Looking at the abyss in front of him, Owen knew that the territory had actually encountered a similar situation, that is, the secret realm of evil energy that was constantly being devoured by evil energy.

It's just that the evil energy secret realm was isolated from the main world at the beginning. It was just like a pustule. Even if it was broken, most of the harmful substances would be discharged into the void. The pollution caused to the main world would not be fatal at most. It's psoriasis.

The land of the abyss is different. This is a knife stabbed into the chest of the main world. Even if the knife is pulled out, the toxin-contaminated wound cannot heal. Instead, it gradually decays and can threaten the heart.

So even if Owen becomes a god, he still has no idea how to solve the abyss, because it is not suitable for hard surgical treatments such as bone scraping to heal injuries.

After thinking about it for a long time, Owen decided to sneak in first and then talk.

As for how to sneak in, of course it depends on eating devil fruits.

The cause of the Million War was the invasion of demons. As the winner, Owen not only received a large amount of demon flesh and blood, but also a small amount of origin infiltrated from three legendary demons and the abyss. These are very troublesome pollutants for the main world. , but for the golden tree, which absorbs the laws and origins of the world and serves as growth nutrients, it is only a small fertilizer at best.

However, it is rare to obtain so many demon-related flesh and blood sources, so Owen tried to make the golden tree bear a devil fruit. Unexpectedly, it succeeded. The golden tree's ability to absorb and transform did not disappoint him.

In fact, Owen was really surprised, because demons belong exclusively to the abyss. He had never heard of any demon divinity, but now he saw it.

After thinking about it, Owen felt that this was because the golden tree derived from the system could grow into a world tree. The essence may not be as good as the abyss, but there is still no problem in converting a small amount of power.

The most important thing is that the Golden Tree is completely independent from the Three Realms and is not affected by any outside world. Otherwise, it would not be so easy.

Relying on being an incarnation, Owen did not hesitate to eat the devil fruit that could bring great dangers, adding a bit of divinity representing the devil.

Different from the two points of divinity that were fused before, the devil's divinity acts more on the body, so it starts to distort and transform his body as soon as he eats it. If it weren't for this incarnation, Owen would have died of pain on the spot.

Bones, flesh and blood were being recast, and the whole body was being kneaded repeatedly like dough. However, Owen found that these changes were completely disordered, that is, there was no purpose, and they were simply changing for the sake of change. No one can say what the final shape will be. Unclear.

In fact, this is normal. In addition to common demon types, more than 90% of newborn demons grow disorderly and savagely. However, only demons suitable for fighting can survive. Therefore, if Owen does not want his ogre incarnation to turn into a puddle, Mud, it's best to take it easy.

Of course, Owen will not let this disordered change continue. If he turns into a tentacle monster, although it will be happy, it will be of no use. What is even more terrifying is that he may turn into a monster without feeling like a slime. So what if everything changes.

Even so, the stamina of the devil's divinity is far greater than he thought. Even the two points of divinity that were previously fused were affected to some extent. Owen's best efforts to control it still caused considerable changes in his body.

First of all, the body size expanded to six or seven meters tall. If the original ogre's body only had a slightly fat belly, then now it is obese. If it weren't for its outstanding appearance, it would be covered by the sagging fat belly. , and a pair of branches and horns sprouted from the top of its head.

Owen's expression is a little strange. It seems that this appearance is still affected by his subconscious, otherwise why would he become more and more like a loving father?

However, demons, witchcraft, and plagues, all three divinities combined together, can be said to be a beggar’s version of a loving father.

They are all incarnations anyway, and Owen doesn't mind what they look like, not to mention he finds the joy of role-playing.

Since becoming a god, Owen has lost a lot of fun, so he decided to play his current role carefully, so he made special preparations, especially the soup pot that played a lot of roles, was replaced with a larger one.

Owen, who looked like a devil from the inside out, walked into the abyss with slow and clumsy steps and began his journey to be a loving father.

How can a loving father not have soup? Owen murmured as he walked on the hot sand with his bare feet. He saw flames coming out of a hole not far away, so he walked over to put the soup pot on it, and then Carefully pour in the old soup left before, and when the pot boils, start throwing various precious ingredients into it.

Considering that a devil's stomach does not need to worry about food poisoning, Irving's style of adding ingredients to the soup this time was particularly bold. He put in all the ingredients that were toxic or not, as long as they were nutritious. After a while, the thick soup tasted bubbling. It attracted a lot of hungry little devils who were just born.

These little demons are ruthless towards the same size of the same kind, but they will not provoke the larger demons, and the larger demons will not slaughter the weaker demons for no reason. Trampling a few to death out of boredom will not count, otherwise the demon's kindness will not count. All Dou were dead a long time ago.

That's why these curious little devils dared to approach Owen who was making soup. Some of them were even too curious and even climbed onto the soup pot. As a result, their feet slipped and fell in, and they screamed when they were burned by the boiling soup.

Owen didn't care either. Demons had very high resistances. Even little demons couldn't be easily scalded to death by a pot of hot soup. So he used a big spoon to fish out the little demons that fell in and compensated them. They are a bowl of soup.

Although he had never drunk it, the little devil instinctively thought it was a good thing, and even fought over the bowl of soup. Owen just watched with a smile and did not interfere.

The victorious little devil ignored his scarred body and did not eat the loser who fell on the ground. Instead, he drank up the soup proudly in the envious eyes of the people around him.

There is only one trick for Owen to make soup, which is tonic. Put in all kinds of tonic things at once. As long as you don't drink it to death in one breath, this soup is a great tonic.

Coincidentally, the devil's physical endurance and absorption capacity are at the monster level, even the little devil is no exception. Therefore, after drinking a bowl of soup full of sincerity, the little devil grew up as quickly as blowing up a balloon. Although the process was a little painful, he soon broke away from the little devil form and became a real devil, making the surrounding little devils drool with envy. After all, they don't know how many fights they need to go through if they want to grow to this point.

However, this newly grown demon didn't know whether it drank too much tonic soup or hadn't digested it completely. Its skin was a bit green in color.

In fact, this is because Owen put some modified genetic spores in the soup.

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