Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 361 Changes in the Territory Thirty Years Later (Part 2)

The Northern Glory Alliance was originally a joke created by Owen, but thirty years later it has become a behemoth, with a direct population of one million and an affiliated population of hundreds of thousands, totaling less than 2 million people. It is a well-known local emperor in the North.

Don't think that this small population is not as large as a city in the previous life, but in this world it is enough to become a king and found a country.

However, it is a powerful force and borders many parties. The affairs involving all aspects are very complicated and troublesome, which is very confusing.

Fortunately, Maya knew Owen's temperament and specially organized the information. The upgraded Nuanbaobao projected it, replacing the original sand table, so that he could feel the changes in the territory more intuitively.

Seeing the Northern Glory flags densely planted in a small area of ​​the North on the projection, Owen nodded with satisfaction. Although he did not have any credit, it did not dampen his pride. After all, everyone was his subordinates, and this credit did not count. Whose is his?

The Northern Glory Alliance has a large population, but because they know that there is an upper limit to the territory's population conversion, Maya has been controlling the population of the North City over the years. It is now around 900,000, all after system conversion.

Although this caused many small nobles in the alliance to travel outside the core and be difficult to control, it made the whole North City united and impregnable, and the advantages obviously outweighed the disadvantages.

Of course, Beicheng's nearly one million people cannot all live in the city. Even if Beicheng continues to expand, it cannot accommodate them. Only 400,000 of them live in the city, and the remaining 500,000 are scattered in the surrounding villages and towns.

Although a large number of people are scattered outside the city, there is no need to worry about safety issues. First of all, there is the upgraded Mara City in the south, the growing buffalo tribe in the north, the unfathomable Green Shade City in the east, and even Bella in the west. The nomadic tribes set up defenses, so it was not easy to break through the outer defenses and invade the hinterland of Beicheng.

In addition, Maya also used two sub-city quotas, one is Ferrier City and the other is Solari City. Yes, these two cities are within the sphere of influence of the Northland Noble Alliance, and they are not small cities.

In this way, any movement of the Northland Nobles Alliance cannot be hidden from Beicheng, not to mention that the two cities have more young people and are well-trained to obey orders. The army formed is the main ace of the Northland Nobles Alliance.

The barbarian tribes across the river have become increasingly declining in recent years, and more and more barbarians have joined the buffalo tribe. For this reason, some of the population quotas have to be allocated to the north city and multiple barbarian villages and towns have been built. Otherwise, it would have exceeded the five-year limit of the sub-city. The population limit is 10,000, so it is not much of a threat.

As for the alliance between the Barbarian Kingdom and Beiguan Border City, they are strong, but they are far away. Even if the army is dispatched, it will give Beicheng enough time to respond.

Of course, Beicheng's real confidence comes from the territory's productivity and army.

Thirty years is enough time for the territory to enter the steam age. However, the factories are hidden in underground cities and underground ruins and are not exposed. After all, the painting style is different, so it is better to hide them. Only agricultural machinery will pretend to be puppets during spring plowing. It is used during the autumn harvest and even sold externally.

It's a pity that no one buys them, even though everyone knows that these machines are more efficient and can save manpower.

The problem is that for most lords, the cost-effectiveness of using steam machinery is too low, because one agricultural machinery can hire hundreds of farmers to work them to death.

This is not Beicheng's arbitrary asking price. Metal itself is not cheap. Manufacturing steam machinery requires the use of a large amount of steel and complicated processing, which makes it even more expensive.

You must know that a set of steel armor and weapons is enough for a fiefdom knight to live on dirt for a year or two, and how much armor and weapons can be made from the metal consumed to make an agricultural machinery.

Spending so much money to buy a puppet for farming, those noble lords are not crazy yet.

The extensive use of steam machinery has not only greatly improved the territory's agricultural and water conservancy advantages, but also enabled the export of a large number of goods, ranging from agricultural tools, firearms, armor, and cloth, which are the most indispensable best-sellers in the North.

Because they have the initiative in trade, although the Northern Glory Alliance is smaller in size, its status is not low at all.

Of course, wealth alone without swords and guns is not enough. After all, it is more popular here for neighbors to farm grain and me to farm guns, so the army in the territory has also begun to change.

First, the old-fashioned muskets were eliminated and breech-loading rifles using paper shell bullets began to be equipped.

The breech-loading rifle can only be loaded with one round at a time, and it is easy to get wet, and the barrel needs to be cleaned frequently due to insufficient combustion. In addition, the too long barrel makes cleaning more troublesome, but overall it is good.

The length of nearly 1.5 meters gives this gun a high range and hit rate. With a bayonet attached, it becomes a spear. The most important thing is the rate of fire, which is ten rounds per minute. The shooting posture requirements are also low, and the usage method is the same as that of a spear. The structure is also very simple and is very suitable for large-scale equipment.

In addition to guns, there are also cannons, small-caliber infantry cannons. Although compact, the caliber is only 60 mm, but the range and power are not bad. It uses copper-cased bullets with integrated ammunition and high-explosive warheads. If the output was not high, it would be With this, Beicheng can defeat the entire Northland with no invincible opponent.

These are just infantry equipment. Thanks to the large-scale use of agricultural machinery over the years, steam tanks have also achieved considerable development, and relatively mature light steam tanks have been equipped into the army.

A light steam tank with riveted homogeneous armor weighs only three or four tons, and a full load of ammunition, fuel and water weighs less than five tons.

When there is sufficient steam, this type of steam tank can reach a speed of 30 to 40 kilometers per hour, which is comparable to an electric vehicle. Its main weapons are an 80mm steam smoothbore cannon and two 10mm caliber steam nail guns.

Unfortunately, limited by resources and production, although there are new equipment, it is difficult to expand. Currently, there are only 50,000 infantry and 50 light steam tanks.

If it were a normal cold weapon era, this army would be enough to push down any enemy.

The problem is that this world is not normal. Let alone how much ammunition it takes to deal with the sea of ​​undead bones. The legend of being able to tear apart tanks with one's hands is not something that these simple weapons can deal with.

But the most troublesome thing is the resources, because the steam machinery and guns in the territory require magic horn trees, and they can eat as much as they can.

With the current size of the steam industry and army in the territory, if it is not controlled, the magic horn forest will have no time to grow. It will be only a matter of time before it is cut down. Unless super farmland is used recklessly, a large number of magic horns will be spawned in a short period of time at the expense of destroying nature. Hornbeam.

No one would be so short-sighted. Even if the current area of ​​the Devil's Horn Forest is enough for Beicheng to bombard all the way to the Imperial Capital, Maya has not approved the expansion of the army, only the number needed to maintain defense.

Various restrictions on knights make Beicheng unsuitable for expeditions, because the new army relies too much on ammunition and fuel.

But on the contrary, Beicheng has almost no opponents in defensive battles. Even if the army of the Barbarian Kingdom dares to come, it can still make the opponent unable to survive.

In addition, Maya is implementing the same strategy as Owen. These are all on the surface. The real trump card of the territory is the 1,500-strong Guards.

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