Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 435 The Drow Mistress who messed up everything

In the combat readiness warehouse on the third floor of the Rat's Nest, a group of Fel energy technicians wearing gas masks are pouring fuel into dozens of Fel energy tanks. The so-called fuel is a mixture of crushed meat sauce and Fel energy, which seems to have been fermented. So there’s no need to mention the smell, even the Evil Rat Man himself can’t stand it.

However, this kind of meat paste fuel with little extraction value is very cheap and does not require fresh life to extract it. Even rotten corpses will do. Fel tanks are not picky at all. Compared with Fel machines that only use Fel energy and souls, A, obviously Fel tanks are more cost-effective.

Filled with fuel and loaded with ammunition, dozens of evil energy tanks were started one after another under the operation of the driver, and then drove out of the underground warehouse with gray-green smoke, leaving only the harsh friction of steel tracks crushing the rocky ground. Voice.

These metal boxes fixed by two tall tracks looked very simple, but the evil mechanics soon realized that this kind of war machine with a fairly balanced attack and defense speed was a consumable that was born on the battlefield, because tanks are really Very easy to produce and very cheap to maintain.

Without thinking too much, you can install fel power on a metal box. You can convert the power into mobility through gears and tracks, and then install a fel cannon. This thing can be sent to the battlefield to play a role. .

Compared with the complicated and delicate Fel mechas, Fel tanks are simply a gift for the Fel mechanics responsible for maintaining the machinery, and are more efficient. Therefore, even if they know that Fel tanks are not suitable for the underground world, Fel tanks The mechanics still built dozens of them. Anyway, they were good as mobile forts for defending the city.

Groups of fel tanks rushed out of the tunnels driven by strong fel energy, and then these metal boxes riding on caterpillars began to run rampant, nearly razing the haphazardly built lower city to the ground, and finally stopped. , raising the thick and short barrel on the top of the tank, pointing directly at the central city.

After completing the transformation, General Fel Energy took heavy steps to the lower city area under the protection of the escort. He was very satisfied with the performance of the Fel Energy Tank. With a command from Gao Li Claw, dozens of Fel Energy Tanks fired at the same time. A stubby cannonball containing compressed evil energy crossed an arc and landed in the middle city, exploding into huge green fireworks that covered a large area in the blink of an eye.

The physical lethality of these iron can-like evil energy cannonballs is actually not great, but they are extremely polluting. Once fired, half of a city block will be enveloped in evil energy dust. In the central area where the shells explode, all living creatures will be almost immediately destroyed by evil energy. It can pollute, and if it cannot survive, it will dissolve and become part of the evil energy in an instant.

There is a hope that those with strong bodies can survive, but they will also turn into monsters driven by evil energy. Only those with a strong will and body have the chance to become evil envoys, and they are naturally close to evil ratmen, at least not. Will take the initiative.

This is enough. Driven by evil energy, any evil envoy will instinctively expand the spread of evil energy, just like expanding the comfort zone. It doesn't matter if they don't do it.

This is equivalent to the Fel Skaven not only reducing the number of enemies, but also gaining more natural allies.

But the ghosts and snake gods hidden in Mithril City are no longer doing it. They carefully control their appetite, just to make the canteen in Mithril City better open, and open it bigger and bigger. While enriching the recipes, they also provide food for the future. Prepare for the feast of destruction.

That's right, these ghosts and monsters have not taken action yet. Apart from the checks and balances between each other, the most important thing is that they look down on petty fights and want to be fattened and slaughtered. Who wants to get robbed halfway?

Before the food was even served, someone came to destroy the place and overturned the table. How could they bear it? They were so good-tempered that they didn’t have to be evil gods and demons. So among all the messy oracles, these various people who had occupied the central city for many years The sect also launched a counterattack, holding various blood sacrifices and organized massacres without any scruples.

Haha, no one thinks that these ghosts and snake gods will fight against the evil rat people. How is it possible? When there is no benefit, harvesting in advance to reduce losses is the best thing for evil forces to do. Settle the accounts later.

Angel, who accomplished all this with just a few believers, watched with satisfaction as Mithril City entered the countdown to destruction, and was happy that her craftsmanship was not unfamiliar.

This is mainly because the conditions she has are much better than when she was a devil. Besides, what's so good about being a devil? She wouldn't have reached her current strength and status even if she worked for ten thousand years. It's not like there haven't been devils who have become gods for thousands of years, but it has been so smooth. She is the only one who has no future troubles.

As for the fate of Mithril City due to An Qi's manipulation, she didn't care, because from the beginning she had no intention of stopping the evil rat people, nor did she intend to save Mithril City, because it was not in the owner's interest.

The master may not do this because of some emotions and bottom line, but An Qi is different. Her bottom line is the master, so she will do what the master cannot do, and what is inconvenient for the master, she will do it. If necessary, she will help the master solve the problem. All worries.

Owen is no longer worried, but the drow matrons are in trouble.

The riots in the upper city area have not yet been completely resolved, and Old One-Eye has escaped without a trace. A group of people have been accused, and their skinny and cramped bodies are hanging on the city wall. The lower city area here has been completely wiped out quietly, and the middle city area has been completely wiped out. Demons were blooming everywhere, and when it was about to end, the drow matrons could no longer sit still, because the panic of losing everything gripped their hearts.

Just imagining losing Mithril City, losing their current status, and losing the life of being sought after by thousands of people, it would be more uncomfortable than death for them.

But they alone cannot solve the problem at the moment, because the drow matron knows very well that the drow and gray dwarves under them can only fight with the wind. If they gain the advantage, just like before, these subordinates can accept punishment at will, and even It is easy to deprive them of their lives, but once they are at a disadvantage, all their evil thoughts come to mind, and everyone wants to stab them in the back, because this is the nature of drow.

The gray dwarves are even more like grassroots with no bottom line. They always follow whoever is stronger and cannot be relied on at all.

Now, instead of sitting on wax, the drow matrons were sitting on candlesticks. They were also riding horses on tall trident-shaped candlesticks, which even the drow matrons couldn't carry.

In the Mithril Hall at this moment, the seven drow matrons no longer care about maintaining their personas. They are like shrews and are frantically shirking responsibility with each other, because they have messed up everything. The most terrifying thing is that now all the mithril demons The images are all out of control, which means that Ms. Mithril can no longer stand it and is ready to personally intervene in this matter. Those who messed up everything will undoubtedly receive the most severe punishment, such as being demoted to the lowest slaves, and then Being treated like this or something.

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