Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 453 The battle between the old and the new

Master Eugene, according to your judgment, is the productivity of the other party higher than that of the Beiguan Border City Alliance? Cross pinched his eyebrows hard, calmed down, and continued to ask.

According to the information you collected, as early as thirty years ago, some kind of huge alchemy machinery appeared in the North City for farming. Master Eugene knew what Cross wanted to ask, so he summarized it and continued.

I thought this was a toy used by some boring alchemist to trick those noble lords, but I was wrong. This is creating the future, using alchemy machinery to produce machinery. Master Eugene said with longing, and now Cross is here While facing a series of bad news, I also had to worry about whether the alliance's only legendary alchemist would defect, and I suddenly felt like my head was about to explode.

Isn't the same true for the Alliance? Cross, who knew what Master Eugene meant and was trying to save something, said this, and this was not a lie. The Alliance also has alchemy machinery used for production. Otherwise, where would the weapons to arm hundreds of thousands of troops come from? Especially firearms, it is impossible to make them all by hand, even if you use an alchemist.

Rubbing hundreds of thousands of gun barrels by hand forced them to quit craft work and fall into despair about life. Therefore, the Beiguan Border Town Alliance also manufactured alchemy machinery to produce gun barrels and other labor-consuming and time-consuming parts.

No, you don't understand. Master Eugene said quietly, without explaining.

What Cross didn't understand was the difference in environment, or he was pretending not to understand, but Master Eugene knew very well that it was not that the Beiguan Border Town Alliance did not have the ability to create more advanced alchemy machinery, but that it was not allowed.

Just the potential threat posed by guns and cannons makes the professionals in the alliance restless. Even the alchemists and mages who are most keen on research are very wary about whether to let this hole go, because they always have a way. The feeling of unleashing a monster that destroys itself.

Therefore, the Beiguan Border Town Alliance can produce amazing weapons that are like works of art, but it has always been unwilling to mass-produce lower-level weapons. For example, single-shot rifles and bronze breech-loading artillery are just the product of many compromises. It is not the true manufacturing level of the alliance.

There is no way, the knights with hundreds of enemies who have been training hard for ten years, and the mages who have accumulated knowledge for many years and can release fireballs, the damage they cause can't even compare to an open-fired bronze cannon, and as long as the productivity of the latter increases, it will be more or less effective. At some point, by then professionals will have lost their superiority in force and superior status, and will have no other option but to become workers.

It can be said that the moment guns appeared, the sense of crisis of being replaced existed in the hearts of all professionals.

This is also the reason why firearms were short-lived in the empire back then, because the pressure from all walks of life was too great.

However, this kind of suppression has also caused the main world to maintain the living conditions and social structure of the Middle Ages even though it has all the foundations for the development of science and technology. This is because professionals who master swords and magic need such a social environment to maintain their status, even if many professions The people did not realize this, but they still instinctively excluded technology and machinery, causing the empire to remain backward.

But not all professionals are so stubborn. For example, Master Eugene is very interested in the industrialization of alchemy machinery, believing that this will create a new era. However, even his colleagues who are alchemists cannot accept his idea.

When ordinary people can produce various qualified products in batches through alchemical machinery after a short period of training, then what is their value?

When ordinary people can control the power of destroying heaven and earth at the touch of a finger, where will professionals go from here?

Therefore, even as the only legendary alchemist in the alliance, Master Eugene faces considerable pressure, which is why he is interested in the Northern Glory Alliance and is willing to participate in this expedition, even with a little bit of pilgrimage mentality.

After sending Master Eugene away, Cross didn't even know whether he was right or wrong in inviting him.

However, this war will inevitably involve contact with the Northern Glory Alliance, so it is only a matter of time. It is useless to think too much. Let's think about how to fight this battle.

The original plan was to use the superiority of troops to push forward with an upright division, but now it seems that he needs a lot of cannon fodder to consume the opponent's ammunition, and deep trenches for defense, so that the soldiers can make up for both sides with accurate shooting. The difference in firepower.

But no matter how Cross deduced, his chances of winning were not high, so he had to put his chips on the professional corps.

Due to the promotion of guns and artillery, the status of the professional corps, which was originally the trump card among aces, has been greatly reduced. For example, the knights, who were originally able to tear apart the enemy's formation, are now equally powerless in the face of trenches and guns. As for the mage corps, its power is Yes, but compared to a cannon that can keep firing as long as it has enough shells, the staying power of a mage corps is unacceptable.

But this does not mean that the professional corps is out of date. In fact, if used well, the artillery corps without the protection of professionals will be very powerless against professional enemies at certain times, such as night attacks.

A gun and artillery regiment composed entirely of ordinary people at night, even if there are lighting facilities, can hardly resist the all-pervasive professional raids. And a successful raid will not only cause murder and arson, but also a serious blow to morale. Several successful raids A sneak attack is enough to force an army to retreat.

This is also the reason why the old faction in the Beiguan Border City Alliance has been able to suppress the new faction. In addition to the guns and cannons that the new faction relies on, which need to be produced by professionals, even the war also requires the support of professionals.

However, the battlefield is never determined by a few aces, not to mention that ordinary soldiers equipped with guns and cannons already have the strength to confront professionals head-on.

In the end, the old school gave way and allowed the corps composed of ordinary people to serve as the main force of the war, but the professional corps still retained its establishment and had great influence.

The war will not be smooth sailing, and Cross has long been prepared for this, but once he uses the professional corps, it will undoubtedly be a denial of his own abilities, let alone before the war has really started.

However, compared to his personal reputation and the setbacks of the new faction's implementation, Cross was more concerned about the outcome of this war because they could not afford to lose.

This northern expedition used nearly half of the alliance's forces. After having to beware of the Hundred Cities Alliance in the south and having its own defense needs, this was already the upper limit of the maximum troop mobilization.

Therefore, once defeated, the perfect military system of the Beiguan Border City Alliance will have irreparable loopholes, which cannot be filled by recruiting more reserve corps.

When the possibility of failure appeared in Cross's mind, the strategy of this war also changed. He needed to consider what would be done in case of failure.

Destruction, this is the only way Cross can think of.

When failure is unavoidable, destroy some parts of this place, massacre all the population, reduce the production and war potential here as much as possible, and turn this place into a dead land.

Only in this way can the winner be prevented from gaining enough benefits here to grow and become a force attacking the Beiguan Border Town Alliance.

Even so, they cannot directly massacre them. This will only push the Northland Noble Alliance completely towards the Northern Glory Alliance, which is already regarded as a great enemy by Cross.

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