Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 395 There are many ways to modify software

The more he thought about it, the more itchy he felt. He simply didn't wash it, put on a wet short skirt and went to find Silo. Even though he was an ogre now, he was more than two meters tall, and Silo was only about 1.7 meters, but this This is Lao Siji, and his ability to drive a big car is superb. Press the accelerator to the bottom, no matter how the engine shakes, and the bearings will not fall off. At most, the cylinder will be wired, and just give more lubricating oil. Therefore, every time I think about it, I feel sad. Unbearable itching.

But Silo, who had just woken up, didn't think so. Although she couldn't figure out what was going on with this ogre's aesthetics, he would actually go after a drow who was thin, weak, and ugly in their eyes, but the fact was that she couldn't handle it. Come on, she has either been posing or sleeping in the past two days. If she continues like this, even if she is a drow, she will die in the hands of this ogre, so in a hurry, she revealed the hidden secret.

Owen, who went back to the stream to wash his short skirt again, scratched his head and tried to remember what the drow said before. It seemed to be about dungeons, treasures and black dragons. Let's ask her again when she wakes up tomorrow. It's time to wash up now. It's time to sleep.

Silo, who was confused and didn't know what year it was tonight, finally had some decent food to eat. Although the thick soup made with bacon and berries didn't taste very good, she still devoured three large bowls.

Let's go to the dungeon. Owen, who had already eaten and drank enough, packed up all the remaining bacon with a bear skin, and then threw another bear skin to Siluo, who was touching her belly and lying on the ground. I no longer care about image any more, I sit cross-legged when eating, and lie down to recover my strength after eating.

As for why she was given a bear skin, it was mainly because half of the towel on Silo's body was lost in the previous impulse. In order to reduce the frequency of stopping and driving on the road, it is better to put on a bear skin. After all, Owen is now very concerned about his own. I have little confidence in my self-control ability.

Of course Silo also knew this, so she didn't mean to dislike it at all. She wrapped herself tightly in the bear skin that was simply rubbed with plant ash, just like a stunted bear.

Because he learned that there was a new adventure, Owen used his body to strengthen his current body, so as not to die on the way before completing the level.

As an ogre of the fourth level, its strength can be said to be strong or weak, and its brain is not very good. It is far less useful than a fourth level mage, so its use is actually quite embarrassing, facing a group of ordinary people. The army can fight one against a hundred, but if faced with masters or mages holding sharp weapons, they will be a target. Especially since the territorial army has begun to popularize guns and cannons, the role of ogres will be even smaller.

Thinking of this, Owen began to strengthen the ogre into the ogre king.

The Ogre King is taller and stronger than the Ogre. At the same time, he can also cast blood-devouring spells. Although he can only cast blood three times a day, this at least means that the Ogre King has the ability to cast spells. As long as he has the ability to cast spells, he can cast idealistic spells. Hogwarts Charms, like those magical beasts.

Silo, who was responsible for leading the way, was doubting her life. She watched helplessly as the ogre changed day by day as if he had taken medicine. In just a few days, it went from more than two meters tall to three meters tall, and it swelled completely. He walked around for several times and was still trying to cast the spell. The most outrageous thing is that it succeeded! ! !

At this time, Silona still didn't understand that her first guess was wrong, and her second guess was not completely correct either, because this was an extremely rare mutated ogre.

Ogres are stupid and clumsy, but they have a special mutant type, the two-headed ogre magician.

The two-headed ogre magician not only has the ability to cast spells, but is also smarter. He is the wise man among the ogres.

Now this ogre not only has the strength of the ogre king, but has also awakened the ability to cast spells. Although his overall strength is still a little short of the legendary, he is already a very rare strong man.

After realizing this, Silo's original hatred and murderous intention hidden deep in her heart immediately turned into flattery and planning.

Although Zall is comprehensive, due to their eagerness for quick success and quick success during their growth, once they reach adulthood, their strength will inevitably fall into a bottleneck period and it will be difficult to break through.

Coupled with the fierce and cruel competition within the drow, there is no way to accumulate breakthroughs by relying on the trick. No drow will give such a chance to their compatriots. This is why most drow will focus on conspiracy when they reach adulthood. Conspiracy reasons.

But everyone is a thousand-year-old fox. Talking about Liaozhai is almost like chatting, so the intrigues between each other become a thousand layers of routines. To achieve the goal, there is a long way to go, the efficiency is extremely low, and the benefits obtained are even more It was pitiful, so Drow learned to use external forces.

Judging from the way Silo pouted before, she knew she was a loser. No matter how she was before, she must have lost everything now, with not even a hair left. Therefore, if she wants to stand up, she must use external force, and this special one must The mutant ogre king is undoubtedly her best choice at the moment.

Although the process of using external force is similar to that of Goblin offering food, in terms of appearance and posture, Silo is at the crushing level.

Of course, Owen felt the changes in Silo. He felt that his current body shape was too scary. This person actually dared to go up to him. How could it be possible if there was no conspiracy? The price he had to pay was so high that he couldn't bear to look at it. You can only close your eyes and experience it with your heart.

But it doesn't matter. In order to encourage her behavior, Owen even specially modified her software.

After Emile's improvement, a bottle of magic potion and a set of spells can complete the software transformation. Although it is not as outrageous as Luffy's rubber fruit, it still has a softness that makes even snake spirits envious.

Trying to stretch her neck long enough to be able to see the rope without bending her waist, this weird feeling made Silo feel more novel. At the same time, she felt weirder and weirder towards this ogre, because she didn't expect the other party to have it in his hands. There is such a good thing.

The software modification may not seem powerful enough, but when used on drow, it can make one hundred and eight tricks on the opponent. All kinds of hidden swords, snakes, and medicines in the body are child's play, and it's easy to kill someone in one sitting. I heard about the fish intestine sword.

This is especially beneficial to Silo, whose strength has already entered a bottleneck period. It will undoubtedly increase her combat effectiveness to a new level in a very short period of time.

But don't expect Silo to be grateful to Owen. What she wants to do now is to dig out all the secrets of this ogre and extract more value from him. To this end, she will not hesitate to use the drow's many years of careful perfection. The three hundred and sixty movements have extremely high effects on men and women, humans and non-humans, and can be called an important trump card of the drow clan.

The experiences that followed over the next period of time amazed Owen. He had always thought that he had read countless movies before traveling through time, and he had also read a lot of animation novels with exaggerated descriptions. But for the first time, he discovered that fantasy can be reflected in reality.

Sorry, he mistakenly blamed those authors with strong tastes. It turns out that the works they created can really be done.

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