Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 481 The birth of the tree world

The birth of the tree world! Owen clapped his hands on the ground with a somewhat excited expression. Without using chakra, the omnipotent and more efficient divine power was poured into the earth like it was free of money, and the garden with a radius of hundreds of miles was seen. As if alive, countless giant tree vines scrambled to climb towards the sky. Unable to withstand the excessive growth height, these plants instinctively began to intertwine with each other, becoming thicker and thicker, and the thicker the branches, the better they could support them. It grows to a higher place, then continues to grow, wrap around and stretch beyond its limits, stretching toward the sky. The scene is extremely spectacular, just like the green Milky Way flowing backwards wants to return to the sky.

Under the support of divine power, the mutant plants in the garden burst out with terrifying life potential, miraculously growing to a height of more than a thousand meters. From a distance, they looked like a green land rising from the ground.

But this is already the limit, at least the current limit, so under Owen's control, tree vines thicker than the tunnel continue to coil around each other to form a huge tray at an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

At this time, the fragments of the Kingdom of God were falling faster and faster, but Owen did not panic, because this was a test and reward given to him by the consciousness of the world, rather than an attempt to kill him, so the impact of the falling was reduced by the authority of the Sky Goddess. More than half of it, with the super-standard tree realm he is currently using, it is enough to inherit it completely.

Of course, facing the fragments of the Kingdom of God that were about the same size as a small island, Owen did not dare to be careless. He concentrated on controlling the plants to grow more roots, intertwining with each other to increase their endurance.

There is actually a natural god here?! Asali, who sensed the powerful fluctuations in plant growth, said in surprise, and at the same time projected the picture to Andromeda.

Great! Even though she was so weak, Andromeda still smiled happily, because this meant that more elves would survive.

Regardless of whether this natural god is an elf god or not, as long as he is a god close to nature, he cannot refuse elves as believers. They are saved!

Asali, who no longer needs to burn her life, takes off her disguise and reveals the true form of the jungle goddess. She is taller and more muscular than ordinary elves. She wears a feather crown, wears a simple two-piece suit woven with grass leaves, holds a stone spear, and is full of energy. The wild beauty.

In fact, she was a prayer and blessing for hunting during the elven tribe period. It was initially just a ritual, and later evolved into a totem, and finally condensed into divinity. It was fused by the most outstanding elven hunter at that time and became a demigod.

Holding the stone spear high and spreading her long legs, Ashali sang ancient songs and danced primitive dances, awakening the remaining plants on the fragments of the Kingdom of God and forming a faint natural barrier. This is the most basic power of the elven gods. , even as the goddess in charge of hunting, she also masters this skill.

Because the dangers faced next are greatly reduced, there is no need to concentrate the natural enchantment on a few elves. Ashali just tries to maintain the balance of the fragments of the Kingdom of God, so as not to collapse and collapse. When the time comes, they will be buckled to the ground and die. That's called injustice.

With the joint efforts of both parties, the uneven base of the fragments of the Kingdom of God finally landed on the heavy platform made of plants. Indescribable power began to be released. Countless roots and vines could not bear the pressure and burst one after another, and green juice fell like a downpour. , first gathered into a waterfall, and then a torrent.

This is a disaster for ordinary creatures, but for garden demons, it feels like a wave pool. It is a very good game, at least they have fun playing it.

The spilled plant juice is not wasted at all. After being absorbed by the plant's developed root system, it is converted back into nutrients for growth. This process, catalyzed by divine power, only takes a short time and immediately stabilizes the plant tray.

However, it is difficult for plants alone to support the fragments of the Kingdom of God for a long time, unless Irving completely lignifies them, but this is not worth the loss for him, so Irving carefully controls the plants to bend slowly, just like arms to support them. The fragment of the Kingdom of God in the palm of his hand was gently put down.

During this process, countless roots and vines grew on the tray, which not only fixed the fragments of the Kingdom of God from collapsing, but also rapidly decomposed them layer by layer, transporting nutrients to the roots of the garden.

If the divine power is regarded as golden rubbish, even if the fragments of the Kingdom of God are just clods of soil soaked in golden rubbish, once it is completely absorbed, the area of ​​Owen's garden will expand again, and at the same time, the consumed divine power will be replenished to some extent.

Every time the height decreases by a hundred meters, a layer of the fragments of the Kingdom of God is peeled off. When the height drops to about three hundred meters, the thickness of the Kingdom of God is less than one-third, and the area is greatly reduced. Some bold elves begin to Trying to follow the vines that hold up the fragments of the Kingdom of God to reach the ground, they are now very curious about where this place is, and at the same time they are wary of the abyss not far away.

Asali slid down the vines with Andromeda, who was in better condition. As the goddess of the jungle, such a difficult skill was really a piece of cake for her. However, when she came to the ground, she saw the people who were repairing the garden. The Queen of the Garden Demon suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and almost thrust out the stone spear. Even Andromeda couldn't bear the successive changes in emotions and seemed to be gasping for breath and about to die.

There was no way. When the Kingdom of God was shattered, she thought it was the Elf Kingdom Pills. Asali revealed his hidden identity so that she could see a glimmer of hope. The fragments of the Kingdom of God were held up and she thought that all the hardships were over. However, she found out that it was the devil who took action, and they were still falling. Surrounded by demons, with such a desperate change, it's a good thing she didn't commit suicide on the spot.

These demons are a bit strange. They don't have the crazy bloodthirsty feeling of demons. You'd better not take action first, so as not to anger them. Asali clenched the stone spear and said to Andromeda in a somewhat tangled manner.

Andromeda was also very confused. Which of the demons they met in the abyss were not vicious and yelled to kill, but the demons in front of them were too peaceful. Their eyes were full of curiosity and innocence, and they seemed to be playing with flowers and plants. This was demon? !

King's Guard, let the elves not attack these demons first and keep a certain distance. Although Andromeda calmed down and was full of entanglements, in fact, they were indeed rescued because of this, so it was not wise to start a fight first. s Choice.

These demons. Well, let's call them demons for the time being. It feels really weird. Asali was very curious about what the creature in front of him was. It obviously looked like a demon, but it didn't behave like a demon at all. Even She did not feel the madness and chaos unique to demons, and the smell contained the fragrance of plants and decay. In her perception, she even felt like seeing moving potted plants. What is this, a plant system? demon?

At this moment, the demons who came around out of curiosity seemed to hear something and slowly moved out of the way.

Understanding that this was an invitation from the owner of this place, Andromeda ordered the elves to stay on the fragments of the Kingdom of God as much as possible. Although the fragments were constantly being decomposed and could not last long, at least that was their only place to stay now, and she followed Asali and others. The King's Guard is ready to go to see who the owner is and what fate the elves will face.

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