The territory that Owen had let go was terrifying. In just three days, the number of Mara City's frontier troops increased from the original 20,000 to 50,000. At the same time, the first batch of reserve troops was reorganized, totaling 50,000. , are setting off from Beicheng. Even if they are all infantry, they still have guns and cannons. They can be used as regular troops in any force. It can be seen that the territory is serious this time.

The Northern Glory Alliance has very few military maneuvers. Apart from daily defense changes, there are almost no changes. Such a big move now frightened many people, especially those with evil intentions.

Half of the demonic invasion has been clarified. The radical organization of the Northern Nobles Alliance was unhappy with the Northern Glory Alliance's special status in the North. Coupled with the previous arms race, these people felt a strong threat, so they secretly searched for He recruited some people and planned to let them sneak into the North City to cause destruction, and Bailey and Johnny were just two of them.

As for whether the Northland Noble Alliance Council knows about this matter, they definitely know it. After all, ordinary people are running around for food and clothing every day. Only those who have enough to eat all day long and are so idle can do such nonsense. The second generation, because of my relationship with him, knew little about certain things, so he immediately set up an organization and prepared to do something big.

In fact, what this group of people is doing, the Northland Noble Alliance Council has been doing privately. After all, causing trouble to their neighbors is their favorite thing to do.

However, after the establishment of Holy Shield, the main energy of the Council was on the struggle for power in this cross-regional organization. Therefore, after learning about the commotion caused by his children, he was still very relieved and felt that there would be people following him. Until he learned that Demons invaded and almost opened the demon door connected to the small abyss, only then did they realize something was wrong.

However, the reaction of the Northern Glory Alliance was beyond their expectations. The troops gathered at the border did not look like they were here to demonstrate. They were serious.

When they realized this, the word pill immediately appeared in the minds of everyone in the Northland Noble Alliance Council. Both men and women felt weak on the spot, because no one understood this bottomless problem better than them. Neighbors, it can be said that the Northland Noble Alliance has always been in the shadow of the Northern Honor Alliance or the Hydra family.

We must give an explanation to the other side, and we must not start a war! The speaker of the parliament who just took over said decisively while wiping the cold sweat that kept coming out, obviously his consciousness was very clear.

There are thirty-six members of the Northland Noble Alliance Parliament, all of them are real lords, and they are hereditary from generation to generation, with few changes, so they know better that the person who wears the skin of the Northern Glory Alliance is actually a monster named Hydra. How terrifying.

In the past, when they were looking for trouble, it was more like a way to express their dissatisfaction, but they had an awkward mentality that they didn't dare to go too far. I was afraid that you would hit me, so I just poked you for a while to see your reaction, and then ignored me. Poke again after a while to see if you will hit me.

Although they always look like they are in need of a beating, they actually know it well. They know that this neighbor is too lazy to move when it comes to trivial matters, so they always fight in small ways. Especially after the appearance of the Holy Shield, they focus all their energy on this. , because they know very well that neighbors who can build magic ships and carry cannons are not something they can offend at all.

But they never thought that their naughty kid was really capable, and he was really good at things. He just wanted to open a devil's door in the North that went straight to the small abyss. They were planning to die together!

I'm afraid it's difficult, and they are also being used. One councilman said hesitantly. Obviously his naughty boy was one of the participants, so he knew very well that his naughty boy was not tired of living yet and should not be able to do it. Such a stupid thing, right?

This is not a reason. Everyone knows that they are being used, but this touches the bottom line of our terrible neighbor. The Speaker really wanted to smash the chair under his butt on the head of the unlucky member. Didn't he know He knew this, and so did their neighbors, but the other party only needed an excuse and a target to warn the mastermind. Obviously, they were the unlucky ones.

And he knew very well that once they were annexed, there would be no obstacles to that neighbor's rise in the North. Whether it was the Barbarian Kingdom in the north or the Beiguan Border Town Alliance, it was only a matter of time before they fell at the feet of this monster.

As for a head-on confrontation, he doesn't have any hope. The gap between the two sides is too big. Whether it is weapons and equipment, personnel training, or even organizational systems and mobilization capabilities, the gap is so big that it makes people desperate. Otherwise, they would not act like they are in ruins every day. appearance.

They will not accept an apology. This battle is inevitable. An old congressman knocked on the table and glanced left and right to reveal this cruel reality.

If they only need an apology, they don't need to mobilize the reserve corps at all, if those civilians who are more elite than our main corps are considered reserve soldiers. The old congressman's words made some congressmen willing to face reality, so another well-informed The councilman spoke.

We need to stall for time first, and then contact the Beiguan Border City Alliance and tell them that once the Northern Glory Alliance annexes us, there will be no rivals at all, and the Beiguan Border City Alliance will only become the next prey. Finally, a member of Parliament proposed to return the favor. A feasible plan.

I'm afraid the other party won't agree easily. They would rather see us both lose. This congressman, who is sober and understanding of human nature, poured cold water on us.

Both sides suffer? If we could do it, would we still be so panicked? This is a very self-aware congressman.

The Northern Glory Alliance will not give us so much time. Their mobilization ability is too strong. It only took tens of thousands of troops to gather at the border in a few days. It took less than five days to fight, so it was too late. A self-defeating man The congressman said dejectedly.

Send a group of people to stall for time, and then mobilize the entire alliance. This is a congressman who does not have any naughty children involved.

Who am I going to give it to? I'm going to give it to you! The congressman, who thought his naughty child was still an innocent child, protested.

Suddenly the scene was in chaos. Thirty-six congressmen took action one after another. They took out the rotten eggs and rotten fruits that were hidden somewhere. They became a sharp weapon to attack their opponents. They were much better than before when they could only use shoes. After all, there were only two shoes. Only, including the socks and underwear, I only threw them five times. Excluding the missed ones, the hit rate was really not very good. They were not like eggs and fruits. Not to mention the large quantity and fullness, the feeling of being hit on the body was really known to everyone.

The speaker of the parliament began to regret taking office. Instead of reaping the benefits, it caused big trouble.

As for mediating the current dispute, he didn't expend that much effort. One of the two parties involved in the fight was that the children were involved, and the other was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. It would be strange not to start a fight.

What's more, this is an old tradition. No matter what matter is discussed in the parliament, it will always be divided into two groups and fight first. Even if the parliament has special personnel at the door to prevent members from carrying pungent items, it will be useless. These bastards will always Way to bring things in.

Fortunately, the news of the Northern Glory Alliance sending troops calmed them down, because it meant that this time the other side was not joking, and the war had really begun.

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