The changes here did not stop Owen's battle with the God of Knights. With constant swiping, divine power slashes collided and exploded one after another. The seemingly monotonous attack method caused the surrounding space to be continuously torn apart and healed by the violent divine power. It was exciting. The nearby laws became more and more apparent, and even formed illusory law chains to wrap around them.

Just like karma in Eastern practice, Owen's battle with the God of Knights has begun to pose a threat to the main world, thus attracting the attention of the consciousness of the main world, which is the manifestation of the law.

And as the destruction deepens, more and more chains of laws will be entangled. When it reaches a certain upper limit, I am afraid that it will be sealed here to fill the hole just like the Sky Goddess in the Sky Trace.

This is also the reason why gods cannot come to the main world, because once they break in forcefully and are targeted by the consciousness of the main world, more and more chains of laws will be entangled. If they cannot get rid of it, let alone return to the kingdom of God, whether they can save their lives is another matter. explain.

However, although they are both entangled in chains of laws, they are different. The chains on the God of Knights are like substance, tightly wrapped around the body, causing the semi-artifact-level armor to creak from friction, making every move very laborious.

However, the law chain on Owen's body was slightly illusory, and it was hanging on his body, and he could not even feel any resistance. This made him calm down quickly after he was a little panicked at the beginning, and took this advantage to gain a slight upper hand.

The reason for the different treatment is very simple. Where there is karma, there is merit.

Although the God of Knights is upright, his allegiance is to the goddess of nobility. Following this Lord and hoping to do good deeds and accumulate merit is not a daydream. After all, I have never heard of nobles who do good deeds, and knights are the number one subordinates of nobles. Thugs, it would be a dream to expect them to contribute to the good of the world.

Owen is different. Although he squats at home and collects wool from the main world, he is willing to take out good things. Not counting knowledge. Those magical plants and animals from the system, and even super farmland, are very important to the main world. A great tonic that enriches species and perfects the laws.

What's more, as a good and lawful camp, the territory always fights against evil and chaos to maintain order. It is naturally welcomed by the consciousness of the main world, so it goes without saying who it prefers.

That is to say, the God of Knights still belongs to the neutral and lawful camp. If he leans towards evil, the bias in the main world will be even more obvious. He might as well just tie it up and let Owen chop it down.

The God of Knights saw that this was not going to work. Not only did the opponent's divine power reserve exceed his imagination, but he also had a powerful semi-divine weapon in his hand. Coupled with the restrictions of the law chain, he was now at a disadvantage. But if he used it with all his strength, the battle situation would be very different. Will be upgraded again.

If it were the God of Warriors here, I'm afraid he wouldn't have so many ideas at all. He would definitely catch Owen and cut him to death. If he couldn't cut him to death, he would not talk about anything else.

However, the knight is not a pure fighting profession. In fact, the knight not only needs to fight for the nobles, but also maintains rule for the nobles, and is even regarded as a reserve noble. Therefore, it is impossible to put aside everything and fight without any scruples.

Just when the god of knights was in trouble, the noble goddess appeared.

In fact, the noble goddess has been here for a long time. After all, the God of Knights is her top thug. She may not notice small things, but they are all fighting on the wall of the world. Divine power is flying everywhere, and the chains of laws are coming out. She will not notice it anymore. Stop being the boss.

It's just that she has a mentality similar to that of the God of Knights. She doesn't want to really fall out, but she is unwilling to watch the other party An Ran grow bigger, so she hides aside.

The only thing she didn't expect was that the God of Knights couldn't defeat Owen, who had just become a god. This made the noble goddess more optimistic about the opponent and less willing to completely offend Owen.

Keep a line in life, not only for people, but also for gods. Even gods are not willing to make enemies everywhere, let alone someone with potential and backing like Owen, so the noble goddess plans to end this farce.

But it doesn't look good to admit defeat directly, so the noble goddess decided to bring the Kingdom of God to support the scene. This is called losing the battle, otherwise her own face will not look good.

