When he saw the Ranger equipment brought back by the border cavalry at a great cost, Cross knew that the cavalry's defeat was inevitable, and at the same time, the uneasiness in his heart when he sent out troops also found the source.

Although Cross comes from a noble family, he did not rise to the top just because of his background. In fact, there is no shortage of people with backgrounds in all forces. Being able to rise to the top is a reflection of his ability, so he is very aware of the impact of equipment on war.

But there are those who are in favor and those who are against it. People like Cross who focus on the development of equipment and guns are called the new school. The counterpart is the old school who insist on traditional professionals being the main force in the war.

Most of the old faction are over fifty years old. Because they have experienced the era when the Imperial Frontier Army was the dominant force thirty years ago, they naturally look down on all other forces, especially the two alliances in the north and the barbarian kingdom.

In their eyes, the two alliances in the North, one is the descendant of criminals, and the other is a group of poor people, are not worthy of the stage, and the Barbarian Kingdom was beaten like a dog in the beginning.

Even if the empire collapses and lies on the rich legacy left by the imperial frontier army, these people still look at people with their nostrils and look down on everyone.

In fact, in their opinion, if it weren't for the behemoth Southern Hundred Cities Alliance that involved most of the energy of the Beiguan Border City Alliance, they would have unified the north and established a kingdom long ago.

It is because of this pride and the huge legacy left by the Imperial Frontier Army that the new faction has been suppressed. After all, ordinary firearms cannot cause any harm to professionals.

All this began to change until the old faction began to become powerless due to age and the new faction gradually came to power.

Especially after the influence of the military competition originating from the Northern Honor League gradually spread outward, the new faction took advantage of this to gain a greater say. After all, it is obvious to all that guns and artillery can enhance the strength of the army, especially after they can be mass-produced. It's a sea change, and no one can ignore it.

The North Guanbian City Alliance has the ability to mass-produce, so the promotion of guns in the army is unstoppable.

Taking advantage of this, the new faction gradually gained more rights and voice, and promoted this war. However, as one of the representatives of the new faction, Cross always had an uneasy feeling. However, he had gone to war before and saw that It was just that he was pushed down after seeing the majestic army. Now that he saw the enemy's equipment, he understood where the uneasiness came from.

The armament update of the Beiguan Border City Alliance is completely influenced by the Northern Honor Alliance. As the source of everything, no one knows what level the Northern Honor Alliance's armaments have reached, because the two sides are not only separated by hundreds of miles, but also separated by hundreds of miles. There is an alliance of northern nobles here, so the news will inevitably be distorted.

He originally thought that with the strong strength of the Beiguan Border City Alliance, he could even the gap between the two sides, but he was still too naive. This time his opponent was definitely not that simple.

Go and invite Master Eugene. Cross took a deep breath and said to the attendant beside him.

Eugene is the only legendary alchemist in the Beiguan Border City Alliance and a strong supporter of the new faction. This time he went with the army to support the new faction's war, and secondly because he was interested in the Northern Honor Alliance, so he received the invitation. Came immediately after hearing the news.

Master Eugene. Seeing the tall and slightly lean Master Eugene, Cross hurried forward to greet him.

This is the equipment you captured. The white-haired and long-bearded Master Eugene just nodded to Cross, then walked to the long table without stopping, and the first thing he picked up was the semi-automatic cavalry rifle.

As an industrial product, the semi-automatic cavalry rifle is not very sophisticated, but every part and every structure is a treasure for Eugene, because what he looks at is not the craftsmanship, but the design idea.

The structure is simple and compact, the materials are appropriate, and all are machine-processed. There is nothing superfluous. It is a quite mature product. Master Eugene, who skillfully removed the bullet and disassembled it into a pile of parts, nodded with satisfaction, like I just tasted a classic delicacy.

For a master like Eugene, the more complex the weapon, the better, and the more expensive the material, the better, but the right combination.

It may not be rare ingredients carefully cooked by the chef, but a classic is a classic and will always bring a deep and unforgettable impression to people. This is the feeling that this gun gives Master Eugene.

Following Master Eugene's instructions, Cross reassembled the parts. It was not difficult, but this only made his face uglier, because it meant that the gun was easy to maintain, had lower requirements on soldiers, and was easier to popularize.

As bullets were loaded, Cross's face became more gloomy, because the mainstream equipment in the army today can only load one bullet at a time, and even the most skilled shooters cannot compete with it in terms of firepower density. , zoomed in to the entire battlefield, the gap in firepower can simply make people despair.

He found an open space and fired the bullets with a sense of rhythm. Cross's face could no longer be described as ugly. He had almost lost hope of winning this war.

The gap is so big. Stroking this semi-automatic rifle that only belonged to ordinary soldiers, Cross couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

The more familiar you are with the military, the more you understand how much a simple, reliable and to some extent representative of advanced weapons can have an impact on warfare.

Is this weapon advanced? Neither advanced nor advanced.

Cross has seen more advanced firearms than this, and every part exudes the light of art. However, this kind of weapon can only become a collection of nobles, rather than following soldiers to roll around in mud puddles. Therefore, the army currently uses A single-shot rifle with a simple structure and weak firepower.

This kind of gun is very reliable and almost never malfunctions. Even if there is a dud, you only need to open the barrel to take out the bullet and replace it with a new one.

The problem is that this gun is more suitable for hunting than being placed on the battlefield in the heat of battle.

But there is no way. It is not easy to control the power, practicality and cost to the passing line. The Beiguan Border City Alliance cannot do it now, otherwise it will not be out of concern for cost, maintenance, and Ammunition and other aspects should be taken into account when using singles.

What does it take to reach the level of this firearm? Cross, who had been thinking for a long time, put down the gun and asked Master Eugene. He wanted to use this to understand the depth of the Northern Glory Alliance. Maybe this gun is worth it regardless of the cost. Equipped only for the elite.

The production quantity of more than 100,000 needs to be continuously used in actual combat during this period, and at the same time constantly adjusted until a balance is reached. Master Eugene was obviously prepared for Cross's question, and gave him an answer that made him feel cold.

That is to say, the Northern Glory Alliance has a large-scale manufacturing system, which is enough to meet the consumption of the army and the war. Cross's mood could no longer be bad, so he said in a calm tone.

It should be said that it is a fairly complete manufacturing system, and a large number of alchemical machinery is used, and the output exceeds your imagination. Master Eugene stroked the cutting marks on the metal parts of the semi-automatic cavalry gun, and felt the unique beauty of industrial manufacturing from it. With a hint of excitement, he told Cross the worse answer.

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