We can only apply to the master to mobilize the witch hunting brigade and get help from the magic academy. Maya, after thinking hard for a long time, finally made up her mind.

Maya originally did not want to use these powers, because the final ownership rights belong to the owner. Once there is a loss, even if the owner will not blame it, she will feel uneasy.

But now she obviously has no choice but to apply to mobilize these super aces hidden in the territory.

Witch Hunters are a special unit originally created by Owen. Its members were originally miserable witches whose magic power was out of control and their bodies were distorted. They were not accepted by witches and were even regarded as monsters by ordinary people. How miserable they were.

But here, after recasting their bodies, these witches were reborn. Not only did they gain perfect looks and superhuman physiques, they also gained long lifespans, for which they were willing to sacrifice their loyalty and hearts.

Because they are born as witches, every witch hunter is proficient in spells, curses, transformations and potions. After receiving training from witchers and roots, they can master swordsmanship, stealth, assassination, traps, detection and many other methods.

The long lifespan is enough to support the Witch Hunter to learn and fully master these skills. Therefore, with many blessings, the Witch Hunter's frontal combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Ultramarines, but it is simply superior in other aspects, especially against magic and evil creatures. It is simply a natural. A restrained killer.

After receiving Maya's application, Owen immediately granted permission because he also wanted to see what surprises the witch hunting brigade, which had spent a lot of resources to build, would bring to him.

Different from the Thunder Guards who have been guarding the castle, in addition to the headquarters located underground in the castle, the 1,200-person Witch Hunting Brigade is also stationed at Roots and Green Shade City respectively. The former is because they share a training ground, and the latter is because of the source of troops. With the replenishment of supplies.

These all come at a price. The Witch Hunting Brigade must not only cooperate with the root operation, but also provide protection for Green Shade City.

But in their hearts, the master's order is the only one, so they returned to the headquarters without hesitation after receiving the oracle.

After many expansions, the castle has become more and more majestic and has become the most spectacular building in the territory. At the same time, it is also a holy place in the eyes of many people.

However, the Thunder Guards guard the Holy Land on the ground, while the Witch Hunting Brigade guards the Holy Land underground.

The so-called underground holy place is actually the comfort zone Irving used to create for himself. He squatted in it to make something or just idle in a daze. It was his favorite place when he was extremely insecure.

Later, as the strength became stronger and there were more things to do, it became less and less, and even almost forgotten.

But the witch hunts have not forgotten this place, because it was here that the first witch hunts were reborn, so this place became a holy place in their eyes.

It sounds a bit exaggerated, but the witch hunters are all Owen's fanatical followers, with their own super filters, especially after he became a god and stopped appearing. Not to mention his residence, even the footprints and fingerprints left behind have become holy relics. Whenever something goes wrong, you need to commit suicide to apologize.

With their fanatical belief, the witch hunters expanded around the basement. In addition to daily prayers, it was also convenient for guarding the sanctuary. Later, it gradually evolved into the headquarters of the witch hunt brigade.

What's interesting is that most people in the territory believe in Owen the Holy Light, and those at the root believe in Owen the Shadow. However, the Thunder Guards and the Witch Hunting Brigade only believe in Owen, regardless of whether he is a god or not.

Although they also believe in Owen and regard him as the supreme god, compared to the calm and restrained faith of the Thunder Guards, the Witch Hunt's faith is as volcanic, fanatical and desperate.

At this time, 1,200 witch hunters wearing tight-fitting black leather clothes and high-heeled leather boots gathered at the headquarters with two swords on their backs, praying devoutly facing the statue of Owen.

There was no noise in the whole process, and even the movements were uniform. God knows how many times they had prayed, and they were so proficient in it. The scene was enveloped in a thick atmosphere of fanatical belief. Even Owen would feel uncomfortable at the scene. comfortable.

After completing their daily prayers, the witch hunters began to organize their equipment, because the enemies they faced this time were not ordinary.

Although they look like sexy female warriors in tight leather jackets, their equipment is actually quite good, including witch hunting badges, magic pattern leather jackets, fallen feather leather boots, power gloves, space belts, magic-breaking silver swords, iron-cutting steel swords, black and white pairs. Guns and broomsticks are all magic equipment. Together with a wide variety of magic potions, witch hunters have the means to deal with any enemy they face. For example, now, as long as they bring holy water, holy bullets, or any evil All entities will take additional damage.

In addition, although the witch hunter's belief is too fanatical, this extremely firm and fiery belief also allows the witch hunter to ignore most psychic and illusion influences. With his special physique, rich skills, and sophisticated equipment, it is no wonder that Comparable to the Thunder Guards.

With the command of such a super ace, Maya will naturally not let go of those evil professionals who have caused her countless troubles, and immediately mobilize the power of the territory to lay a dragnet.

In order to catch these evil professionals spreading disasters everywhere, the territory dispatched all the one-eyed giant eagles. At the same time, the roots and the temple also cooperated to spread secret spies. At the same time, they strengthened the belief network and successfully brought most of the territory under surveillance.

In addition, Maya also divided the entire territory into twelve areas, each area is responsible for a witch hunter centurion team. Once traces of evil professionals are found, a team of ten people will immediately be teleported to the nearby area through the Floo network. , and then rush to the scene on a broomstick, and can obtain more reinforcements at any time. When necessary, the Thunder Guards will also ride in the airdrop pod to participate in the battle.

The demon warlock who knew nothing about this had just completed a teleportation and was calming down the boiling demon blood and the splitting headache in his head due to the teleportation.

These symptoms originate from the shortcomings of the Demon Warlock profession, because the Demon Warlock's magic blood is very active, or violent, so the more intense the mood, the more powerful the magic cast, so most Demon Warlocks are moody. , and rarely control their emotions.

However, while obtaining additional increases, the unstable emotional and mental state also makes the demon warlock have low control over magic.

This kind of situation is nothing when it comes to fireball, but it is fatal when it comes to teleportation.

Therefore, in order not to be teleported to a place unknown to ghosts, the demon warlock responsible for teleportation must keep his emotions high and control them accurately, just like schizophrenia, so it takes a while to recover after each teleportation.

But they are a group of four. In addition to the demon warlock responsible for teleportation, there are also undead priests, flesh priests and fel warlocks. In terms of destructive power, each one is stronger than the other. A town of hundreds of people is really not enough for them to kill for long. of.

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