Anyway, this series of operations can only prove that she is too small. No wonder she is the God of Nobles and not the God of Emperors.

In any case, driven by the will of the noble goddess, the Kingdom of God, which was originally anchored on the outside of the world wall, began to move towards the location of Owen and the others.

As the Kingdom of God moved, a large number of space waves were generated. Pushed by the space fluctuations, the cracks that opened and closed around them also disappeared.

It's not that it's gone, but it's been squeezed so much that it can't be seen, and at the same time, the damage caused by the burst of divine power has become much smaller.

Sensing something was wrong, Irving stepped back immediately, and was wary of the God of Knights taking advantage of the victory to pursue him. However, the God of Knights did not take the opportunity to take action. Instead, he waited there with a look of shame on his face, because he had already sensed the arrival of the noble goddess.

The appearance of the Kingdom of God is very rare even for gods. After all, the Kingdom of God is equivalent to the base camp and the resurrection spring. Needless to say, its importance, so showing it around will attract people's attention. If something goes wrong, they will cry. Too late.

Besides, moving the Kingdom of God requires divine power. The larger the Kingdom of God, the more so. Therefore, unless the Kingdom of God is not far away or there is no shortage of divine power, it is better to hide it.

But right now, there are really not many upright gods in the main world. The threat does not exist. In addition, it is not far away, and it is just used to shock the new god and teach him the rules. The noble goddess spent some divine power to bring him down. It moves over.

This operation feels inexplicably like showing off your century-old mansion to a young man who has just started his own business.

In any case, as a middle god, the area of ​​the noble goddess's kingdom is not small. With the Trinity, the god of knights and the god of guardians also under her jurisdiction, it becomes extremely large, like a giant island. The appearance is a bit strange, with the middle high and the two ends low. When it slowly penetrates the world wall and moves over, its posture is really scary. The space wall is squeezed out of the folds. Owen's brows jump when he sees it, and he sets his sights on the interior of the Kingdom of God. , I want to see how the other party builds the Kingdom of God, and learn from the experience.

The noble goddess did not cover up her divine kingdom. After all, it was for the purpose of showing off, so Owen could see it clearly.

The divine kingdom of the noble goddess has obvious class characteristics. The multi-layer cake-like plateau in the middle is divided according to the noble title. The higher the title, the higher the title and the better treatment.

For example, the Grand Duke at the top not only lives in a gorgeous and luxurious castle, but also lives a life like a wine pond and a forest of meat and wine. Except that there are fewer tricks, it is not much worse than the drow mistress. It can be said that life is endlessly happy.

The lower the rank, the worse the treatment. For example, the plains on both sides are all small nobles. They only have a small castle, a few knights and a group of guards, and they live an ordinary and boring life either hunting or fighting with their neighbors. In life, the greatest wish is to rise to a noble rank and become a master.

Although these small nobles are inconspicuous, they form the most stable lower stratum of the pyramid-structured ruling class, managing tens of millions of civilians in the Kingdom of God.

This structure is very interesting. For other gods, only devout believers can enter the kingdom of God. But for the aristocratic goddess, civilians do not need to believe. As long as they recognize the aristocracy, they can provide her with faith. This is also the case for aristocrats. The reason why the goddess is not very interested in rebuilding the empire is because as long as the class is still there, as a noble goddess, she will not lack faith.

However, Owen's territory is very strange, with unclear classes. It seems strict, but it always has a weird feeling. This is why the noble goddess is slightly entangled in the expansion of the Glory Alliance, and even regards it as a variable.

In fact, this feeling is not wrong, because maybe Irving, who was just muddle along that day and had no ambitions, will come up with a set of fair and equal reforms. When the time comes, the noble goddess will not fall, but the decline, or even the fall from the position of a deity will. That's for sure.

Therefore, it was not wrong for the noble goddess to target him.

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