The frontal battlefield became intense, and the feint attacks on both sides also became fake due to the blood. The old barbarians who were determined to die were the first to die cleanly, and the young and energetic barbarian recruits were all teenagers. , infected by the barbarian old man's belief in death, he also followed his superiors and prepared to seek death.

Fortunately, the great shaman was well prepared and arranged for some shaman to follow, so the future of the tribe was not lost.

Of course, there are always some stupid young people who don't listen to advice and think they will become the protagonists of the battlefield, but what will happen to them?

If you die, you will die. Enough people have died anyway, so this is not enough.

As for the bloody frontal battle, the Great Shaman has decided to give up.

There is nothing you can do if you don't give up, because the barbarian warriors do not have any positions in the officer system, and although the tribal leader who takes the lead is the most capable of fighting in the tribe, he is not so much a leader as a double-flowered red stick. He just needs to take the lead in charging when encountering trouble. , In this situation, if you want to withdraw people, without command and organization, it is simply a dream.

What's more, if we really want to take that step, there's no way we can make it unless these tribal warriors die.

Humans can take in a stray dog, but they cannot take in a wolf that poses a threat. What the great shaman has to do now is to remove the wolf's claws and make it harmless and tameable.

To put it simply, the great shaman betrayed the tribal warriors who were still fighting bloody battles and was already preparing for surrender.

At the same time, the great shaman was also helpless. He longed for the victory of the tribe and even didn't mind burning his own soul, just for that glimmer of hope. But they chose the wrong opponent and ruined themselves with their own hands.

Beicheng is definitely not a simple city, nor does it belong to the empire.

When the great shaman was young, he concealed his identity and traveled to the empire. Thanks to his smaller size and smarter mind than the barbarians in the north, he successfully completed the trip. Not only did he gain knowledge and experience, but he also had a deep appreciation for the empire. Familiar, so he could feel that this city did not belong to the empire.

Realizing this, the great shaman decided to take the last step. Even if many tribal warriors were sacrificed, he could at least preserve the future.

Thinking of this, the great shaman smiled bitterly. His method was undoubtedly dirty, but it was the only thing he could do for the tribe.

When failure was a foregone conclusion, he had no choice.

Feeling the decrease in fighting intensity, Owen felt a little strange until a shaman came from the south gate of the North City to deliver a message.

It's interesting. It seems that there are wise men among the barbarians in the North, but some people are really causing trouble. Owen put down the surrender letter sent by the great shaman and said to Maya with a smile.

Yes, the other party is very smart. He lured these barbarian tribes to the North City without even showing his face. Maya nodded and said calmly.

It was only a matter of time before Beicheng was discovered by the barbarians going south. However, because the barbarians in the north were bent on going south, even if they were discovered by chance, it would be difficult to gather so many barbarian tribes. But if someone specially guided them, the situation would be different.

The barbarian tribe was unaware of this. Only the great shaman, who had matured into a master, noticed that something was wrong, so he wrote down his guess as a bargaining chip for surrender.

In fact, the opponent's operation was very simple. They released the herds of animals at fixed points and easily guided the barbarian tribes that relied on hunting to deviate from the southward route little by little. They eventually crashed into the North City and triggered this war.

But this is obviously not the other party's real method. Maya said after a pause.

There are tens of thousands of northern barbarians, and there are thousands of barbarian warriors alone, not to mention a large number of shamans and ancestor warriors. In a field battle, they are enough to kill tens of thousands of imperial frontier troops.

But that's not enough. As a grand duke, Macaron would not be so naive, thinking that a barbarian with just a few points could defeat a well-established elf royal family.

The identity of the Owen elven royal family is no secret among the upper echelons of the empire. They attracted tens of thousands of northern barbarians. It was a bit heavy as a test and a bit light as a means of destroying the enemy. This was completely inconsistent with the methods of a grand duke.

First, they contacted the newly arrived northern nobles to attract our attention, and then attracted the northern barbarians as a sharp knife. It was a good method, but these were all used by the other party to hide their ears. Maya shook her feather fan lightly, holding a pair of pearls of wisdom. His appearance completely lived up to the Zhuge Liang template.

I'm afraid their real purpose is the sealed undead demigod. Maya clapped her hands lightly and pointed to the north.

It just so happened that the entire Northland was in war, with killings and deaths everywhere. This was enough to speed up the recovery of the undead demigods who broke out of the seal. It also provided the opponent with materials to form an undead army. Owen sighed, not expecting the other party's handiwork. So big.

This is in line with the status of a Grand Duke. Maya concluded the Grand Duke Macaron's coffin with one sentence, not caring whether he did it or not.

In fact, Irving doesn't care, because he wants to spread these speculations through black hands. Regardless of whether they are true or not, he believes them anyway, and others also need a target to vent to, and they also don't care whether the other party is true or not.

Many times when emotions arise, people need a channel to vent. As for whether it's a gas pipe or a sewer, they don't care. They can just fight to death, and then blow it up.

Don't think that only the North City encountered the barbarian invasion. In fact, during the war between the two sides, the barbarians who went south had penetrated deep into the central part of the Northland, which was also the area with the largest number of nobles in the Northland. After all, Owen's place was too far away, the development cost was too high, and it was close to the empire. The competition in the border areas is fierce, and it is difficult to escape the control of the internal forces of the empire. Therefore, any new Northland nobles with some ambitions will choose to build their own territory in the central part of the Northland, which is not far away.

But no matter how ambitious they are, facing the hordes of Northland barbarians heading south, no one will be spared, because the barbarians are the real natives of the Northland, and with their strong strength, those who can run fast can still save their lives. , if you run slowly, there will be nothing.

Under the sweep of the Northland barbarians, a large number of Northland nobles either died or lost their territories, and the population was either killed or plundered. The originally chaotic but prosperous Northland was completely overthrown, and the Northland was left to its own devices. The barbarians repeatedly ravaged it.

Faced with this situation, the imperial frontier army, which had been idle for a long time, was mobilized in a rare move. A large number of idle soldiers were regrouped and urgently received additional training while paying salaries. The old checkpoints in disrepair were also repaired, and the rusty cannons were replaced. Polished black and shiny, the entire border took action to prepare for war.

Yes, it's just preparation. The imperial frontier army, which has almost lost all hope, takes the initiative to go to the vast and sparsely populated Northland to find a decisive battle with the barbarians. Don't be kidding. Troops who can't endure long-distance marches should not engage in these difficult things. Just stay in the fortified city of Xiongguan and wait for the orders from the great men of the imperial capital. As for the northern nobles who suffered heavy losses, they can only express sympathy first.

As for sending troops to help retake the territory, don't even think about it. It is now clear that the enemy is the Northland barbarians with obvious characteristics. Otherwise, a few Northland nobles will be framed and beaten.

Really, all frontier army masters are good-tempered.

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