consciousness and body reaction from the inside out. .

The battle in the North City is coming to an end. The Four Gods Abyss has exhausted its reserves of chaos warriors and flesh and blood creations. As Owen repairs the faith network and closes the space channel, no foreign enemies can invade.

Maya, who has calmly mobilized more city defense troops, has focused on searching for Chaos warriors and evil professionals who have broken through the defense line. These will be executed under the command of Hogg, so she can focus more on the northern defense line and the outbreak of the barbarian army. On war.

Irving, who was afraid that something would happen again, turned his attention to the battlefield in the north after leaving the matters at hand to Joan of Arc.

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