As the fragments of the Kingdom of God continue to decompose, the Babel plants that were originally spawned gradually wither and decay, turning into nutrients for the garden and becoming part of the natural cycle.

A large number of strange flowers and plants have also grown again, repairing the damage caused to the environment by the previous crazy growth. The whole process is incredibly fast, especially Asali, as the goddess of the jungle, is certain that there must be a natural god here, until she When I saw the giant creature sitting by the swamp making soup, I began to doubt life.

Just sitting there, the height is more than twenty meters. The elves who know what this height means to the devil are facing a powerful enemy. In the end, Andromeda, as the queen, breaks the deadlock.

The noble and benevolent owner of this place, Queen Andromeda of the Elf Kingdom, greets you. Knowing that the current Elf Kingdom can no longer withstand any setbacks, Andromeda doesn't care what the other party is, as long as she can exchange it for the subjects of the Elf Kingdom. She was willing to pay any price for a place and time to recuperate. Therefore, in the eyes of the king's guards who were ashamed and wanted to commit suicide, the Elf Queen lowered her posture and took the lead in saluting him.

For the king, this is no less than choosing to surrender. No wonder the king's guards are so angry, but they are helpless, because behind them are the few remaining elven refugees. At this time, it is the most irresponsible to worry about the king's dignity. the behavior of.

Oh, elegant son of nature, no need to be polite, you can call me the Lord of the Garden, one of the demon lords of the abyss. Owen said while stirring the newly brewed clear soup, although he was a little dissatisfied with the concentration of the soup. , but after thinking about it, I still didn’t add additional materials, for fear that these elves wouldn’t be able to stand it.

Thank you for saving us. The Elf Kingdom will never forget this kindness. I don't know how I can repay you? When the other party admitted that he was the demon lord, not only Andromeda but also Asali trembled. After all, just now Coming out of the abyss, they knew very well how terrifying a demon lord was within his territory. Even if they had guessed it when they first met, they still couldn't help but feel fear.

Fortunately, the other party was just like the demon here, giving them a very strange feeling. If they didn't look at the appearance, it would even feel like they were talking to a druid in the wild.

The most important thing is that they are now in a weak position, so as long as the other party pretends to be peaceful, they must accompany them carefully. Even if there may be a terrible conspiracy hidden in it, they must try their best to fight for more. Time and opportunity.

It's nothing. That fragment of the Kingdom of God is a good reward. It has kept my garden fertilized for a long time. Owen already knew the situation of these elves. Apart from their bodies, they really can't squeeze out any oil or water, and generally He didn't like or use the things. After all, with his current body shape, the drow matron couldn't match it, so he shook his head and said.

Merciful Lord of the Garden, that fragment of the Kingdom of God does not belong to us. The elves are just passengers who were forced to board, and we paid a huge price for it, so it is not our reward for you. Andromeda persisted. This is because she wants to test the other party's purpose. After all, this is a demon lord. Even if it looks very kind, it is impossible for him to do good deeds for no reason without asking for anything in return.

Then help me take care of the garden. The garden demons are just novices, and they are still not as good as the elves in this regard. Owen thought for a while and then put a bowl of newly brewed soup in front of them.

For Owen, who is thirty meters tall, the bowl of soup in his hand is similar to a round inflatable swimming pool for a home for a normal-sized creature. Three or five people can take a bath in it, so even the elves don't understand what it is. mean.

You have just escaped from the abyss, and your bodies are contaminated with too much aura of the abyss. I am afraid that many elves have begun to become demonized. This is the soup I made. Although it cannot help you eliminate your demonic state, it can replenish some vitality. , to satisfy the hunger and desire to kill caused by demonization. Owen was afraid that the other party would misunderstand him for poisoning, so he explained that it would not work without an explanation. He is now the demon lord. Who dares to drink the soup he made, even if he explains, I'm afraid not many people dare to drink.

However, Asali, who just listened and said nothing, was bold and took the initiative to take a step forward.

In fact, as a demigod, she has extraordinary resistance, so she is the best candidate to test the poison. If it were replaced by Andromeda, if something went wrong, the elves would really be in disarray.

Asali rolled the leaves into a bowl and scooped up the soup and smelled it. It was not bad. It was full of the fragrance of plants. She didn't know if it was disguised as highly toxic, but she seemed to have no choice, so she drank it in one gulp and savored it carefully. After observing the changes in his body, Asali nodded to Andromeda.

I am grateful for your gift. Andromeda, who was sure that the other party was not hostile for the time being, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, saluted again, and then asked the king's guards to pick up the soup bowl and return.

On the way back, Asali licked her lips and said to Andromeda.

It's a very clever potion, very druid-like. It can heal physical injuries, replenish lost vitality, and has a calming effect. It's also very beneficial to you. But it's hard to imagine that this came from a demon. Hand of the Lord.”

There are too many things that are unimaginable. Before this, who could have thought that the goddess of morning light that illuminated the entire Elf Kingdom would be the messenger of destruction. Now who can think that she will bring help to us when we are about to perish? He turned out to be a demon lord. Andromeda said mockingly to herself. The increasing confusion made her lose her direction. The current Elf Kingdom no longer has the ability to withstand risks. Once it takes the wrong path, it will only end in destruction. As the Elf Queen, she is under the greatest pressure.

It is said to be a demon lord but not necessarily a demon lord. Apart from the appearance, I have no doubt that this is a god of nature. Asali said, fiddling with the stone spear in his hand.

Andromeda also had this suspicion, because everything she saw and heard along the way was too unexpected.

And she was also lucky in her heart, hoping that the other party was disguised as a natural god. As for why she was disguised as a demon lord, she didn't care.

In any case, staying here is their best choice at the moment.

When they returned, the Kingdom of God above had been completely decomposed, and the more than 20,000 surviving elves were gathering together at a loss, surrounded by curious garden demons.

Fortunately, these strange green demons were not malicious and even brought some edible fruits and mushrooms, which made the two of them feel even more unreal, because the separation between appearance and behavior was too strong.

No matter what, life must go on. Andromeda gritted her teeth and drank a bowl of soup. Her nearly exhausted body was re-injected with vitality, which relieved her condition a lot, but she had no time to recuperate. As a queen, She had a heavy mission on her shoulders, so she immediately got into intense work.

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