The demon warlock grinned and held his head while cursing. It was very noisy. The quiet undead priest frowned and walked away. Then he slapped the bone staff in his hand, and the spread of invisible death waves awakened him. The undead sleeping nearby.

Death cannot be escaped anywhere, let alone an immigration point, so there is a small cemetery nearby, which has become a recruitment point for the undead priests.

However, the nearly rotten bones and half-rotten corpses cannot provide much combat power, but they are enough to cause panic and panic. Not many normal people can remain calm after seeing these undead.

Sure enough, when they saw the undead, the residents of the town immediately panicked, and someone sounded the alarm. But this is a newly built immigration point. At most, there are a few old-fashioned muskets and more farm tools. After all, the territory can provide immigrants with supplies. , but it is impossible to arm them.

In addition, the aristocratic alliance they came from did not have a complete reserve system, resulting in these civilians not being able to exert any combat effectiveness when facing the terrifying-looking undead, not to mention that this was just the beginning.

Seeing the town gradually becoming chaotic, the flesh priest began to enjoy it, because he liked chaos, just like the distorted flesh and blood, and could not imagine the next change at all, giving people an unexpected surprise.

With pleasure, the flesh priest swallowed the flesh seeds, and while suppressing the writhing flesh under the skin, he transferred the curse to those residents, causing large-scale flesh and blood distortions. This is the specialty of the Flesh Church.

First, he was invaded by the undead, and then he found that the people around him were cursed and became neither humans nor ghosts. This scared these people out of their wits.

The mayor, who knew very well what would happen if he gave up resistance, pulled out the revolver that he usually maintained carefully, roared and went into battle personally to boost morale. The next moment, the flesh and blood all over his body grew uncontrollably, and his whole body became a blur. flesh and blood, and extended its thick tentacles to prey on the surrounding residents, causing even greater panic.

The mayor turned into a monster, which not only caused greater panic, but also plunged more people into despair. These negative emotions made the four evil professionals enjoy it very much, and even the demon warlock's headache was much better.

When the undead and flesh-and-blood monsters were wreaking havoc among the crowd, the fel ratmen also took advantage of the chaos to release fel flames.

This kind of green flame is not so much burning as it is greedily devouring everything, attributing everything it touches to evil energy, including undead and twisted flesh and blood. This makes the undead priest and the flesh priest look at evil energy. The rat man's eyes were very unkind.

If it weren't for the cooperation period now, I would probably kill the rat directly.

This is not an isolated case. In fact, although the four companies cooperate, the other three companies all dislike the evil rat people.

This is not because of racial issues, but because the devouring of evil energy is too strong and uncontrollable. Even the other three families who consider themselves the incarnation of evil, their evil power not only cannot resist the devouring of evil energy, but is smoother than other forces. How can they not be afraid of being assimilated by evil energy?

Of course, the evil rat people feel the hostility of the other three families, but so what, from the moment evil energy appears in this world, everything is destined to end in evil energy.


A hundred soldiers from the Reserve Corps were stationed near the town. After hearing the alarm, the grassroots officers immediately sent messengers to report the situation, and then ordered the remaining soldiers to get fully armed and set off.

Because most of the soldiers were patrolling outside and time was running out, the junior officer could only bring three teams here. After seeing what was happening in front of him, he still ordered the fire without hesitation even though he knew he was not his opponent.

The soldiers of these reserve corps are all systematically transformed populations, so they still have no fear when facing the evil professionals who massacred many civilians during this period. The three machine gunners immediately lay down and opened fire. The deputy shooter put the ammunition box into the Open and ready to change magazines.

The movements of other soldiers were not slow either. Although they were using bolt-action rifles, more than twenty guns fired simultaneously with great noise and accuracy. Therefore, the four evil professionals quickly dodged while shouting and cursing. My teeth itch with hatred.

Originally, the only enemies of professionals were professionals, but when guns and cannons appeared, even ordinary people had the ability to kill professionals. This made it difficult for them to endure it when they thought they were superior to mortals.

In fact, this can be regarded as the reason why the four families came together to attack the Glory Alliance, because if they really let the other party dominate the North, guns and artillery will definitely become more popular. Unless they can persuade their counterparts in the Imperial City to join forces, they will no longer want to do anything in the North. There is no way to act recklessly.

What's worse is that this will allow the arms race that was originally limited to the Northland to spread to the entire world. By then, how can these superior professionals kill civilians at will? They have to be careful not to be shot in the back when walking on weekdays. .

Because of his headache, the demon warlock was half a beat too slow when dodging, and was shot in the arm.

However, as a warlock with demon blood, he had blessed himself with demon skin all year round, so the injury was not serious, at least not fatal.

Damn Glory Alliance, damn soldiers, damn guns! The demon warlock hiding behind the wooden wall covering his injured arm yelled angrily, but the fragments that kept bouncing off the bullets from the wooden wall made him understand that he should rush forward now. If he goes out, he will die. He can only summon a group of little demons to disperse the firepower. Otherwise, if the wooden wall is penetrated, he will become a target.

After the undead priest holding up the bone shield felt the power of the bullet, he hid deeper decisively. At the same time, he whispered a spell to wake up the dead townspeople, transform them into undead, and then ordered the undead to wander towards the soldiers. Go and attract a lot of firepower.

As for other magic, after feeling the cracks on the bone shield, forget it.

If you prepare in advance, you won't have to worry. It's better to reserve your magic power to awaken more undead.

In contrast, when facing firearms, twisted flesh and blood has more advantages. Although these shapeless flesh and blood polymers are not immortal, they have strong healing capabilities. If you want to use physical damage to destroy them, It is very difficult to eliminate it. Now it is rolling against the bullets. Even if a lot of flesh and blood is cut off by the bullets, the speed does not slow down at all.

Hand grenade! The junior officer put down the submachine gun with the empty magazine, took out a thick handle grenade and threw it hard, but the main damage of the grenade was shrapnel. For twisted flesh and blood, only half a pound of shrapnel stuck in it would be enough. Just try to drop a few drops of blood, but no more will be enough.

Fortunately, the grenade with a large charge is quite effective against the undead and little demons. It can clean up a lot of them, allowing the soldiers to focus more on the twisted flesh and blood. Unfortunately, the effect is not very good. Only a few soldiers carry cluster grenades to explode. Two were shattered, but all the grenades they brought were used up.

Knowing that death was imminent, the soldiers silently fixed their bayonets and prepared to launch the last charge.

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