Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 457 Violating the Interests of the Noble Goddess

By evening, the trials were over and the surviving conscripts were allowed to return.

These mobilized soldiers were relatively smart. They lay on the ground and did not move. In addition, the reserve corps did not intend to kill them all, so they survived by chance. Now they tested it a few times and found that they would not shoot anymore, so they walked back in twos and threes, one by one. He was trembling all over, looking back every step of the way, obviously frightened.

During this period, some people planned to surrender to the reserve corps, but were shot directly by shooters from the border town alliance. The reserve corps was afraid of being mixed into spies and was not prepared to accept them, so these mobilization soldiers had no choice but to return.

After returning home, I counted the data and found that the casualties among the mobilized soldiers were less than one-fifth. This shows how many people were lying down along the way and how inefficient it was.

In this case, there are even fewer mobilization soldiers who can rush into the enemy's position, let alone successfully kill them, but as long as there are, it is enough.

These people were gathered together and distributed better food. Even their relatives received an extra portion of food. At the same time, the old-fashioned muskets in their hands were replaced with Union Army standard weapons, and five rounds of bullets were distributed. , but the price is to become a supervising team.

In the next charge, these selected conscripts with red armbands will stand behind other conscripts, using bullets and bayonets to force the other party to charge more effectively, instead of passively lying down and pretending to be dead.

This is forcing these people to die without leaving a way to survive. It is obvious that they will be hated by people and may even be regarded as traitors. But looking at the food in their hands and the fact that they will be assigned to the first wave of charges if they do not agree, they There seems to be no choice.

After eating a larger portion of food the next morning, in the strange eyes of other conscripts, these selected conscripts put on red sleeves, held different weapons, and stood behind the conscripts somewhat at a loss. Between the Allied forces in the border town.

Just when these Red Sleeve Soldiers were hesitating, they saw that the soldiers from the Border Town Alliance had put their fingers on the triggers and their eyes began to look evil. So they gritted their teeth, turned around and pointed their guns at their original compatriots. Force the opponent to rush towards the enemy's position, and stab those who dare to lie down and pretend to be dead with a bayonet.

It is better to force others to die than to be forced to die themselves, this is how they comfort themselves.

If you don't cross the threshold in your heart, you will never know how low your bottom line is, and what sad and crazy things you will do, such as wearing women's clothing only zero or countless times.

For the first time, these red-sleeved soldiers who were forced to become accomplices quickly adapted to their new identities, and in order to maintain their privileges, they desperately curry favor with the troops of the Border Town Alliance while using cruel means to carry out any orders issued by the Border Town Alliance. Order, even if many people die.

Until then, Cross, who was leading all this, knew that the mobilization troops could be used.

The number of mobilized soldiers is very large, even exceeding the number of soldiers in the Border Town Alliance. However, this huge number is difficult to utilize, and weapons cannot even be distributed on a large scale, because they are invaders and have destroyed everything of these people. It can be said that they are the most hated target of these people, so it is okay to force the other party to work with a gun, but it is not possible to expect the other party to work hard. Therefore, Cross arranged this scene and successfully divided the conscripts into two, not to mention opposing each other. , and also successfully obtained a batch of usable cannon fodder.

The people that the mobilized soldiers hate the most are no longer the soldiers of the Border Town Alliance, but the betrayers, because in many cases the betrayers are the most ruthless.

In order to maintain their status and avoid being beaten back to their original form and then eaten alive by those people, these betrayers worked desperately to complete the tasks assigned by the Border Town Alliance. Even if they needed to execute their compatriots with their own hands or even be sentenced to death, they would not do it. There is no hesitation, and the methods are even more cruel and inhumane than those of the border town alliance soldiers.

Simple differentiation gave Cross hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder, which made his actions bolder. He constantly attacked various parts of the Glory Alliance border, interfering with the opponent's construction, and at the same time collecting the opponent's intelligence and flaws.

Until then, Cross had not discovered that the opponent was not the main force, nor that the Glory Alliance's main focus was on internal construction. If he had known, he would have been even more desperate.

Even now, the reserve corps' precise and effective shooting, tacit cooperation and strict discipline, as well as the highly lethal machine guns, all impressed Cross. Without artillery support, human lives would be the only option.

The only problem now is that Cross has not seen the opponent's artillery fire so far, so he does not know the power and quantity of the opponent's artillery, which will obviously cause huge casualties to the next main force attack.

Cross believed that the previous mobilization of troops had not put enough pressure on the opponent, so he planned to launch a joint attack to force the opponent to show their trump cards, and mobilization of troops was the price he was prepared to pay.

At this time, Owen was no longer paying much attention to this war, which was obviously going to last for a long time, but was preparing to deal with the three gods headed by the noble goddess.

Although Owen's Death Shadow Sect does not preach much on the surface, his vest temple has continued to develop outwards with the expansion of the Holy Shield organization. However, the territory has not expanded externally before, so its influence has never been great.

But once the territory occupies the noble alliance and the border town alliance is conquered, the population easily exceeds ten million, and the northern land spans thousands of miles, then it will no longer be a small fight, but a real threat to the noble goddess.

The Noble Goddess is optimistic about Owen, but it does not mean that she can tolerate the other party's infringement of her base. Moreover, the Noble Goddess believes in the Noble Goddess. Although it is not pious, it can at least influence millions of people.

It is true that the Border Town Alliance is militaristic, but it believes in the two gods under her, and they cannot abandon it, so they let the god of knights come to their door.

Although someone came to his door, Owen would not back down, but he would not choose to start the divine war directly, so he made a bet with the opponent, using mortals as pawns and the north as the chessboard to play a game of chess.

At that time, the Noble Alliance had not been divided into two, so when the God of Knights saw that his side had such a huge advantage, what else could he say? He even thought that Owen was taking this step to ease the conflict between the two sides, so he happily agreed, but the result was nothing. It didn't take long for the noble alliance to separate.

It's just that the operation of the Glory Alliance makes the God of Knights a little confused, because the territory does not occupy the land, but carries out a large-scale migration, using the population of the Noble Alliance to develop its own territory.

You may say that he has no ambitions, swallowing up most of the noble alliance in one go, but you may say that he has ambitions. He does not occupy any land, but only moves people to develop his own territory.

Thinking about the fact that the Glory Alliance had not moved anywhere for decades and did not even start wars with outsiders, the God of Knights made a wrong judgment and believed that Irving's ultimate goal was probably just to plunder the population, and the essence was to develop his own three-acre land. Just left.

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