Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 473 The loving father in the garden

The gene spore is not a gene seed, nor does it contain the gene fragments of the original body, but a special powder that the ogre Owen uses to catalyze the epidermal tissue into a special powder.

Because of the demigod level of life, the mutations brought about by the devil's divinity, and the catalysis of divine power, these powdery biological tissues did not lose their activity. On the contrary, these special cells with their own characteristics became more active. That's why it was called genetic spores by Owen.

The blessing of various characteristics makes the demon who drank the gene spores have no resistance to it. After all, Owen is now a divine demon. Every bit of him is an extremely precious enlightenment object for ordinary demons, let alone using it. It is catalyzed by divine power and rich in nutrients.

It's just that because the life levels are so different, ordinary demons are easily assimilated by genetic spores after drinking the soup, and gradually become characterized by Owen's characteristics.

But this is not a disadvantage. After fusing the gene spores, the devil will gain stronger vitality and resilience. As the life form gets closer to Owen, the life level is also gradually improving, so no devil can resist the temptation of the soup. Because this is the ladder for demons to advance.

He distributed bowls of cooked soup to the little demons who were attracted to him, and soon a group of strange green demons gathered around Owen.

Because these green demons drank the tonic soup, they did not feel hungry. In addition, they were also infected by genetic spores, so they rarely fought with each other without cruelty. The fighting was more like playing. Regarding this, the loving father Owen was very satisfied, and he added a lot of ingredients to the soup.

Originally, he wanted to make another pot of soup, but the poor surrounding environment made Owen very dissatisfied, so the communication body exchanged some things and planned to use them to build a beautiful garden.

Owen loved the garden when he lived in the basement of the castle and liked to build it. The garden was more in line with his loving father, so he spent a lot of thought on it.

It didn't take long for a strange garden to appear on the edge of the Abyss. Although it was not like the inner circle near the Abyss where magma was flowing and flames were flowing everywhere, the land was still so dry that it had no moisture or nutrients, even if it had vitality. No matter how stubborn the plant is, it is impossible for it to grow here, but it just happens to appear. This is the magic of the system.

The fertile, shiny black soil exchanged directly from the system is covered with a thick layer of humus, and combined with moist water vapor and suitable temperature, creates the foundation of this extremely fertile garden.

Full of joy, Owen planted the first tree in the garden with his own hands, but the tree died soon after.

Unwilling to give up, Owen changed a lot of plants. Except for a few magical plants like those in Plants vs. Zombies, other plants could not survive here for a long time, just like pothos can be raised in a flower pot and brought to the desert. At least Not outdoors.

After pondering for a long time, Owen understood that this was due to lack of vitality. As long as he had enough vitality, it didn't matter where he grew up.

It's a bit difficult. Owen rubbed his hands, which made him more interested.

It's not easy to make plants full of vitality, at least not with ordinary cross-grafting, so Owen tried to use his divine power to cultivate some special plants.

Although the ogre Owen, as a demigod, has no divine power, the golden tree can provide him with far and constant pure divine power. It can be used by soaking in additional attributes with divinity, which is very convenient.

Owen soon discovered that the divine power activated by the devil's divinity would make the plants become more twisted, the divine power of the plague divinity would make the plants more deadly, and the divine power of the witchcraft divinity would make the plants even weirder. interesting.

Seeing the results of his attempts, Owen felt that a garden built with these three plants might be a bit dangerous.

But considering this is the land of the abyss, and he is a loving father, isn't it normal to be in danger?

It has to be said that the plants catalyzed by divine power are full of vitality. Look at the trees with twisted branches, the flowers with poisonous fragrance, and the brightly colored mushrooms. They use the demon flesh and blood brought back by the green demon as fertilizer. Happy It grows and fills every inch of the garden, which is good, devilish and fatherly.

Satisfied, Owen exchanged his position in the center of the garden for a large wet swamp, rancid mud, dark green pool water, and thick duckweed, which nourished various small creatures and made this place the little devil's favorite place to play. place.

For the newly born little devils, it is still a bit difficult to adapt to the hot environment of the abyss, so coming to this strange place to play or take a bath from time to time is a rare treat for them, not to mention that if they are lucky, they can also It would be even happier to be able to mix it into a bowl of soup and grow into a green demon that looks very strong at first sight.

Sitting next to the swamp, Owen happily placed the soup pot on the ever-extinguishing bonfire, humming a monotonous tune. While beating the beat with his feet, he slowly stirred the thick soup and added new ingredients from time to time. Rub your fingers together and scatter some genetic spores. Once you feel it's almost done, you'll serve a bowl of soup to the nearby demons for a taste.

If the response is good and the demon who drinks it becomes stronger, record the new recipe on the Ogre Beauty Recipe.

If it's not good enough, add more ingredients and continue cooking. If it fails, pour it into the swamp aside to act as fertilizer for the entire garden.

In the process, a green devil who only received food became fatter, healthier, and happier, and even learned to sing and dance to the beats of Owen's songs.

Although it was just a vague roar combined with a lame song and dance of slapping his belly and stomping his feet, Owen was still very happy to watch it. After all, silly music is also fun. Even the depression caused by being targeted by the noble goddess before was relieved a little.

At the same time, Owen is very pleased because this proves that his transformation is becoming more and more successful.

Demons who only know how to kill are meaningless to Owen and meaningless to the main world. At the same time, they cannot solve the problem of the abyss.

However, Owen got some inspiration from the evil energy, so he tried to use his own method to pollute the place of Transformation Abyss.

Everyone is polluted, so let's see which one is stronger. This is what Owen came up with, and the garden is his successful attempt.

As for whether it will have a worse impact on the main world, it is not that Owen is confident, but the worst is that he will transfer the polluted place to the authority space and create a happy garden for the Green Demons. No Like the land of the abyss, it is crucified and cannot move.

It's just that these are still a bit far away. The area of ​​the garden is too insignificant compared to the entire land of the abyss. What Owen is most concerned about right now is that in this process, he has a deeper understanding of divinity, priesthood and authority.

This is very important, because Owen is not a real god, not only because he has not collected five points of the same divinity, but also because his understanding of divinity, priesthood, and authority is too superficial.

There's nothing he can do about it. He has only been a god for a long time, and he has been practicing for a long time. He lacks too much when the system is fully open for cheating.

Owen is unwilling to deepen his understanding through fighting or belief. He rarely finds that boiling soup, growing grass, and raising demons can deepen his understanding in this regard. Why not? Right now, he can't even connect with the group of drow in the dungeon. The mistress didn't even think about it anymore and spent all day thinking about how to make soup, plant flowers, and raise pets.

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