Jonathan either didn't know the seriousness of the situation, or it was because he knew it that he made such a decision, because he vaguely felt that this unusual disaster was different from the past, and it might not be a good idea to directly call for military support, so he planned to Start by finding the source of your discomfort.

Fortunately, every member of the Demon Hunting Club is an all-rounder, and the configuration of the team is as complete as possible. For example, Jonathan is not only a warlock, but also a swordsman and an archer. He is also proficient in many mysterious knowledge, and except for a few of his men who are specialized in Most of those who fight have some spell-casting abilities and have learned relevant mysterious knowledge. This is the source of his confidence in adventurous investigations.

But not everyone has the feeling of being a lone hero. Except for Jonathan, the other team members just want to leave here, because the more they understand the mystery, the easier it is to feel fear. In addition, as members of the Demon Hunting Club, they often experience many abnormal events, which makes them full of fear. of fear.

It's a pity that while they have special rights and rich resources, they are also subject to many restrictions. They cannot run away when encountering danger like adventurers. They can only follow their captain hard and curse the bastard in his heart to die quickly. At that time, they would have a reason to run away. As for the problem of mission failure, they can leave it to the captain to die. They are just soldiers, what can they know.

The group of people did not pretend in vain. Countless bloody lessons have clearly told them that this will not work at all. First of all, the strength attributes are different, and secondly, who said that all colleagues live in harmony, neither the Devil's Head nor the Flesh Church is a family. Awareness, it has become a common practice to cheat each other, and it is even more common to stab each other in the back, so I think that if I sneak in, everything will be fine. Generally, I will not survive the next day. If I can really sneak in, the problem will be even bigger, because you will definitely not normal.

Relying on the thieves' stealth methods, Jonathan and his party gradually approached the residential area, and at the same time saw more and more cruel scenes.

The warlock of the Demon Head likes to summon demons to carry out massacres. This can not only please the demons, but also take the opportunity to collect more souls to summon stronger demons. Therefore, demons can be seen everywhere in the city killing humans.

In comparison, the people of the Church of Flesh and Blood are much more pure. They simply want to sacrifice more flesh and blood to the Lord of Flesh and Blood. Therefore, the place where they operate is like a slaughterhouse, with broken limbs and limbs everywhere. They also sealed the city gate with their twisted flesh and blood. Anyone who dared to get close would either have their flesh twisted into a monster or be swallowed by the twisted flesh and blood.

There are even some people who have become undead spellcasters and are fishing in troubled waters in the city, evoking the remains of the dead and enslaving the souls who died in this disaster. It is almost like participating in a carnival.

Jonathan has long been accustomed to the scene of demons dancing in front of him, but what really makes him feel uneasy is the evil energy.

Along the way, Jonathan saw too many people with green eyes. They were panicking and struggling and escaping like ordinary people. However, he was keenly aware that these people infected with evil energy were not the first targets of demons and undead. Even after touching the twisted flesh full of curses, it has a strong resistance. To a certain extent, in this city full of curses and killings, evil energy is more like a blessing.

This is not the first time that Jonathan has heard of evil energy, and he has even read relevant information.

Because evil energy had just appeared and its lethality was not great, it did not attract much attention in the Demon Hunting Department.

This is mainly because the concentration of evil energy is greatly reduced after it leaks into the main world, and it is suppressed by more complete laws. Before the evil energy adapts, its lethality is indeed inconspicuous, but its pollution is not affected. Instead, it becomes more secretive. In the early days, The symptoms are only green eyes, and there is no irritability or irritability. This is the reason why the Demon Hunting Department ignores evil energy. After all, compared to the soul-devouring demons, the church that twists flesh and blood, and the undead souls who will not rest in peace, evil energy seems too harmless. .

But here, as the evil energy continues to spread, the death of more hosts causes the concentration of evil energy to rise significantly, and the terrifying side of evil energy gradually reveals itself.

Sensing something was wrong, Jonathan decided to look for more evidence, which required some samples.

This is a gift from God. If you drink it, the devil will not eat your body, the undead will not torture your soul, and we will be able to gain eternal peace and praise evil energy! In a private house, a man The man with faint green fluorescent eyes is selling the evil energy soup he brewed with his own blood to more people.

This man is also infected with evil energy, but compared to other infected people, he always hears some faint whispers. Every time the evil energy in his body becomes more and purer, he is unconsciously brewing it. Come out with such a pot of evil energy soup.

Instinct told him that spreading evil energy would allow him to obtain more gifts of evil energy, and he would become more powerful and even omnipotent. Therefore, he took advantage of the panic to spread, roped in the neighbors, and held a Evil gathering.

In normal times, if anyone dared to sell a pot of weird green soup, they would have been escorted to the lord and hanged, but now it has become the only choice for many people.

What Jonathan can notice can naturally be seen by people trapped in the city. Therefore, even though they know that drinking the strange soup may lead to eternal disaster, they undoubtedly choose to fight to the death now. the latter.

As they drank bowls of evil energy soup, these civilians with frighteningly green eyes suddenly felt that they had nothing to fear. Their minds seemed to have gained peace, and their bodies were full of desire for evil energy.

Before the person who made the evil soup could say anything, Jonathan rushed in with a long sword in one hand and an alchemy gun in one hand, lowering his body like a cheetah. He immediately used the long sword to cut off the opponent's head, and then stood up before he could land. Wen fired several shots in a very short period of time, killing several infected people who drank the evil energy soup. He then placed the sword in front of him and placed the alchemical firearm on the arm holding the sword. After the enemy was alive, a signal was sent, and the team members guarding the window and back door immediately came in and sealed the door.

Although it was not the first time to use an alchemical firearm, Jonathan had to admit that this thing was indeed more useful than a sword.

Alchemy firearms are driven by alchemy potions and magic power, and fire metal projectiles or energy bullets. Although they have various shortcomings and are expensive, we have to admit that this thing is very useful, especially for a novice, even if he can equip one. As a backup weapon.

Just like now, there is no need for tedious spell casting or intense movements, just swing your arm and pull the trigger.

The only pity is that it doesn't pose much of a threat to real masters, especially demons and undead.

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