As soon as the power of ghosts and gods was activated, the muscles, blood vessels and meridians of Ciel's body instantly surged with endless power. The quantity and purity of the quality were completely unlike anything in the human world, but at the same time, the burden on the body and will was too heavy, even if Ciel, who had forged an indestructible body through countless tempers, couldn't help but let out a roar that was completely unlike what a human could make. It was even so strong that it formed a sound wave and hit Kim, whose expression changed greatly.

The demigod's body, which was almost indestructible by mortal objects, seemed to have been washed away by a strong current. The skin and flesh shook and even shifted. Kim had to squint his eyes, lower his body and embrace his arms to avoid being knocked away by a roar.

This is just the beginning. When the body, blood, internal force, fighting spirit and chakra are merged, the power of ghosts and gods completely explodes. The red flames formed by the integration of spirit, energy and spirit burn fiercely around Charles, and even the space is torn apart. , causing her to look like a blur, and the light within a hundred meters radius was distorted.

Without even looking, Kim knew she was in big trouble. This person already had everything it took to become a demigod, but she always suppressed herself because she wanted what was best for herself, not what she wanted from the outside world.

In other words, Ciel regards himself as the raw material for making mushroom eggs, constantly beating and purifying them. However, if he wants to shine the most brilliantly, that is, to condense his divinity, he still needs enough external pressure, and Kim has undoubtedly provided enough. The pressure caused Ciel to explode at this moment.

The only good thing is that the other party cannot last long. This power that can make even demigods turn pale will sooner or later dissipate because the user is burned out. She really thought it was so easy to condense divinity with her own power, so she only needs to Just be able to hold on until then.

With a clang, the already somewhat damaged ghost and god halberds fell to the ground, creating two large pits. Then Charles took out two battle axes named Blood War and Violence from the mezzanine of the power backpack behind him, and his momentum suddenly increased. .

Semi-artifact?! Kim, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, breathed back in an instant, and her face suddenly turned green. This was obviously a trap for her, so she instinctively planned to distance herself first, but ignored her opponent. A true warrior, her actions made her completely passive and caused Ciel to unleash a ghostly attack.

The red blood flames followed the two battle axes and fell like a wave. The golden weapon that Kim tried his best to transform was directly destroyed as soon as it touched it. It could no longer regroup. He was caught off guard and his upper body was scratched with an X. , not only one pair becomes two pairs, but even the ribs and internal organs can be seen.

With the demigod's vitality, the current injuries were far from fatal, but Kim's wounds kept trying to close, but each time they were reopened by the red blood flames, and a large amount of blood was sprayed out.

Damn it! Kim, who was capsized in the gutter, cursed angrily. Because she was so angry, her lungs bulged out from the wound, which was very ugly. This made her even more angry because she loves beauty.

After being severely injured, Kim could no longer care about playing games. The gold jewelry on his body seemed to be alive. He forcibly sutured the wound like a centipede, and penetrated into the body to connect blood and flesh. He barely regained some fighting power, but faced the firepower. At full swing, Ciel was wielding two semi-artifact battle axes like crazy, but the strength he had recovered was simply not enough.

Two ferocious battle axes kept slashing at Kim's body, easily slicing through the flesh that was tougher than mithril steel. Sparks flew from the chopped golden skeleton, and a large amount of vitality-rich blood sprayed out as if it were free of charge. There were signs of gold turning on the ground where the two were fighting. This was a sign that Kim had been cut down and his essence was being lost.

If he doesn't think of a way, Kim will sooner or later be hacked to death by Ciel on the spot.

But now she is not only facing an enemy who is about to become the God Killer, but she is also deeply trapped in the enemy's camp. Getting out is not as simple as peeling off the skin.

Damn it! Kim, who had lost his temper, was filled with grief and anger. Seeing that there was no way out, he reached into his stomach and pulled out a thick golden rod from his body.

This thing is more than a foot long and has a calf thick, like it is part of something, but it is cut off abruptly, so it is a little bent, and it looks like a big banana.

Although it looks inconspicuous, it contains powerful divine power that makes Owen feel terrified. Once it breaks out, the existence of the North City, let alone the North City, will be a problem.

But Owen has been waiting for this moment. After all, he is not stupid. The other party knows that there is a belief network in Beicheng and that it belongs to a god, but he still dares to rush in and make a fuss and kill. Damn it, even if you say it’s okay, you won’t even believe it.

The world is very big. He is just a low-level god who cheated. He is not invincible. He has no chance to be careless. Therefore, he does not act rashly, but increases the level of testing. As expected, the opponent has a trump card, a incomplete weapon. High-level artifact.

Even if it is incomplete, Owen will be in bad luck if he is caught by surprise. After all, the opponent is in the material world, and he is in the Kingdom of God. Once he makes a move, he will definitely be restrained by the main world. The ten-level power can only exert one or two levels at most. But the opponent is able to reach the upper limit of the material world, and is already invincible.

But now that he has revealed his trump card, it is his turn to take action next, and he must let the other party know that he is not a vegetarian either.

As Ciel attracted all the opponent's attention, a long sword like a metal rod stabbed out of the nearby shadows, and the sword holder was Angel who came out of the shadows.

As a god and holding a semi-divine weapon, Angel's sneak attack was something that the half-crippled Kim was able to dodge, and was immediately pierced through the heart by the sword wrapped in black flames.

Black flames with special attributes immediately wrapped around Kim's body. While burning her body, it also had a considerable impact on her soul. For a while, she could not suppress it at all, and she could not move at all.

Seeing the opportunity, Ciel unceremoniously cut off Kim's arms, while An Qi took the opportunity to seal the incomplete high-level artifact, thus solving the biggest variable in this battle.

As for how Angel, who had become a god, came to the main world, of course it was because she fell from her position as a god.

Although An Qi became a god, she, like Owen, relied on external objects to become a god, so as long as the semi-artifact was removed, she would fall from the godly position.

Generally, gods in similar situations would not do this. Firstly, the gap is too big and difficult to accept psychologically. Secondly, it is too easy for problems to occur. If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

But with Owen in charge, Angel certainly wouldn't have to worry about this, so she kept hiding around with that special semi-artifact. She saw the right moment and pierced Kim's heart with a sword, making her completely lose her ability to resist. ability.

The unlucky Kim didn't expect that the other party was so rich, let alone that he was so despicable.

First, he brought out a saint to make her look at him and make her reluctant to leave. Then he brought out a top legendary warrior who had stepped into the realm of demigods to play with her, forcing her to have no choice but to reveal her trump card. What was even more shameless was to let him A demigod was hiding in the dark with a demigod weapon and sneaking up on her, an honest person.

Even though Kim was very calculating, he didn't expect the other party to be so shameless, let alone that he could easily come up with such a lineup, but he still chose to plot against her. I really don't know whether to call the other party cautious or despicable.

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