Irving didn't know Malir's disgust and the Knight God's helplessness. Some of them were just impatient with the scene in front of him.

Owen is a person who is quite afraid of trouble. Even if he becomes a god, he doesn't like to deal with things. In contrast, he prefers to live a quiet and monotonous life. Being a salted fish is actually quite good. He doesn't need to work hard to get ahead. He needs to work hard to earn wealth. In fact, it is all because of the help of the system that he has reached this point.

But the outside world is not peaceful, and malicious eyes will be cast at the slightest movement. No, the territory just wants to occupy the worthless Northland, gain a larger living space, and avoid being tested every day. , which attracted obstruction from the noble goddess, and the god of knights, who was supposed to represent integrity, even had a stalking attitude, which made Rufan extremely annoyed.

Just like just now, he thought that the God of Knights would stop, but who would have thought that the armor worn by Mariel and the long sword in his hand actually emitted powerful fluctuations of divine power, and even Bella, who was holding the holy shield, could not block it. Obviously, the knight's God intervened in the battle again, much to Owen's displeasure.

What on earth do you want to do?! Seeing Bella who was at a disadvantage again, Owen's hand was already on the hilt of the hunting god's sword, his face was gloomy and the anger in his heart could hardly be suppressed.

He didn't want to fight, but the God of Knights, as the representative of the noble goddess, kept testing his bottom line, which made Owen almost unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

In fact, if he didn't have the strength, I would probably have suppressed this tone of voice. However, he not only became a god, but also had a few trump cards, so once he gained confidence, this tone of voice would be hard to swallow.

But if the fight really starts, if the noble goddess and the guardian god are squatting behind, the consequences will be unpredictable.

But if he continues to be entangled like this, it will appear that he lacks confidence and makes people think that he is bluffing. This will only lead to more bottomless temptations for him.

In a dilemma, Owen became increasingly irritated and finally decided to overturn the table.

The worst outcome is just to find a place to squat for a hundred and eighty years. When the time comes that he has accumulated a divine outfit, he will definitely let the aristocrats and goddesses know what regret means and what it means to become a serf and sing.

At this time, the sun sets and night falls. Owen, who has the home field advantage, begins to release his divine power. Suddenly, the ubiquitous shadows begin to spread in the main world and the shadow world, filling all the space gaps, squeezing the opponent's activity space, looking for and hiding The god of knights.

As the god of the shadow of death, Owen's power is dark and dead, but only by truly embracing him can he experience the tranquility and comfort of the night. For a time, even the battlefield where countless people died became like a dormitory where each other is about to say good night. Generally peaceful, countless ferocious-looking corpses closed their eyes and relaxed their facial features, as if they were asleep.

Death and darkness may not be scary. This is the feeling of the soldiers who witnessed all this on the battlefield. Even the knights of the Northern Expedition who suffered heavy casualties and few remaining soldiers gave up delaying, and after using up their remaining strength to deliver the final blow, they happily welcomed the arrival of death. .

At the same time, the souls of countless war dead also found their way back. They threw themselves into the darkness and followed invisible connections to Owen's kingdom of eternal night.

Although the place is full of undead, it is orderly, and there are no disputes, no battles, and no conflicts. Everything seems so peaceful, so that the souls who come here can't help but want to find a place to lie down, and the experience of life is full of exhaustion. Rest your soul well.

Now that the most intense stage of the war has passed, it has not stopped. The war dead are still coming in endless streams. This caught Owen off guard. He also did not expect that after he released his divine power and expanded his domain, he would attract the souls of the entire battlefield to invest in him. In the kingdom of God, you must know that most of them are the dead souls of the Border Town Alliance, and the Border Town Alliance believes in the God of Knights. How is this different from the one before my husband?

Sure enough, the God of Knights, who was originally troubled by the spread of shadow, now turned livid.

Although only devout believers can enter the Kingdom of God, and the proportion is not very high, most of the believers of the God of Knights are in the army, and this is the front line where fierce battles broke out. Therefore, there are enough souls of believers who meet the conditions to enter the Kingdom of God. Ten thousand.

These are elite soldiers. After entering the Kingdom of God, they can not only become petitioners who provide faith, but also become the guardians of the Kingdom of God. They are the gods' precious wealth, but now they are gone.

This move was tantamount to provoking him, and the God of Knights could not help but tighten his grip on the hilt of his sword.

Hand over my believers. The words of the God of Knights contained divine power. As the words struck the surrounding shadows, they even tore apart some of the approaching dead souls. It was obvious that he was in a very annoyed mood.

Hundreds of thousands of dead souls poured into the Kingdom of Eternal Night, leaving Owen in a panic. He had to summon angels and demons of the abyss to control them. However, after hearing the God of Knights' accountability, he felt like he was being slapped upside down, so Let An Qi sit in the Kingdom of Eternal Night while he walks out of the Kingdom of God with his sword.

The God of Knights was no longer hiding. He and Owen faced each other in the mezzanine between the main world and the void. Both sides held swords. It was obvious that they had decided to use force to solve the problem after the chessboard was overturned. This was something both sides tried their best to avoid. .

The battle between gods is both complicated and simple. It is complicated because the gods as a whole are composed of divinity, priesthood, divine body, artifacts, divine arts, divine kingdom, beliefs, believers, etc., and if they are evenly matched, at any point Any shortcomings will be magnified infinitely.

To put it simply, it is a competition between divine power and authority to see whose divine power is stronger and whose authority is higher.

As long as it is not a life and death fight, he will usually choose to simplify. Therefore, although the God of Knights was angry, he just waved the Knight's Glory in his hand, a standard knight sword.

This is the long sword he used when he became a god. Like armor, it has become a semi-sacred weapon. At this time, the divine power around him is concentrated on the knight sword, turning into a divine slash similar to Malir's fighting spirit slash, which breaks the space. Squeeze and slash towards Owen.

It seems simple and unpretentious, but it is the most essential edge of divine power. Owen, who was fighting for the first time in the divine battle, did not dare to be careless and focused his divine power on the great sword of the hunting god in his hand.

After he became a god, this sword had condensed its own essence and became a semi-divine weapon. However, it condensed not one but two points of divinity, namely darkness and flame. Therefore, even if his skills are insufficient, the black flame slash Still blocking the god of knights' flawless divine power, the first collision started.

The divine attributes of both sides did not cancel out, but first collapsed and then exploded.

The quality of the divine power is extremely high. Once it breaks out, even space cannot contain it, let alone that they are located in a mezzanine of space. The surrounding space is even more fragile. They are torn apart one after another, revealing space cracks of different sizes, some of which can be seen. When looking at mountains, rivers and trees, some can only feel the erosion of the void.

This is the world wall that isolates the void in the main world, so you can see this scene.

But because it was the world wall that blocked the void, it began to repair as soon as it was torn apart. At the same time, laws began to emerge around it, which exerted some pressure on the two of them.

All of this is the instinct of the consciousness of the main world. Suppressing and destroying all destroyers is just like suppressing and rejecting demons. Therefore, gods cannot come to the main world in person.

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