It's interesting. The Law of the Abyss is similar to the God's Divine Network, but it has a wider range of users. Owen pondered the role of the Abyss and felt that compared to the Divine Network, which only targets high-end customers, the threshold of the Abyss is lower and more It is extensive, involves all worlds, and there is no need to pull the network cable at all. From this point of view alone, the Law of the Abyss is far better than the Divine Network.

And compared to the cold and aloof Divine Network, the Law of the Abyss accepts all comers, and can satisfy all needs as long as you are willing to pay the price.

It's just that using a limited life to ask for infinite things from the abyss is an extremely stupid thing in itself. Even if Owen is cheating, he doesn't dare to get involved with the laws of the abyss.

Fortunately, Owen is not in the abyss. The imperfect land of the abyss is now just a regional network and is not connected to the server of the abyss. This made him much bolder, so he named him the Lord of the Garden and linked it. In terms of the laws of the Abyss, this pleases the consciousness of the Abyss and therefore increases his authority.

The Land of the Abyss is very optimistic about Owen's potential, but he always has a sense of being outside the laws of the Abyss, so they both pay attention to him and are somewhat targeted at him.

Now it is like handing in a certificate of surrender, and the consciousness of the abyss naturally does not mind giving him some benefits, such as summoning priority.

From now on, non-targeted demon summoning rituals in the main world will have a higher chance of summoning the forces to which he belongs, and obtain more blood sacrifices and souls.

The benefits brought by this cannot be seen in a short period of time. As time goes by, the gap will appear.

Unfortunately, Owen just feels annoyed now because there are always whispers disturbing him from making soup, so he allocated some garden demons and guard dogs to deal with those who try to use other people's lives in exchange for power.

Unexpectedly, this indifferent attitude has a different style. Compared with those demon lords who are quite proactive and greedy, the Lord of the Garden is particularly mysterious. He never asks for blood sacrifices, does not care about preaching, and rarely responds, even if summoned. The demons that come out are also very unique. They have no interest in sacrifices and don't like killing. They are not demons at all.

Such strange behavior attracted many people to try to explore his secrets, and even became a new demon sect called the Garden Sect.

Owen, who knew nothing about it, didn't care about this. He was studying the mutated elves.

Although the garden belongs to Owen's domain, this does not change the fact that the garden is still located in the land of the abyss. Therefore, the elves infected by the abyss' breath are not in trouble. The situation of the elves infected with the power of the abyss is gradually deteriorating.

Their hair became as pale as snow, their skin turned purple-black, their teeth and nails became sharp, their pupils were as scarlet as blood, and horns grew on their heads. Apart from their handsome appearance, they looked nothing like elves.

The change in appearance is just one of them. Their tempers have become very violent, and it is difficult to suppress their bloodthirsty desire. It has obviously become a factor of instability.

Andromeda had no choice but to beg Owen.

It happened that Owen was very interested in this, so he spent time researching it.

The Fog City is located at the junction of the five southern countries and at the entrance of the Baichuan Valley. Because the terrain is low-lying, the water vapor in the Baichuan Valley gathers here when the wind blows. Therefore, there are eleven months of fog in the year and ten months of continuous rain. Coupled with the border roads extending in all directions, it is simply a city built for smuggling.

Because of its unique geographical location, the Fog City nominally belongs to the Ruchuan Kingdom of the five southern countries. In fact, the Ruchuan Kingdom’s control over the Fog City is not very strong. It is similar to Ferrier’s town. Who knows who has been placed in it? How many people and how many forces are involved in it? The level of chaos is comparable to Mithril City. The only thing better than Mithril City is that unknown people kill people openly, so the killings need to be dealt with cleanly.

There is nothing that can be done about such chaos, because here you can buy slaves from the Elf Kingdom, equipment from the Dwarf Kingdom, dragon bones from the Dragon Valley Kingdom, spices from the Wind Kingdom, rare treasures from the Ruchuan Kingdom, and relics from the Imperial Capital. It requires procedures, no tariffs, no need to worry about whether it is legal or not. Even the merchants from the Hundred Cities Alliance come from thousands of miles away. Therefore, there is so much wealth gathered here that even if the city lord dares to reach out, he will die. Not sure.

Even so, this is the city where city lords change most frequently. In less than thirty years, more than a hundred city lords have been changed. In the most exaggerated year, more than ten city lord candidates staged a wonderful battle royale here. In the end, The victorious survivor served as the city lord here for a year and a half. After losing an eye, a hand, two legs, and internal organs that failed due to poisoning, he left with a hundred carts of wealth, and his The family also got the opportunity to take off after this.

Driven by such huge interests, nothing will surprise anyone in this city. For example, a demon association composed of demon warlocks is located here openly, and every year it openly recruits a large number of students, or in other words, offers sacrifices. Taste.

The extremely high mortality rate does not deter people. Every year, countless children of civilians or poor people are sent here just for a one percent or even one thousandth chance of getting ahead. Anyway, the lives of the poor are worthless. After giving birth, there are still seven or eight children. Instead of dying due to various reasons or simply being unable to raise them, it is better to send them here to try their luck. If they succeed, the family can use it to advance in class.

Therefore, this year's open enrollment was still crowded with people, including hundreds of young people of the right age.

But I'm afraid not even half of those who will be alive next year will be alive.

Jinx is a twelve-year-old girl with brilliant blond hair. She is cute and well-educated. Her father is a small businessman, one of the many smugglers in the Fog City, and her mother is a pharmacist.

Originally, according to her background, she would not be sent to the Demon Association as an apprentice. It was possible to marry an outstanding businessman or a minor noble, or even become a pharmacist. Unfortunately, she was spotted by a senior demon warlock. After winning the prize, she asked to be accepted as an apprentice, so her father sent her there in person.

This is normal. In the foggy city, sometimes strength is more awe-inspiring than rights, because rights may require you to go through the process before killing you, but strength will not. It will not let you breathe even more if it kills you. So this girl who was still thinking about what gift she wanted for her birthday yesterday was sent to this place full of blood and screams, and the first lesson she had to learn was to survive.

Enya used to be a member of the Demon Head, but she couldn't stand the organization's unscrupulous attempts to destroy the entire world, so she left the organization and joined the Demon Association of the Fog City, becoming a senior lecturer.

Because of her previous experiences, she was tired of killing and was trying to find less dangerous power, which was simply a whim for the demon warlock.

But the appearance of the special demon lord, the Lord of the Garden, made her see something different, so she also needed a different apprentice.

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