Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 382 Investigation by the Demon Hunting Department

As a semi-independent alliance composed of many Northland nobles, the Northland Nobles Alliance has very strict alliance laws. The first article is that private territory is inviolable. This is also the cornerstone of the establishment of the Northland Nobles Alliance, because the Northland nobles who join the alliance are not It may be impossible for someone who selflessly surrenders all his territory and people to die.

In fact, except for one name, the members of the alliance are in charge of their own affairs. They only jointly provide money and people to form the alliance army, build public roads and buildings, and abide by the same rules of the game. These are all commanded and deployed by the Northland Noble Council. , but one thing must not be violated, that is, private territory is inviolable. Even in the name of the alliance, no plant or tree on the territory of alliance members can be touched.

Therefore, without the consent of the other party, let alone the army, even a bullet belonging to Ferrier and Solari falling into the other party's territory is considered an invasion. At that time, not only will the alliance be held accountable, but other members of the alliance will be hurt, and the consequences will be It was very serious, so even if the entire city was destroyed in front of their eyes, they couldn't do anything.

Fortunately, this was not the first time that a similar incident had occurred. The Alliance Parliament had already established a special organization to respond and received special emergency authority in the parliamentary vote, so a special team arrived quickly.

Dear Count Solari, I am Jonathan, the senior demon hunter of the Demon Hunting Department. According to the laws of the alliance, I now have the right to ask you some questions. Please answer them truthfully. Jonathan is a middle-aged man who looks very rigid. The man, with sharp eyes, wearing a long windbreaker unique to the witcher, a long sword and an alchemy firearm, stopped in front of Solari and spoke businesslikely.

Solari frowned, feeling unhappy. After all, he was a noble earl, and the other party was just a dog raised by the alliance. However, according to the laws of the alliance, the other party did have this right, and it looked like the other party pressed their hands together. With a prop like a pocket watch, he knew that he was the object of suspicion.

In fact, this is normal. Using similar means to deceive neighbors is an ancestral craft of the nobles, and it is even more popular in the North. Therefore, it is very normal for both Solari and Ferrier to become the target of suspicion.

After using magic to activate the recorder, Jonathan began to ask some questions, such as when Solari knew about it, when he arrived, and whether the insidious incident had anything to do with him.

Solari is over seventy years old and has never seen any scene before. His answers are flawless. Even if Jonathan wants to cause trouble, he can't find any flaws. What's more, just as Solari thinks in his heart, the identity gap between the two parties is too big. If it's too big, just stopping the other party from asking a routine question is already very offending. If you use other methods, I'm afraid the other party will fall out directly, and even the Demon Hunting Department won't be able to protect him.

After Solari left with a straight face, Jonathan immediately played back the recorder, trying to find something.

Boss, you are so brave. That is Count Solari, one of the twelve counts in the alliance. I was so scared just now that I didn't dare to speak. After Solari left, one of Jonathan's team members breathed a sigh of relief. Pan said.

The count cannot violate the laws of the league. Jonathan said expressionlessly. It was obvious at a glance that this person was not usually easy to contact, but his team members had long been accustomed to it.

Head, okay, did Count Solari lie? the team member asked curiously, because this is related to the direction of their actions.

The recorder in Jonathan's hand is a high-end product. Not only does the resolution reach the level of a hair, it also has the function of detecting and detecting lies. However, only some high-level officials of the alliance and members of the Demon Hunting Department know about this matter. After all, lies belong to the nobles. Face, no one likes to be unmasked and reveal their ugly side.

He didn't lie. Jonathan put away the recorder and his expression became more serious, because this was not good news. He would rather Solari did it, so that the matter would be simpler.

As a senior member of the Demon Hunting Department, Jonathan has dealt with many similar incidents. Some were eliminated in the bud before they broke out, but some developed to an extent that was beyond control, such as the wailing city in front of him.

No matter which one, the cause is very important. Firstly, you can learn lessons and take precautions. Secondly, you can have more accurate ideas to solve it. Otherwise, you can only use your life to find clues.

Obviously, the situation they are facing is very bad. The situation in the city has begun to get out of control. People inside can't escape, and it's difficult for people outside to get in. The most important thing is that they don't know what the cause is, and they don't know how far it has developed. .

In fact, purely from a rational perspective, Jonathan knew that the best way now was to use the army to attack the city. A war could not solve the problem, but it was enough to break the opponent's advantage and make the chaotic situation clear.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. The laws of the alliance allowed them to implement the procedures rigidly, because without enough clues, they could not convince the members of the parliament or the alliance members, especially if they needed to use the army to attack a city of an alliance member.

Asking for information is just a routine, and most of the time they can't get any effective clues. Next, they need to venture into the city to find clues, and use death to prove that they found the right one. Those who are lucky enough to come back alive will report it. As for whether to implement it, then It depends on the decision of the Alliance Council.

Jonathan had seen so many people die from this that he was numb, so he did not explain anything, but led his team members who had obviously just joined the industry for a long time through a secret passage into the city that was being shrouded in death.

The Demon Hunting Department has secretly built secret passages in many cities. Everyone knows what the purpose is, so it can be used but cannot be exposed, let alone admitted.

After getting out of a drain, Jonathan immediately took out the tester. The pointer on it quickly crossed from the white area to the gray area, and finally pointed to the black area, and was still approaching the red area.

Not only Jonathan saw this scene, but several other team members also saw it, and at the same time they showed fear and panic.

They who have been trained by the Demon Hunting Department are very clear about what this means. According to the division of the Demon Hunting Department, the white area is safe and you can move freely, the gray area is slightly polluted and you need to be vigilant, and the black area is severely polluted, even if there is Senior members lead the team, and the mortality rate remains high. As for the red area representing the abyss, it is no longer about solving the problem, but how to escape.

Obviously, the seriousness of the city's problems has exceeded their previous expectations, and it is slipping towards the abyss.

Captain, according to the regulations of the Demon Hunting Department, we can now choose to withdraw and call for support from the alliance army. A team member whispered to Jonathan with the secret support of several teammates.

Continue to carry out the exploration mission. Jonathan said without changing his expression.

Several other team members were unwilling to do so, but as the captain, Jonathan still had the highest command authority without orders or takeovers from his superiors. If they dared to disobey orders, they would end up badly, so they could only take out their weapons and prepare for action. It's just that I have ravaged this captain who doesn't take their lives seriously hundreds of times in my heart.

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