Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 360 Changes in the Territory Thirty Years Later (Part 1)

Nowadays, the fragmented empire makes Owen sigh. At the same time, he is very curious in his heart why the empire collapsed so suddenly. How did the indescribably impregnable imperial capital fall?

He is no longer the novice he was. There is not only knowledge in Academy City, but also the most complete history of the empire, which has not been modified or beautified. Therefore, Owen is very aware of the size and potential of the empire.

The empire's territory is very vast, spanning thousands of kilometers and supporting hundreds of millions of people. Its war potential in the cold weapon age can be said to be fully reached.

Therefore, although the undead and plague in the north and south involved a lot of the empire's energy, they were not able to shake the foundation of the empire. Even if the scale was ten times larger, it would still be about the same.

And even if war breaks out, the time that the empire can sustain is measured in years. It can even be said that as long as the upper level of the empire does not collapse, the empire will not fail, not to mention that the empire has hidden countless trump cards for thousands of years, and Mog is only responsible for a corner of the defense circle. Owen was amazed.

Not to mention that this is just something on the surface. The real things that the empire has under the hood must be more powerful than this. Otherwise, what qualifications do they have to let the glory of the three noble gods stop outside the palace.

But such a powerful empire was gone, and the three aristocratic gods did not make any movement. This made Owen difficult to understand, and at the same time he was very curious about what happened in the first place?

However, more detailed information needs to be returned to the territory, and Maya will not let him down.

As soon as he entered the scope of the Beiguan Border Town Alliance, Owen sensed the presence of the ninja. Under the guidance of the other party, he returned directly to the territory through the secret floo network.

Of course, this Floo Network was not redeemed by Owen, but thirty years was enough for the territory to master the technology of setting up a Floo Network, so he was not surprised.

Owen's return was quiet and did not cause any ripples in the North City. However, the entire territory's top management immediately put down their affairs and headed to the castle.

After thirty years of expansion, the castle is no longer the old and small one it once was. With its majestic architecture, low-key and luxurious decoration, and the magic covering every inch, it is no less impressive than Hogwarts Millennium Academy.

The moment Owen walked out of the fireplace, the castle's huge magic network was connected to him. After confirmation, he was immediately granted the highest authority. Obviously, this was taken into consideration when setting up the magic network. It seemed that they were intentional.

Feeling that the complex magic network centered on the castle and extended to the entire North City, even if it was not perfect, Owen was still surprised by the changes in the territory in the thirty years since he disappeared. Could it be that he had really dragged down the development of the entire territory? ? ?

Just when Owen was doubting his life, he suddenly fell into a warm embrace. Judging from the familiar squeezing and suffocation felt on his head, it was obvious that the person coming was Dale, because others did not have such a strong sense of oppression. As for love. Myr, that is a suffocating bottomless swamp, and Owen dare not touch it.

Sure enough, when Irving was put down, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After not seeing her for a long time, Dale has grown again. This figure already has some of the grace of his mother Emile, but the height is a bit too high, almost over two meters. If Owen gets too close, he won’t even look up. It was no wonder that the oppression he just felt became stronger.

Welcome back, Master. Dell wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile while crying, which shows how excited she was at this time.

Compared to Maya, who is busy with her career, and Charles, who is determined, Dale is a traditional woman. Owen is her master and everything to her. You can imagine how she has lived in the past thirty years. It is probably useless. Medicine pestles can fill a closet.

I'm back. Owen stood on tiptoes and reached out to pat him. He felt like he was beating a bull from afar. Then he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have grown up again, and the equipment had reached the minimum standard for use. Suddenly, his feet went weak and he almost sat down. On the ground, Dale, who had all the attention on him, reached out and hugged him. He once again experienced suffocation and squeezing. He couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It seemed that the next days would be difficult, but he didn't know the expansion spell. I can't stand it now, so maybe I should learn Druid transformation.

In addition, you must sleep alone before you grow up, otherwise you will suffocate to death due to the weight of the mountain in your sleep, which would be too funny.

Maya, who was still beautiful and charming, came over with an improved model of Nuan Baobao. Her seductive eyes and hidden resentment made Owen clearly feel the power of a super mature woman who has been alone in the boudoir for thirty years. What's scary is that this person is not only a warlock, but also has the endurance of a Medusa snake. It seems that he really has more breasts than chickens when he comes back this time.

Next came Ciel and Bella in human form. Judging from the bloodstains on their bodies, it was obvious that they had just experienced a battle, but they still rushed over as soon as they received the news that Owen was back.

Compared to the gentle Dale and the seductive Maya, Charles and Bella only have loyalty and fanaticism. Time has not worn away their loyalty, but has become more indestructible.

The four women are equivalent to Owen's cabinet. With them here, there will be no chaos in the territory, not to mention that the entire territory will be systematized, and there is no doubt about their loyalty. Therefore, even after thirty years, his heart is still as stable as a mountain.

Thanks to what Irving left behind, the old man is still there. Although aging is inevitable, it is not a problem for him now.

This was just a meeting, and Owen didn't say much. After all, he just came back. He didn't know anything about the situation in the entire territory, and he didn't know much. Talking nonsense at this time would easily make a joke, so he talked about the past and praised him. Let's talk about the future now, and this meeting is over.

In fact, as long as Owen is not dead, there will be no problems in the territory, so even if he has been missing for thirty years, the territory is still developing vigorously.

Owen was busy for a long time. Before, he was worried that the expansion spell would not be able to withstand it. But when he got busy, he realized that he had to turn on the watch to release the water. How could he still be in the mood to engage in such shameful things? thing.

Owen first restores his men's condition. Although they will not be immortal, there is no problem in restoring them to their peak condition and extending their lifespan by a hundred or two hundred years. Even if they are willing to fuse with the inhuman blood, they can live for at least hundreds of years.

The other titles that had not been touched in the past thirty years were all mentioned. He first proclaimed himself Grand Duke, then Maya, Howard, and Collens were all made earls, and a bunch of other viscounts and barons were made.

Although the position and salary remain unchanged, everyone is still happy. After all, the title has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for thousands of years.

This move not only prevented the territory's top management from being absent from work due to physical reasons, but also strongly gathered people's hearts, making everyone's blood surge, and they would fight for Hydera for another hundred years.

Loyalty is loyalty, positivity is positivity, and being willing to die for you doesn't mean that I won't be lazy.

A healthy body and a glorious position are undoubtedly the most suitable methods to win people's hearts at the moment.

The next step is to get familiar with the territory, which gives Owen a terrible headache, because the territory has developed into a behemoth in thirty years. The information he collected outside before was only the surface of the territory, and the real scale shocked him. .

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