The door of the Mithril Hall suddenly opened, and the sitting drow matron suddenly trembled, because apart from them, only the city lord Ms. Mithril and the deputy city lord Edwin the legendary mage can enter here, and Edwin Mage stays in his own room all year round. in the mage tower, so the only ones who can come are

I am very disappointed in you. The first words of the tall, expressionless Mithril lady when she stepped barefoot into the Mithril Hall made the seven drow matrons sitting there feel weak. If their buttocks were not big and stable, they would probably It's not like he just went under the table.

Although she is afraid, it is impossible to expect the drow mistress to be honest and not become a demon, even in this life.

But before they could move the abacus beads and come up with more conspiracies, a large amount of mercury-like substance seeped out of the ground of the Mithril Hall. It silently locked the necks of the seven drow matrons while also releasing countless Smaller water droplets kept swimming close to their bodies, not missing any blind spots, and closely monitoring every move of the drow mistress, including the subtle reactions of muscles and magic power. Whenever there was an abnormality, the mercury collar would automatically tighten, Until they are willing to relax, it can be said that now they have to look at Ms. Mithril's face if they want to fart, otherwise the consequences of the anus trembling will be unpredictable.

It’s not that the drow mistresses don’t want to resist, but they are very aware of the power of these mercury golems. When they formed Mithril City, they were not willing to do so. After all, it is tradition for a drow mistress to build a city, and it is also what they are most proud of. , so I finally agreed not because I was afraid of being beaten, so I could only try my best to relax my body at this time. Even if it leaked and my buttocks got wet, I didn’t dare to move. If I moved, it would really kill me.

Although the lawless drow matron was scared to death with just one sentence, Ms. Mithril didn't even bother to take another look. She started full surveillance on her own, and suddenly the current situation of the entire Mithril City appeared in her mind. In front of us, we even included the lower city area and the Rat's Nest.

Apparently, Ms. Mithril also possesses higher authority that the drow matrons don't know about, and she hides many things from them.

In fact, if the Drow Mistress had this authority, things would never have developed into such a bad situation. But after seeing this scene, the Drow Mistress was not only angry but dared not speak, she even dared not beat her heart. Jump a little more, each showing a humble and flattering smile, trying to alleviate their own sins, even if it is not entirely their fault.

Seeing the hordes of Fel Ratmen in the lower city, and the huge Fel Tanks still spitting out cannonballs, Ms. Mithril frowned. She was so arrogant that she never took the Ratmen seriously, even if she knew about the Rat Nest. existence and never said a word.

In her opinion, if they can't even deal with the rat people, then there's no point in keeping these idiots around.

But the evil ratman's provocation made her feel offended, especially when her gaze shifted to the central city, and her eyes became even colder.

The shelling of evil energy tanks has not stopped. A large amount of dust containing evil energy has almost enveloped the entire Central City. The large-scale blood sacrifices and massacres have not stopped for a moment. The current population loss in Central City has reached nearly the seventh level. The worst thing is, So far there are no signs of stopping.

Even if Ms. Mithril never cares about the wealth brought by Mithril City, before the goal is achieved, there is no room for loss here, at least not now.

However, the situation was so bad that there was no need to save the Zhongcheng District and Xiacheng District. Therefore, she did not hesitate to use the highest authority under her control, and instantly covered the authority divided among the seven drow matrons. That is to say, the drow mistress, who was extremely noble a moment ago, is now no different from those slaves without authority.

The seven drow matrons didn't know what Ms. Mithril had done, but they instinctively felt that something was bad, but they were unable to stop it. They could only tremble and feel the tightening sensation brought to them by the mercury golem.

Edwin, who has been busy with experiments all year round, was stunned when he felt that the highest authority was activated. Then he immediately checked what happened in Mithril City, and actually alerted the city lord. Only then did he realize how bad the current situation was.

I know that these drow matrons who are only addicted to low-level physical touch are unreliable. In the end, they will have to launch a big purge. I don't know how long it will take to recover. Edwin said with great dissatisfaction. After all, the mage's experiments consumed too much. Big, the loss of Mithril City would obviously delay the progress of his experiment. As for how many people would die, he didn't care, so he cooperated without hesitation.

Relying on the mine at home, Mithril City has a large-scale Mithril Golem Corps. However, although the golems are powerful, they also have their own shortcomings, that is, they are too heavy and not flexible enough.

Even if mithril steel is used, Edwin, the legendary mage, still can't change this. It's not that he can't do it, but it's just a joke to rub a mithril golem corps with his hands. It will take a lot of time, so he can only Being able to rely on his apprentices and students as the main body to manufacture and maintain it means that the technical content of the golem cannot be too high, because he cannot always let him take action in everything.

But Edwin is a legendary mage after all, and Mithril City is not short of money, so he really designed a simple but special Mithril Golem Corps.

The mithril golem army that was clumsily chasing the ratmen suddenly stopped all movements. The fleeing ratmen did not take the opportunity to fight back, because it was useless. The weapons in their hands were not qualified to scratch the golems made of mithril steel. , and they fought back, but there was no way.

As new orders were received, mithril golems that looked like armored knights suddenly unfolded, and special golems like metal skeletons came out of the closed armor.

These special golems are like skeletons, but their limbs are specially modified. The upper limbs are similar to the double swords of a mantis, and the lower limbs are anti-joints, and are very slender and slender. Coupled with the elasticity of the metal, they are obviously taking the route of a highly sensitive assassin.

This is the twin golem designed by Edwin. Because he could not use ordinary conditions to create an all-powerful golem with high attack, agility and high imitation, he simply created two golems. One is a traditional golem that is good at hard fighting and resistance. Golem, another kind of skeleton golem with high attack and agility, just makes up for the lack of flexibility of traditional golems.

Sure enough, with the addition of the skeleton golem, the ratmen finally ushered in their end.

All the joints of the Skeleton Golem are very flexible and can be twisted and folded freely. Therefore, it can even pass through a hole the size of a dog hole when necessary. Therefore, the sewers and narrow spaces where the rat men hide are suddenly useless. After being chased by the skeleton golem, he was chopped into pieces.

It's a pity that the cunning Old One-Eye has long since disappeared. It chose to fight against Mithril City through all means, but that doesn't mean that it is willing to die with the ratmen under it. In fact, before launching the attack, it let its henchmen take care of it for most of its life. After the hard-earned wealth was evacuated from Mithril City, and after it showed its face at the gate of the upper city, its real body had already left, leaving only a substitute, otherwise the Rat Man would not have been defeated so quickly.

Of course, I have to say that Old One-Eye does have a unique vision. It fought back because it knew that it would only be a matter of time before the rat nest was exposed and perished. It ran away because it knew that it was about to face a full-scale pursuit by Mithril City, so it made a vigorous move, and then let A stand-in performs a wonderful curtain call at the cost of death, which is sometimes a good way to escape.

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