Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 396 The gestating underground world

Because there were so many newly developed postures, Owen didn't want to leave along the way, but Silo's purpose was not just to let this ogre with unusual aesthetics fascinate him, but to use the other party's power to seize the dungeon.

As long as she occupies a dungeon, she can give birth to more offspring, plunder more slaves, and create a family of her own, just like other drow matrons.

To do this, she must have the help of this ogre, so Siluo tried her best to make the other party unable to extricate herself.

But just letting the other party indulge in this is not enough. This ogre must be moved to help her occupy that dungeon. Only by occupying that dungeon can she transform from an ordinary drow into a drow mistress. , develop a family of their own, which is the biggest dream of every female Zhuoer in her life.

Of course, Owen couldn't guess Silo's idea of ​​​​reproducing a family by herself, because normal people would think so. It was possible for men, but it was simply anti-human for women to live on their own.

Although he didn't know Silo's thoughts, Owen knew that the other party must have a plan. Even if he was an ogre, he could guess it, but he was too lazy to think about it. Seeing that he could exchange for more postures, he would add a little bit. Out of curiosity, he carried the big stick on one shoulder and Silo on the other, heading towards the secret dungeon.

Ever since he entered the underground world through a crack under Silo's guidance, Owen had learned that the main world had given birth to a brand new underground world, which was really unbelievable.

After contacting the body and getting rid of the influence of the ogre's body on him, Owen guessed that it was because the impact of the secret realm pouring back when the Sky Trace was broken was too great, and it hit the main world like a torrent carrying many bubbles and impurities.

Because the secret realm is between reality and reality, it does not cause any damage to the earth. Some of them are lighter in texture and float on the ground to become numerous secret realms. The other part sinks to the ground because it contains more impurities, and due to the mixing Instead of removing impurities, they solidified faster, forming countless independent underground ecological spaces.

Most of these ecological spaces are connected to each other, so they gradually evolve into a huge underground world. This is the reason for the formation of the underground world.

After years of accumulation, secret realms large and small have transformed into countless underground spaces, giving birth to a magical underground world, attracting countless scrambles, trying to build their own country based on it, that is, an underground city.

Some of the pioneers who first discovered the underground world gradually took control of some less dangerous underground spaces and formed their own forces, including drow.

The drow's habit of relying on external forces has gradually made the underground world more complicated. Irving is not the first tool man to be brought in, and he will not be the last. This also means that the underground world will face more chaos and danger. future.

Because the higher the value of the space, the deeper it goes underground. Therefore, the space close to the surface is not only small in area, but also of low value. However, this also means that the occupier will not be too strong, because the powerful ones will definitely compete for better underground space.

For example, in the dungeon that Silo was interested in, although there was a black dragon, it was an old dragon that had already entered its twilight years and had been robbed of its original territory. As a result, it was seriously injured and had to come to the surface to retire.

Although it was a seriously injured old dragon, the dragon's power should not be underestimated. Siluo was discovered while sneaking and managed to escape with her life.

But this also gave Silo some idea of ​​the old black dragon's condition, and then she planned to trick the damn ogre into fighting for the dungeon.

Owen's sense of direction was not good to begin with. Now he has not only turned into an ogre, but has also entered the underground world of nine turns and eighteen turns. His eyesight has gone dark. He has long lost his direction and can only blindly follow the clues. Luo's command, which is also consistent with the performance of an ogre.

Even the smartest two-headed ogre magician has only high intelligence and is still far from being smart, let alone an ordinary ogre. Therefore, Owen's current performance is in line with Silo's idea of ​​an ogre. This appearance also made her feel somewhat relieved. After all, her only bargaining chip now was the ogre that she had worked hard to exchange for with her own capital. If she lost it, she wouldn't be able to cry at all.

After deliberately taking a detour, Silo took Owen to the entrance of an underground space.

On the way, Owen had already heard about his opponent this time, an old black dragon.

Dragons are born legendary creatures, and their strength will continue to improve as they grow. They rely on talent to make a living. In theory, as long as they do not die in accidents, it is only a matter of time before most dragons become legends.

But dragons are not immortal. Before entering old age, dragons mainly use their powerful bodies to fight against the violent dragon breath. Only after they reach old age will they gradually rely on magic.

But as he gets older, the dragon's power will inevitably enter a period of decline. Otherwise, a black dragon may not be invincible in the underground world, but it will never be easily taken away from its territory, and this gives Owen enough confidence.

I just don't know if the black dragon is delicious. Owen has not forgotten about creating an ogre recipe book, so he muttered in his mouth, making Silo's head full of black lines on the shoulder, and she wanted to chop it off with a knife. Stupid ogre.

He reached out and picked up Silo and put it on the ground. Owen carried the big stick and walked into the underground space in front of him alone.

The fluorescent mushrooms and the luminous carpets all over make the underground space not look as dark as expected, and the ogre itself has a certain low-light vision ability, although it is not much, but after the strengthening of the body, as long as it is not There is no problem in a completely lightless environment.

At this time, Owen was standing at the entrance of the underground space. In front of him was a slope that sloped downward. Beyond that was a plain full of mushrooms and streams and a small lake. Directly opposite the entrance was a waterfall with a large flow of water. , and there is obviously a newly excavated dragon cave under the waterfall.

Having determined his target, Owen strode towards that direction.

The ogre's footsteps were very heavy, and as soon as he approached, he startled a large group of goblins who were busy picking mushrooms in the plain.

These goblins are similar to the goblins who offered food to him before. It is their way of survival to offer food to the strong, and what better person to serve than a black dragon, so even if they face Owen, an ogre Feeling fear in his heart, the goblin still let out a distorted scream and rushed over with a mess of weapons.

Owen just glanced down, not even bothering to do anything.

Not only has the body strengthened the current ogre body, but even the original martial arts has been updated. If he was chopped down by a group of goblins, what else would he be busy with?

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