While the Glory Alliance is engaged in large-scale relocation and construction, the Border Town Alliance, which relies on cruel methods to complete most of the fortifications first, is ready to fire the first shot.

Put down your tools and gather immediately! Soldiers from the Border Town Alliance blew their whistles to summon the conscripts who were reinforcing the trenches. In fact, the so-called conscripts were forced laborers. After this period of forced labor, they could barely make ends meet every day. The food was all sallow and thin, and they were shaking when they walked. But under the threat of guns and bayonets, they still squeezed their life potential and came to line up, because those who disobeyed orders would have died long ago, and those who are still alive now are particularly obedient.

Everyone listen, prepare to charge in one hour. Those who arrive at the enemy's position will receive a day's food. Those who do not arrive will have no food. At the same time, as long as one enemy is killed, they will be qualified as a formal soldier and will no longer participate in labor. The Alliance soldiers in the border town coldly issued General Cross's orders, regardless of what these mobilized soldiers thought.

In fact, many people didn't even hear what the border town alliance soldiers said next. They only had one thought in their minds, let's start a war.

A large number of old-fashioned firearms and hard bread were piled up in front of the bewildered conscripts. Under the gun butts and leather boots of the border town alliance soldiers, they lined up to receive weapons and food according to the habits they had developed during this period.

Hard bread still stained with dirt and dust is definitely not a delicious food. Semolina and unknown sundries baked at high temperatures are a challenge to your teeth, but there are only two bowls a day. The conscripts who were hanging on for their lives still scraped hard bread as big as their fists with their teeth, trying to stuff it into their stomachs in the shortest possible time, because they had no hope of survival. You can tell by the weapons in their hands.

The weapons given to them were not the standard weapons of the border town alliance army, but flintlock muskets piled in the warehouse after the aristocratic alliance army changed their equipment, as well as muskets looted from the homes of nobles and civilians. Now these old things are mobilization The soldier's only weapon.

Next, they will charge towards the enemy's position with guns that they don't know whether they can be fired. There is no fire support, no artillery support, and some are just bullets from behind, because all the cowards who break away from the charge team will get a hot shot from the Supervisory Team. Love.

The problem is that muskets are fine when used for positional defense. At least they have time to reload bullets. Using them for charging is simply asking for death, especially when facing opponents equipped with breech-loading rifles who are still lying in the trenches. Anyone who dares to stand on the battlefield and reload No brave man without ammunition will have a chance to charge again, because he simply won't survive that time.

But when I picked up the weapon, I saw that there was only one round of ammunition, and there was no need to think about reloading.

There is no chance to reload, coupled with the pathetic hit rate of the old-fashioned muskets, if they want to kill with only one bullet, they have to shoot close to the face, and this requires them to rush hundreds of meters between the two fronts. distance and successfully jump into the enemy's trench.

Even if they have never been on the battlefield, they all know how high their chances of surviving are after completing all this under the hail of bullets from the opponent, so how can they not despair?

If it weren't for the border town alliance soldiers keeping a close eye on them and only having one shot with the weapons in their hands, these mobilization soldiers would probably have wanted to fight back directly.

After barely filling their stomachs, the conscripts, whose faces were still confused and frightened, held old-fashioned muskets with the hands that had just put down their tools, and began to charge towards the opposite side under the threat of the muzzle behind them. What would they face, even themselves? Do not know at all.

The conscripts who were forced to step onto the battlefield became more and more panicked as they ran, but they did not dare to stop. They could only vent their anger by shouting loudly, and at the same time begging the other party not to shoot so that they could survive. But this was obviously a dream. Everything is lacking on the battlefield, but perhaps the most lacking thing is mercy.

Of course, the noise caused by the charge of thousands of people could not be hidden from the Glory Alliance side. In fact, when the other side started mobilizing, they had already asked the workers to retreat and prepared the reserve troops for battle. Therefore, after the warning was invalid, they opened fire immediately.

In fact, the Glory Alliance has considered asking the opponent to surrender after entering the position, but as long as the opponent is not a fool, they will definitely take precautions, such as threatening their family members or sending people to sneak in.

Not too many, you only need to detonate a few bombs to successfully create chaos in the position, and the opponent can take the opportunity to break through the defense line, so there is no mercy.

However, the Reserve Corps did not shoot randomly. They targeted those who ran the fastest and those who looked strong.

The fastest runner is a potential threat no matter what his psychology is, and he looks strong. They who are also on the border see how the cannon fodder on the opposite side is living. How can they maintain a strong body shape, so ten Eight or nine of them are spies who sneaked in.

As for whether there will be a wrongful death, this is war. No matter what is right or wrong on the battlefield, only if you survive can you feel guilty, so once you open fire, you will show no mercy.

The reserve corps is mainly equipped with light equipment. The individual weapons are bolt-action rifles that are deployed on a large scale in the territory. This kind of rifle is long and looks like a short spear when equipped with a long bayonet. It increases the weight and is not convenient at the same time.

However, this kind of rifle has small recoil and high accuracy. It is very suitable for long-distance shooting. When used lying down in the trench, it is as easy as target practice within 300 meters. Even a reserve regiment with relatively insufficient training can still have a lot of success within 200 meters. High hit rate.

What's even more deadly is that there is not even a big stone within a few hundred meters between the two armies, let alone trees. There is no cover and no obstruction. Just running fast is of no use.

Especially when the mobilization troops stepped into the range of 100 meters, the light machine guns of the reserve corps began to fire.

Although the machine gun in the territory is an imitation of the Czech light machine gun, which can only use a twenty-round magazine, it is still a machine gun after all. When the trigger is pulled, a fan sweeps across, and seven or eight conscripts who do not know how to charge skirmishers suddenly fall down. .

After finishing a magazine, the conscripts could no longer bear the despair caused by the heavy casualties. They either lay on the ground and trembled, or ran around like crazy, only to fall under the guns of both sides.

In addition to consuming some bullets, the reserve troops who were on the defensive during the entire process did not even have a chance to use grenades, but this time the test was not over.

At the same time, at multiple locations along the entire defense line, thousands of mobilized soldiers risked their lives to test the firepower of the Glory Alliance defense line, and were recorded one by one by the Border Town Alliance soldiers responsible for observation.

Unfortunately, the mobilization of troops was too useless. Except for a few lines of defense where long-handled grenades were used, the rest were solved with rifles and machine guns. This greatly reduced the value of intelligence obtained by the border town alliance, and also prompted them to decide to use more extreme and cruel methods. s method.

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