Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 365 Goblin Corps and Evil Ratmen (Part 2)

It’s not that the territory doesn’t want to solve this serious problem. The Guards had this idea in mind when it was first formed, but it was delayed because it wasn’t completely sure yet. After all, the evil rat-men are too evil. Once the evil rat-men are stimulated, If we also bring out the Ultramarines, it will really become a serious problem.

While listening to Dagu's explanation, Owen looked through the information on the evil ratman, his brows getting closer and closer.

The original evil ratmen were no different from ordinary ratmen. They were furry and a little cute at first glance, but their eyes were a little green. Therefore, the goblins who went in to explore at first had no intention of starting a fight. After all, they were not devils, nor were they... On the fourth day of disaster, whoever is caught will be killed.

But as time went by, the evil rat-men gradually revealed their ferocious side. At the same time, because their companions disappeared one after another, the goblins also launched a counterattack, and the thirty-year war between the two sides began.

Today's evil ratmen have changed a lot. Their originally rounded skulls have gradually elongated back to their ancestors, and their bodies are covered with thick and long hair. They have become more and more like rats that walk upright. They grew up drinking waste water from floating islands. kind of.

The change in appearance is only secondary. Through continuous wars, the Fel Ratmen quickly adapted to the changes brought to them by Fel Energy, and gradually evolved some special professions. The most deadly ones are Fel Warlocks, a group of people who use Fel Energy. The life-robbing spellcaster.

At the same time, the Fel Rat Man developed a set of technology based on evil energy by picking up broken machinery on the battlefield, which surprised Owen.

These rat-men must be cheating. Owen, as a serious cheater, said so. It can be imagined how much impact the evil rat-men brought to him, so without further delay, he directly called Dagu to go to the ruins. Need to do some on-the-spot investigation.

There are horse-drawn carriages and steam cars in the territory, but the main ones in Green Shade City are sheep carts.

These dungeon-born magic sheep continue to multiply in Green Shade City and take on the important task of pulling carts. Unexpectedly, they are unexpectedly popular. Even some adventurers are willing to raise one. After all, magic sheep are much stronger than ordinary sheep. Carrying dozens of kilograms of luggage can climb high and low without delay, and he is not picky about food. He can sustain himself for a long time just by eating grass. Not to mention that as a magic sheep, he can also eat meat, making him very suitable for survival in the wild.

In fact, the popularity of sheep carts is also related to the environment of Green City. Apart from one avenue that leads directly to the ruins and the forest, the other streets in Green City are not wide. After all, they are built in the forest, and the small streets and alleys are winding and winding. It is a common thing, so it is not suitable for a large carriage, and the relatively small sheep carriage is obviously more convenient and faster.

Owen got on the sheep cart, with hundreds of demon sheep cavalry wearing light armor and holding spears guarding both sides. As Da Gu walked out of the city gate, he saw a wide green avenue in front of him.

Today's super farmland is used more as a mediator, because the magic horn trees on both sides of the road have faded a lot after continuous felling, and have been replaced by a large number of farmland and nurseries for cultivating magic horn saplings.

Obviously, the territory's growing demand for magic horn trees has been difficult to maintain a balance through natural growth, which gives Owen one more thing to worry about.

Fortunately, the scenery in front of him quickly distracted Owen and allowed him to indulge in the pastoral scenery in front of him.

After years of continuous cultivation, a large amount of land has been opened up and has become fertile farmland. It is now being built into a production farm, providing a continuous supply of fresh fruits, vegetables and food to the entire territory. In addition to the high-quality meat and dairy products obtained from grazing, the civilians in the territory have been satisfied. Life is quite prosperous.

Because of the importance of the ruins, Maya gave a sub-city quota to the ruins, but there are no civilians here, except for soldiers and workers. Even the spellcasters on the third floor of the ruins have the name of a corps.

The increasingly tight semi-permanent defense line outside the entrance to the ruins made Owen feel a pressure. It was obvious that the place was prepared for the worst.

Beyond the defense line, multiple landing pads were built at the huge open-air entrance that originally spiraled down. The decent steam helicopters were parked there. Judging from the honeycomb-like bomb nests on both sides of the fuselage, they already had actual combat value.

But Owen just glanced at it, and then frowned and stared at the empty space at the bottom, where was the entrance to the evil rat-man secret realm.

No wonder the territory is so big. Once the Fel Secret Realm gets out of control, the ruins and Green Shade City will bear the brunt, followed closely by the North City. Therefore, even if the losses are huge, the war against the Fel Ratmen will not stop.

The entrance to the ruins has been enlarged, filled with steam tanks, and fortifications and secret warehouses have been built. Obviously, once there is any movement, the torrent of steel will directly push forward. If it cannot be pushed, there will be resistance layer by layer.

Owen rubbed his brows, feeling the pressure growing.

All the previously sealed areas on the first floor of the ruins have been used and transformed into barracks. Thousands of hobgoblins and bugbears are training in company units. Their hard work and evil aura made Owen feel the goblins and bugbears. A trace of the cruelty of the brutal war between the evil rat-men.

After years of war, the goblins' fighting methods have also undergone tremendous changes and become more professional, which can be seen from the equipment and soldiers.

The original steam nail gun was too heavy and unreliable, so it was replaced by bolt-action rifles and water-cooled machine guns.

Yes, the territory is already able to produce bolt-action rifles and water-cooled machine guns, and even more advanced weapons are not impossible, but the territory's limited resources cannot sustain the consumption.

The faster the rate of fire, the more ammunition is consumed. Coupled with the steam industry and steam machinery that consume more resources, the territory is really unbearable, so the only choice is bolt-action rifles and water-cooled machine guns with a rate of fire of only three to five hundred rounds. .

But steam nail guns haven’t disappeared, they’ve just been mounted on steam tanks.

Compared with the steam engine that can only provide limited steam when carried by an individual soldier, the vehicle-mounted steam engine is obviously more powerful, so the nail gun is more powerful and has a longer range. In addition, there are no cartridge cases and propellants, so it can carry more reserves. , very suitable for fire suppression.

Hobgoblin riflemen, bugbear machine gunners, goblin tankers, and helicopter pilots form a perfect corps, which is enough for a battle, not to mention steam tanks and steam helicopters with some black technology.

The goblin woodcutter dungeon is being studied, and it has been put into the battlefield early and has become a big killer.

However, compared to the detailed research on dungeons, the ruins are much more practical, and the pursuit is productivity and lethality, so the shape is a bit crude, with thick joints and many pipelines exposed, and the control will also be limited due to insufficient structure. It is precise and has obvious glitches. At the same time, the armor is forged armor made of wrought iron sandwiched between steel plates. It is heavy, but its defensive power can only be said to be average.

Although there are many shortcomings, the advantages are large output, easy processing, and easy maintenance, which is very suitable for bursting production capacity.

As for weapons, the classic chain saw is retained, and the other mechanical arm is equipped with a large-caliber nail gun and flamethrower. If you like, you can also change it to a jet power claw or a power hammer.

It is with these equipments and the extraordinary reproductive ability of goblins that the evil ratmen can be blocked in the secret realm.

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