Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 364 Goblin Corps and Evil Ratmen (Part 1)

Owen was very satisfied with the inspection of the dungeon. The only problem was that in order for many projects to continue, he needed to spend a lot of time exchanging the resources, knowledge and items needed by researchers such as Emily, because only he with the system could Done.

However, the resources required for research are simply a bottomless pit. Owen has to make some choices, choose those that are priority, those that need to be postponed, and those that only need to be theoretical reserves. Otherwise, directly launch Sky City or Void Battleship, 100% The Baihui will drag down the territory, so they must be prioritized.

With Owen's current ability, it is obvious that he cannot do this job well, but he is the only one in the entire territory who is qualified to make choices.

Considering the actual situation, Owen decided to let the scientific research center continue to improve the enhancement of the Ultramarines, and then design a set of Terminator power armor based on the power armor as a filler between the Ultramarines and the bipedal robots.

However, the improvement of power armor needs to solve the problem of materials first, and this requires Owen to open the portal that has been disconnected for thirty years and obtain precious materials from the mountains in the other world.

You must know that each piece of power armor requires the consumption of mithril and fine gold. Without the resources of the mountains, it is unrealistic to collect them by yourself in the territory.

Now that many precious resources in the territory are almost at their lowest point, and there are no more sources, I am afraid that many research projects will have to be stopped, and even the production of power armor will have to come to a standstill.

It just so happened that Owen planned to go to Green City to see if this problem could be solved, and where was the most troublesome part of the territory, otherwise he would not leave it to the end.

After resting for a day, Owen set off for Green City. Compared to the increasingly majestic North City, Green City seemed to blend into the forest. Here, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between city walls and trees, and even the buildings. It is also perfectly integrated into the natural environment, resulting in more than 50% of the green area of ​​the entire city. In addition to roads and houses, there are plants and many magical animals everywhere. Apparently the magical animals Irving left behind have multiplied. A lot.

As for the population here, the largest number are goblins, followed by demi-races and adventurers, so this place is very dynamic. Whether it is goblins who are optimistic by nature or they have finally found a demi-race that does not discriminate against them, they are all interested in Green Shade. The city has very deep feelings.

Even adventurers with no fixed abode like Green Shade City very much. This is not only due to the system transformation, but mainly because everything here is like a paradise created for adventurers.

For example, the Dashudong Tavern, which is very famous throughout the North, has a wide variety of potions, tailor-made equipment, and portals that connect multiple secret realms, not to mention a certain alley and the Succubus Hall. It meets the needs of all adventurers inside and out, and has become a recognized paradise and retirement place for all adventurers.

In addition, the Magic Academy is becoming more and more complete. In addition to systems such as spells, potions, and alchemy, it has also added disciplines such as swordsmanship, riding, and tactics. Adventurers who have families and offspring are also happy to settle here and let their offspring enter the academy to study, etc. After graduation, even if you are not an adventurer, you can still go to Beicheng to take the exam.

However, the teaching at the Magic Academy still favors the legal system. Hundreds of people graduate every year, but not many are truly successful. Most of them are apprentices and junior wizards, which are similar to adult wizards in the world of Hogwarts. Their spell casting abilities are limited. , but to say how strong it is, it’s not that strong.

Among them, there are those who are good at research, a few have gone to the underground city scientific research center, and some have joined the Green Shade City's spell caster corps.

The main job of the Spellcaster Corps is not to fight. They mainly study spell improvement, magic potion refining, magic herbs, alchemy items, magical creatures, etc. They are a diverse research group, but the changes in Green Shade City have made them Indispensable contribution.

Thinking about this information, Owen went all the way to the City Lord's Mansion.

General Wild Beast had already led his people to wait in front of the door, but compared to the frenzy and restlessness back then, he now seemed much calmer, more majestic and imposing.

As an insignificant monster in the dungeon, General Wild Beast was able to achieve his current achievements. Even Owen looked at him with special eyes. After all, managing such a large territory shows how capable he is. He is completely worthy of the Liao Hua template that was originally integrated. His civil and martial arts are all top-notch. Therefore, he was specially given the name Dagu. From now on, he no longer needs to call himself the Wild Beast General, but a senior official with a name.

After entering the city lord's mansion and sitting down at the main seat, Owen hesitated for a moment and asked.

When did the mother and daughter leave? Owen asked naturally about his biological mother and sister.

At the beginning of the great change, he left in a hurry, saying that he was going back. Naturally, Da Gu always paid attention to the owner's mother and sister, so he specially took out a thick stack of files with records of every arrival and departure.

Owen flipped through a few pages and put them away without looking at them.

In fact, his feelings towards the mother and daughter are quite complicated. He doesn't want to get close to them, and he doesn't want to reject them. He doesn't want to see them, but he can't help but pay attention to them. But after thirty years, it's okay to leave.

Now tell me about the secret realm. Owen took the coffee and drank it in one gulp, and said to Dagu.

Even though Green City looks peaceful, it is actually just like sitting on the crater of a volcano, and the cause lies in the portal.

The portal in Green Shade City is the most frequently used. In addition to connecting to the mountains in the other world, Owen also opened the back door to the secret realm before it collapsed. This caused the secret realm to withstand the backflow of the secret realm when it collapsed, and gave birth to the entire North Land. The biggest secret place.

Because this secret realm is too huge and contains more imprints of origins and laws, it is better to say that it is a secret realm than a special demi-plane, and its value is difficult to estimate.

But what's worse is that there is a very special race inside, the evil ratmen.

Ratmen are very common, but whether they were in the secret realm or were contaminated when the secret realm collapsed, these ratmen are actually able to use a very special energy.

This kind of miserable green energy is highly corrosive and contagious to the body and soul, so it is called evil energy, which is evil energy.

According to research, the territory concluded that this evil energy comes from a very advanced and terrifying existence, so it must be isolated in a secret realm, otherwise the entire territory may be destroyed.

In fact, if the ratmen simply use evil energy, it won't be a big trouble for the territory. After all, the ratmen are too weak, and the reproductive ability of the goblins is not inferior to that of the ratmen, and they are also smarter. In addition, the territory's industry If you have the support, you will definitely not suffer in a fight.

The problem is that these ratmen broke the upper limit of evolution under the influence of evil energy, quickly adapted to the attack of the goblin mechanical corps, and developed their own technological system through the picked up mechanical remains, gradually becoming a serious problem in the territory.

According to the territory's research, the greater the stimulation these evil ratmen receive, the faster they evolve. Therefore, the best way is to maintain a balance and reduce the opponent's evolution speed. Therefore, the territory maintains a goblin corps all year round to fight against the enemy in the secret realm. The fel ratmen begin a war with no end in sight.

This is also the reason why the goblin population in the territory has not been able to grow in the past thirty years. The casualties are too heavy.

Just a simple estimate shows that there are millions of goblins who have died in the secret realm over the years, which has seriously inhibited the development of the territory.

In fact, it is not that the territory does not want to solve this serious problem. The formation of the Guards has this idea. However, it is not completely sure yet, so it is delayed again and again. After all, once the evil ratmen are stimulated, the Ultramarines will emerge. That would really be a serious problem.

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