Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 406 The Mistress of Black Castle

The Black Castle located deep underground does not occupy a large area, but it is built from obsidian, which is very rare on the surface.

After treatment, obsidian is as hard as steel, and its magic defense is frighteningly high. Ordinary magic will not damage it at all. The castle built with this can be called an iron wall. Even if artillery is used, it cannot be taken down in a short time.

It's a pity that the people stationed on the city wall are either drow who have ulterior motives and like to hide in the dark, or gray dwarves who are cunning and suspicious, and their eyes are wandering. It is undoubtedly a dream to expect them to work together to defend the city. If you turn around, you will be stabbed from behind by your own family. One knife.

This is not a random guess, but an iron-clad fact piled up by countless factual cases. Therefore, when facing foreign enemies, we can only pray that they will be gentler on our own family.

Except for the drow and gray dwarves, all other creatures living in the Black Castle are slaves. This means that in addition to external defense, it is also necessary to be vigilant internally to prevent those slaves from taking the opportunity to rebel.

Even so, with excellent defense, Black Castle is still developing and growing in the crisis-ridden underground world, and there is no need to reduce the intensity of internal exploitation, which also allows them to have more energy for internal fighting.

Because the underground world is day and night, the Black Castle is still lively at this time. Everyone is indulging themselves with food, wine, and killing, but everything avoids one location, which is the highest tower of the Black Castle. .

The outside of the black tower is inlaid with mana lamps that emit ghostly light, and the area of ​​light is the territory of the black tower. Anyone who dares to get close will die under the poisonous crossbow or dagger of the drow assassin. There is no warning in the whole process, only the coldness of the black tower. Killing is also a necessary means to maintain rule.

However, there are exceptions, such as daughters. They can also enter the Black Tower with permission. Today, they received a notice from their mother and rushed to the Black Tower.

At this time, the drow matron wearing a gorgeous floor-length dress was sitting on the main seat in the hall at the top of the black tower. Due to frequent childbirth, even with the help of secret techniques, the drow matron's body would inevitably change.

In fact, this is also a common characteristic of drow matrons. The more they use secret techniques to accelerate childbirth, the taller and plumper they become. Therefore, drow matrons are generally eight feet tall and ten inches tall with hips. Therefore, apart from reproduction, they are not interested in having fun on weekdays. People of the same race, after all, who would like to use a toothbrush to stir up a big vat, but things like the ogre minotaur and the like are very appetizing. In this regard, they and Emile have a lot in common.

At this time, Mistress Drow was sitting on a special wide chair. There was a bulge under her tent-like long skirt. The ups and downs were like shooting a ball. It was very strange. However, the maids and servants around her turned a blind eye. Not only their expressions , even the eyes are unwavering, because those who cannot control their expressions and eyes will either be captured and fed to monsters, or their eyes will be blinded and hung on the city wall to serve as the ears of the Black Castle.

After receiving the notice, several daughters of Mistress Drow came one after another. After seeing their mother's appearance, they immediately slowed down their steps and stood respectfully. In addition to standing closer, they did not follow the maids and servants behind them. What a big difference, it can be seen that in the eyes of the drow mistress, the daughter is just a more useful tool, which needs to be cherished, but is not irreplaceable.

After a while, she gently raised her head and exhaled a long breath. The drow lady, who was a little more lazy, raised her leg and kicked it, and a huge meat ball rolled out from her skirt. After a closer look, of course it was not giving birth to something. Yep, it's an underage beholder.

At this time, the beholder was lying on the ground feebly, with many tentacles stained with mucus still twitching, but it could not move at all, and it was unknown what kind of torture it had suffered.

However, no one here paid attention to this beholder, which was a prop. The eldest daughter of the drow matron respectfully handed the collected information to her mother, and then waited for her mother's orders. As for the malicious looks from her sisters behind her, Just pretend you can't feel it.

The fist-sized crystal ball became smaller and smaller in the hands of the Drow Mistress. After being infused with magic power, it projected the previously recorded image, reflecting everything in the Ogre Castle, allowing everyone present to see it clearly.

The neat mushroom plantations, the large number of goblins and cavemen, were directly ignored. The harpies, evil eyes, Medusas, and minotaurs only gave them a second glance, until Owen appeared. The eyes of the daughters suddenly lit up, and even the drow mistress straightened up, her plump thighs couldn't help but overlap, making a slimy friction sound, and she seemed so impatient.

My daughters, go and occupy this dungeon, and then bring this lovely ogre back intact as my new pet. The drow matron snapped her fingers, and a wind blade popped out, killing The beholder, who sensed the danger but was unable to break away, split it in half, expressed his distaste for the old, and then said to his daughters.

Follow your orders. The daughters have long been accustomed to their mother's orders, and even thought of eating them secretly. Anyway, this ogre looks so strong, and its recovery ability should be good. They discuss it, and maybe everyone can Have a taste of it, and if it's actually in my mother's hands, I'm afraid I can only look at it and be greedy.

Of course, Owen didn't know about the Black Castle. It was only after An Qi reminded him that he realized something was wrong.

Are there too many spies and assassins? Owen was trying to make donkey hide gelatin with dragon skin and his reaction was slow. It took him a while to understand what An Qi meant.

You mean we're being targeted?

Yes, Master. It's obvious that the other party plans to take action in the near future with the lowest cost. Of course, the small changes in the dungeon were not hidden from An Qi, but she did not take it to heart, because if the master ordered it, she would It only takes one day to perfectly solve all problems. This is the destructive power of a demigod.

Through Angel's reminder, Owen suddenly understood that this was an underground world, and the war methods he was familiar with could not be applied here.

Although there are many large spaces in the underground world, they are mostly connected by narrow and steep secret passages and cracks, which limits the possibility of large-scale troop dispatches. Otherwise, detonating a secret passage can end a battlefield, so the number of two armies It is impossible for thousands of people to fight against each other in the underground world.

Coupled with the lack of productivity and population, due to cost considerations, underground city wars are mostly based on subtle and insidious means, such as cutting off passages to the outside world and assassinating leaders.

These methods are naturally more economical than using thousands of troops, and are also consistent with the conditions of the underground world.

However, this is only suitable for underground cities, because underground cities have low productivity and generally have few reserves. Once they are cut off from the outside world, they may not be able to sustain it for long.

The reason for methods such as assassination is that the power of the underground city is concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people, and who the ruler is has little to do with most underground city residents, and no one will resist for this.

This situation is the reason why channel cutting and assassination methods are prevalent in the underground world.

An Qi is an expert in this area, and since she has become a demigod, she was aware of it before Black Castle took action, and used secret means to find the mastermind.

Now as long as Owen nods, An Qi will capture the drow mistress and give her to her master as a plaything.

But considering the next plan, Owen decided to take the initiative and lead troops to attack the Black Castle, which was also in line with the formal style of an ogre.

Unfortunately, the plan didn't change quickly. An Qi discovered that a mouse had sneaked into the dungeon and was in contact with a very interesting person.

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