Although she has pure elf blood, Isseus grows at a jaw-dropping speed. She changes almost every day, growing faster than a human child. She is only a few months old, and she already looks like a two or three-year-old child. He is also smart and studious, and learns extremely quickly. He seems to have mastered this knowledge naturally. Now he is just extracting it, which will take hundreds of years to grow and learn like an elf.

This terrifying growth rate made Silo more and more convinced that her choice was right. She only needed to give birth to a dozen such children. The drow mistress of Mithril City should have her own place, so she taught her more carefully and taught the drow that He used the theory to repeatedly brainwash his daughter, trying to establish her dignity as a matron from an early age.

Compared to the excited Silo, Owen's feelings for his first child are more complicated, because compared to the blood relationship, the military connection brought by the system is heavier, which shows that Issei's bloodline is not pure. The descendants are, rather, special soldiers who inherit part of his bloodline.

There was no way. Although Issei inherited part of Owen's genetic information, it could not be formed at all due to the serious lack of it, just like a few lines of words in a book cannot represent the book. For this reason, he had to go through the system. Make up for it and find a suitable carrier.

After careful consideration, Owen exchanged the most compatible template for the second-level blood witch in the dungeon in Heroes as a supplement. In the future, it can be upgraded to a sixth-level shadow witch or even the shadow matriarch, a proper start to the legend.

But what Irving lacks is a legend?

In any case, there is no doubt that Essex is his first daughter, so Owen quickly adjusted his mentality and prepared to train her well so that she could become a true dungeon queen instead of a mere combat power.

In addition, although Silo was active in teaching, Owen didn't like the drow's thinking and behavior, and he didn't intend to let her train his daughter into a useful tool, so he decided to find another teacher for Issei.

The territory has rich teaching resources, but in order for the next plan to proceed smoothly, Owen does not want the dungeon to be related to the territory.

Besides, the underground world is very cruel, and ordinary education is harmful rather than helpful.

After thinking for a long time, Owen decided to summon Angel and ask her to change her appearance and be responsible for teaching Issers.

Angel was originally part of the origin of the devil's differentiation, and her essence transcended mortals. After falling into Owen's hands, he used the power of the system to transform her into a Blood Princess shikigami. Later, she merged with divinity and reached the demigod state, which she used to teach herself. The first daughter was more than enough.

As for her mission in the Holy Shield, as long as Harvey doesn't touch the ruins of the Imperial City and Academy City, there is actually no use for it. After all, it is really unheard of to see a demigod in the main world today.

Under such circumstances, it was natural that the Holy Shield would not be able to take the lead, so it was just the right choice to plan the underground world. I think An Qi would like the underground world full of conspiracy and killing.

On this day, just as Silo was instilling ideas on how to obey the mistress in the three-year-old Isseus, Owen came with a woman wearing a blood-red witch robe, which immediately put her on guard.

From today on, she will be Isseus' teacher and will be responsible for all teaching. You should not interfere anymore. Owen's deep and powerful voice made Silo angry, because in her opinion, this was taking away her power, especially It was the control over his daughter that he could not tolerate, so he did not hesitate to take out a sharp blade and slash at the witch who was about to steal her daughter away.

Haha, she is really an irritable mother. An Qi smiled slightly and just glanced at Silo. She was like a little bug falling into amber. The blood all over her body was solidified and she couldn't move at all. What's even more terrifying is that, She felt that her heart was under increasing pressure, and it was even difficult to beat normally.

As her heart beats slower and slower, and death gradually approaches, Silo stares at Owen desperately, trying to persuade him to rescue him, but Owen is indifferent.

Fortunately, Owen didn't mean to kill Silo. He was not that ruthless. However, Issers' education rights had to be handed over, and in order to prevent her from causing big trouble in the future, he had to kill this restless woman. , proper beating is also a must.

No matter how reluctant Silo was to escape the disaster, she had no choice but to face the existence of a suspected legendary witch, because she was completely defeated in terms of strength and means, and she felt like going back to the days when she lived an ignoble existence under the drow mistress.

After An Qi's skillful focus adjustment, Silo quickly calmed down and became more and more in awe of her ogre husband.

As a drow, Silo was extreme but not stupid, so she could naturally tell that the legendary witch looked in awe of her ogre husband and didn't look like she was acting.

Silo couldn't imagine what kind of being it would be to be able to be so awe-inspiring for a legend, but there was nothing wrong with hugging her thighs desperately, but it wasn't two hairy legs she was hugging.

Although Owen has various plans, the underground world has never been a stable place. In the past, it was nothing to make small troubles. Now, through his development and the wandering businessmen in disguise sent by the territory, there are two to three hundred people in this area. He has become quite famous here, and many people come here because of his reputation. Not only has he accelerated the development of his territory, but he has also spread his name as the Dragon Slayer and Ogre King.

But this name doesn't scare many people in the underground world. From their perspective, this is more like a bluff, because many underground cities were boasted like this earlier.

First you brag so much that people don't dare to mess with you, and then you take the opportunity to develop secretly. By the time others realize it, it's already too late.

Therefore, dragon slayers are not new at all. There are also those who claim to be the son of God, or even the incarnation of the evil god, and there are even those who claim to be demigods who are about to light the divine fire. Let believers dedicate themselves first, and they will be rewarded if they become gods in the future.

It can be said that the underground world has seen a lot of bragging.

However, if there are too many similar things, you will be immune, and you will not easily give the other party a chance. What's more, many underground cities know how profitable trade with the surface is. How can they sit idly by and ignore it? Therefore, many nearby forces began to plan. Up, for example, Black Castle is one of them.

The Black Castle is a dungeon dominated by drow. It has enslaved many monsters and is quite powerful. It is just deeper underground than the Ogre King dungeon where Owen is located. Logically speaking, there will be no conflict between the two parties, but The business opportunities that Irving can see, Blacksburg can't?

The only problem is that Black Fort is still far from the surface. If there is no transfer station in the middle, there are too many variables and too many troops will be spent to maintain the trade routes.

Isn't this a coincidence now? As soon as the reputation of the Ogre King's Dungeon spread, the drow matron of Black Castle knew about it.

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