Yu Huo felt that she was really unlucky. Ever since she was drawn into this world from the abyss, she had not had a smooth day. She had just repaired her beloved castle, but it disappeared for no apparent reason. It collapsed right in front of her eyes. Before she could wait, She kills the culprit and is captured by a strange demon lord.

But what the other party's purpose is, she still hasn't found out, because according to her past experience, if she is caught, she will either do something or kill her, or do something first and then kill her. Anyway, nothing will happen. Eat the good fruit.

And this person had held her captive for such a long time, and he didn’t do anything, and he didn’t kill her. He just hit her on the back of the head, so what on earth was he going to do?

No matter what the other party wanted to do, Yu was not going to sit still and wait for death. The amazing charm began to show from her beautiful body, and even the flowers and plants stood tall for it. However, after Owen tapped the edge of the pot with a spoon, she instinctively He restrained everything, and there was a faint phantom pain in the back of his head. It would take many beatings for this to become subconscious.

I wonder what I call this noble demon lord? Charm and confusion seemed to be unavailable. Yu Huo planned to lower his profile and test the other party's details first, so he said softly.

The devil wouldn't talk like this at all, but Yu Huo always felt that the devil lord in front of him had too peaceful a temperament, so he said this.

The Lord of the Garden, your future master. Owen didn't mince words, he said it very straightforwardly. After all, with his appearance, he could only rely on force when dealing with women.

Yu Huo felt that the other party was a fool. Demon lords could sign contracts with each other, but there was no superior-subordinate relationship. Even if she agreed verbally, it would be useless. Signing a contract with the devil was not in compliance with the rules of the abyss, so what was the other party planning?

Okay Master. Although she was full of doubts, Yu Huo still said obediently, but she had already set up 108 ways to stab in the back, and 360 assassination techniques in various positions. You have to know her Back then, she was the most outstanding genius in the succubus clan. Even the demon lord fell under her, and it eventually became her stepping stone to become a demon lord.

As for the current predicament, haha, Yuhuo didn't take it to heart at all. You must know that the succubi are the smartest demon race in the abyss, but they have never gotten rid of their status as playthings. Even Yuhuo was not promoted to the demon lord. The items in the hands of a certain demon lord are all covered with pulp, so he is very adaptable to the current situation and identity.

Unfortunately, Owen was not an ordinary demon lord, so he took out a contract written on tree bark.

It was not good to be in the fire, but when it came to the choice between signing a contract to save her life or dying now, she undoubtedly chose the latter, because she felt that the other party might beat her to death with a spoon, which was a method of death that not even the devil could accept.

At worst, she will be the boss for a while longer. As long as she is willing to work hard, sooner or later she will turn over and sit on her master's body.

After signing the contract, Owen sent it back to the space of authority. In a blink of an eye, the bark was reintegrated into the golden tree, and the contract signed by Yu Huo was also included in the rules compiled by the golden tree and became part of it.

The Law of the Abyss stipulates that a demon lord cannot control another demon lord, but Owen is not using the Law of the Abyss, but the Golden Tree in the Authority Space. As a sacred tree that can support a world, it is not easy to control the life and death of a mere demon lord. , even if Abyss personally intervenes, he can't rob this big boss, but there is still no problem in directly flipping the table and killing Yu Huo.

The theory is similar to that of a kidnapper trying to break up a vote. You don’t need to use an enemy country, just being able to break up the vote is enough.

Yu Huo was startled by the change in his true name and origin. He quickly checked his whole body, looking inside and out, but found nothing strange.

But as a demon lord and a sophisticated succubus, she didn't think this was an illusion, so the only reason was the contract she just signed.

What kind of contract can bind a demon lord whose true name and origin are controlled by the laws of the abyss?

The law of the abyss is the most overbearing. Even the little devil who is just born and has no life for a short time still has his true name and origin under the control of the abyss.

But consider that this is a place of abyss, not a real abyss. The rules are not perfect, so it is not impossible for a loophole to be exploited.

It's just that, like this, she has no chance to turn around. She doesn't think the contract she just signed is a good thing. It would be strange if it doesn't restrict her from the inside out.

After realizing the truth in his heart, Yu Huo was very considerate in his service to Owen, and he knew everything he knew. He even showed off the postures he was good at, talking and doing them, which opened Owen's eyes a lot.

Although the demons are chaotic and chaotic, they only know how to fight, but the depth of the abyss is so deep that it is impossible to see the bottom.

To know whether the void or the abyss came first, there is still no conclusion yet, which shows how ancient the abyss is.

Even a seemingly omnipotent god would be no better than a bug caught in a spider web if he fell into the abyss. Otherwise, the goddess of morning light would end up in such an embarrassing situation.

Therefore, the abyss also has inheritance, but the threshold for inheritance is higher. Ordinary demons are not qualified to contact it at all, but the demon lord, as the lowest official authority of the abyss, is qualified to contact and understand part of it.

What Owen lacks is these, because he is regarded as the demon lord of the Abyss. The Abyss itself is not perfect, so how can it have a complete inheritance.

Even though Yu Huo fell into Owen's hands so easily, in fact, if she was given time to prepare, ordinary demon lords might not be able to outplay her. This is the role of background.

Irving didn't ask those advanced things, but started to complete the basics.

He had no secrets about this, taught him conscientiously, and didn't ask anything, which made Owen very satisfied.

In fact, Yuhuo is very curious in his heart, because very few demons are interested in these things, because most demons rely on instinct whether they act or fight, because only the weak will choose to play tricks.

This is why Yu Huo Mingming is also a demon lord, and his subordinates surrendered so happily just after being captured.

In addition to the demon lord's pressure on ordinary demons, the biggest reason is the incompatibility.

Owen does not have these problems, because all demons must be transformed. After transforming into a garden demon, he will naturally become a loving father in the other person's heart, and there is no possibility of betrayal.

Under Yu Huo's teachings, Owen realized that what he gained most was not the various wonderful postures, but the demon summoning ritual.

Demons cannot enter the material world unless summoned or under special circumstances encountered in the main world.

Under normal circumstances, if a demon wants to enter the material world to harvest souls to satisfy its desire to kill, it can only rely on being summoned, but this random chance is almost nothing for the demons in the infinite abyss.

Even if everyone in the main world summons demons, it is not even a drop in the bucket for the number of abyss demons, and it is completely meaningless.

So there is permission.

When you reach the level of Demon Lord, you can hang your name and summoning ritual on the Law of the Abyss, just like advertising online, to increase the chance of being summoned.

If you can leave a mark and sect in the material world, you will undoubtedly have a stable source of income, which is what every demon lord desires.

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