Because the mobilization ability cannot be compared with that of the Northern Glory Alliance, the alliance troops deployed in the south to guard against the Beiguan Border City Alliance cannot be mobilized in a short period of time. They can only temporarily recruit soldiers from the northern cities of the alliance. Suddenly there is another wrangling, because according to the alliance treaty , the Alliance Army is the Alliance Army, and the City Defense Army is the City Defense Army. One is public and the other is private. They must not be confused, not even in war.

Anyway, after paying enough price, a motley army of tens of thousands of people was deployed at the border to fill the huge vacancy.

However, because they knew their strength well, the Alliance Council did not take any chances. In addition to speeding up the recruitment, it immediately sent a large number of envoys to the Beiguan Border Town Alliance to seek help. There was also a secret envoy group heading further north.

It's not in vain that we gave them so much time. We finally know who to look for. Maya, who knows every move of the opponent through the one-eyed giant eagle and the intelligence network of the Northern Noble Alliance, said with a sneer.

What kind of territorial preparations are needed for the northern noble alliance that has long been infiltrated into a sieve? It is not planning to seize the opportunity to catch them all, such as the Beiguan Border Town Alliance, which is bound to participate, and the Barbarian Kingdom, who is not sure whether they will be interested.

Once these three forces are wiped out, the territory will be able to dominate the Northland and have the capital to rule by dividing the territory. For this, the territory has already made full preparations.

Now that the bait has been thrown, let's start the war. Maya put down the information in her hand and said to Howard, who had been waiting for a long time.

Howard, who had rehearsed the situation countless times during this period, nodded and began to issue orders for the troops gathered at the border of Mara City to advance steadily.

The territory has excess productivity, so it has enough capacity to build infrastructure, such as roads, which is a top priority. Not to mention the connections built in all directions over the past thirty years, several main roads can accommodate the rapid transfer of armored regiments and even serve as temporary aircraft. track.

But it won't work outside the territory. Except for a few important roads, most of the roads are dirt roads, and the marching speed will naturally be affected. Therefore, the army cannot move too hastily or in a hurry.

However, Howard didn't care about this, because the bait had just been thrown, and moving too fast could easily scare the fish away. Therefore, except for the Ranger regiment that served as a horse scout, the first wave of 20,000 troops were all reserve regiments.

The members of the reserve corps are actually all civilians, but they receive one month of military training every year, and they can purchase firearms at their own expense for daily practice. Their combat effectiveness is still guaranteed. At least the amount of training of ordinary forces may not be as good as theirs. .

Coupled with the obedience and discipline after the system transformation, they put on military uniforms and equipped with standard weapons. Except for the absence of large-caliber artillery and armored units, they were no different from the regular army. Therefore, even the Northland Noble Alliance did not notice the difference between the two. What's different is that they are still nervously mobilizing troops to fill the hole at the border.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a pit. The border fortifications of the Northern Glory Alliance are semi-permanent. Even the trenches are made of prefabricated concrete components. Together with the complete drainage measures and fortifications, they form a solid defense chain. And in the Northland Because the Noble Alliance's fortifications were contracted out, they were repaired and collapsed every year, just like tofu.

It happened that this was the period for bidding for contract qualifications. As a construction target, it was natural that it was dilapidated and dilapidated, so there was a reason to allocate funds for construction. Therefore, when it was actually used, it was discovered that only one-third of the border fortifications that were supposed to be hundreds of miles long could be used. , the remaining areas have either collapsed trenches and turned into shallow ditches, or the fortifications have become ruins due to disrepair, and are basically unqualified to deal with war.

One can imagine how desperate the soldiers who were dispatched were when faced with this situation, and even the officers couldn't bear it.

If it were not a time of war, these officers would choose to turn a blind eye. After all, they all understand the unspoken rules.

The problem is that this is war time, and it won't be long before they have to fight the enemy desperately. Once the battle is lost, they will 100% become the scapegoat, so they will expose the matter without hesitation.

Although this will offend people, at least losing the battle will be excusable, and that is enough.

After this matter was revealed, it actually did not cause an uproar, because the common people did not know about it at all, and the noble gentlemen would not tell the common people specifically about it, but everyone in the noble council must know about it.

Theoretically speaking, after this incident was exposed, it was enough to drag out three-digit people in charge to hang them. However, under certain operations, it was a bad debt for ten or twenty years, and this matter was eventually settled. At this point, even the Speaker of Parliament had a speechless expression on his face, knowing in his heart that this was an alliance-breaking pill.

In fact, before the war even started, Beicheng had received thousands of letters of surrender. Excluding the repeated parts, at least three-fifths of the powerful members of the Northern Noble Alliance were willing to surrender, and most of the rest were waiting and watching. As for whether they planned to fight to the end There are only three or five weirdos who are moved by themselves and plan to save the alliance. They don't even know how many people are staring at their heads, just waiting to carry their heads to ask for rewards and make a certificate of submission.

This battle was basically won even before it was fought. Both Maya and Howard were speechless.

They knew that the Northland Noble Alliance was bad, but they didn't expect it to be so bad. It was so bad that they couldn't be touched and would break if touched.

But there is no way. The armaments of the Northland Noble Alliance are all second-hand goods that have been eliminated by the territory. The system and structure of the army, and even the border defense system are copied. It is because of copying that they know that they have no chance of winning from the beginning. This kind of What are you waiting for if you don't surrender under such circumstances?

It can be said that as long as the territory relents and is willing to accept surrender and fight from north to south, from west to east, there will be no shortage of leading parties. Even as long as they are willing to relax the conditions, this battle can be fought like a play.

But the drunkard in the territory is not interested in drinking, so he will easily ask the other party to surrender. If he surrenders, how will he catch big fish next? Therefore, the 20,000 reserve corps will build roads together, and will build a road every thirty miles. Comprehensive transfer station.

The Northern Nobles Alliance held another meeting, this time they were meeting in response to the strange behavior of the Northern Glory Alliance.

First of all, how can they be worthy of being treated with such caution by the other party? Pushing forward step by step is like pressing huge rocks on their chests, almost out of breath. Besides, who knows who is present here, everyone is trying to surrender first to seize the position. Idea, don’t say the other party doesn’t know this.

Now that you know it, then...

You can call them greedy, you can call them stupid, but you can never call them stupid, because real fools cannot survive here, so they immediately realized that the target of the Northern Glory Alliance was not just them.

While taking a breath of cold air, I couldn't help but sigh again at my neighbor's good appetite, and started a new round of argument.

First, is the Northern Glory Alliance capable of eating three meals in one sitting? If not, is there any need for them to surrender?

The second is whether to inform the Barbarian Kingdom and the Beiguan Border City Alliance about this matter, and truly form the Three Kingdoms Alliance to fight against the Northern Glory Alliance.

The entire parliament debated endlessly about this, and finally a sane member of the human world said that regardless of whether the Northern Glory Alliance was able to eat three large meals, it would definitely be no problem to eat their appetizer.

When they are gone, who will care about anything else.

What's more, if the master who surrendered on the front foot loses, wouldn't their surrender be in vain?

So the council discussed how to help the Northern Glory Alliance deceive the other two companies, completely forgetting that those two companies were sent by them to ask for help.

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