At this time, the musketeers on the city wall also started their hunting. Compared with the massive bombardment, although the sound of the muskets was not loud, the hit rate was higher.

However, the preparations of the barbarians were not in vain. The power of the hot projectiles was indeed reduced a lot when faced with the thick fur, and they could only get stuck in the strong muscles of the barbarian warriors.

It's not that the power of the musket is weak, but that the three or five layers of fur stacked together are too thick. Coupled with the tenacious vitality and solid muscles of the barbarians, as long as the internal organs are not injured, the battle will not be affected at all in a short period of time, just braving artillery fire. , rushed to within 100 meters.

The barbarian warrior suddenly became energetic. He clenched the spear in his hand and skillfully threw the spear, which was two meters long and as thick as an egg. He threw the spear, which was two meters long and as thick as an egg, onto the city wall dozens of meters away. The hit rate was not low.

This is all practiced through hunting all year round. Every mistake may lead to starvation, even if it is not accurate, it will not work.

Although it is a wooden spear sharpened and hardened by fire, under the exaggerated strength of the barbarian warrior, it still has the power to penetrate the steel breastplate. Even if it does not penetrate, the strong impact will break one or two ribs of the musketeer and lose him on the spot. Combat strength, after all, if you withstand the recoil of a musket with a broken rib, you might die from internal bleeding.

Now Owen regrets equipping the Musketeers with such a light and paper-thin breastplate. Although it is light and has good defense against arrows, it is too thin and has very limited defense against powerful and heavy attacks.

The musketeers continued to shoot, and the swordsmen and spearmen stepped forward to fight! Upon seeing this, Howard knew that there was little chance of stopping the barbarian warriors from climbing the city wall, so he immediately made adjustments.

Hogg took a deep breath, nodded to his father, and then led his soldiers to push forward.

Facing Hogg who stepped onto the battlefield, it was impossible for Howard not to worry, but it was a war now. Let alone watching his children go to the battlefield, even if he died in front of him, he would not have time to grieve until the war was over. What's more, as long as he directs it properly, there won't be too many barbarian warriors who can break through the artillery fire.

It's a pity that Howard still underestimated these barbarian warriors. They were adapting to the battlefield quickly and no longer blindly pursued speed. They learned to raise their shields, spread out, dodge, and counterattack, so even if the musketeers within a hundred meters had a lower hit rate Even higher, even if the three-pounder gun was raised, it began to fire fragments of shotguns. The barbarian warriors just relied on their strong physique and firm will to rush to the city wall, and climbed up the city wall with simple hooks and long ladders.

It's not that the defenders didn't work hard, but after the distance was reduced to within twenty or thirty meters, the barbarian warriors' ax throwing was frighteningly high in terms of lethality and hit rate.

The stone ax weighing five to six kilograms is so fast that it cannot be seen when thrown. Its power is so powerful that it can hit the head of a helmeted musketeer, and the sparks scatter directly with the brain.

If it hits the chest, even the breastplate and ribs will be dented, and the back will be bulged, and the person will be carried off the city wall by the impact. The lethality is terrible, and a few rounds of throwing will clear a section of the muskets on the city wall. soldiers, but they also met their opponents.

Longswordsmen are a branch of the army with a good balance of offense and defense, and are very versatile. Even if the proportion of firearms in the army gradually expands, the number has not been reduced. Instead, it has increased to 500 people. With the support of 500 spearmen from behind, they can compete with the barbarian warriors who climbed the city wall. A fierce fight began.

Almost at the moment the barbarian warriors climbed onto the city wall, dozens of ancestral warriors also ended their prayers, picked up the weapons left by their ancestors, and ran towards the north city at extremely fast speeds. They would deliver a fatal blow to the tribe. Open the door to victory.

Every ancestral warrior is extraordinary. Their courage and quality are recognized by their ancestors. They are able to use the power of their ancestors to explode with incredible fighting power. Even the ancestral warriors who have just started have the strength of intermediate knights, and the best among them even have With high-level or even master-level strength, if the inheritance was not incomplete, there might not be legendary-level ancestor warriors.

Owen had actually noticed the existence of these ancestral warriors, but he did not expect that the strength of these ancestral warriors was so strong. Although it was not long-lasting, the burst of strength was still enough to tear apart the defensive front of the city wall and allow a large number of barbarian warriors to rush into the city.

Although Beicheng will not fall by then, huge casualties are inevitable.

Fortunately, he had enough cards. In addition to recalling his men who had been trained in the illusion early, he also arranged for Charles, Teutonic Knights, and Templars to work under Howard.

Ms. Charles, these special barbarian warriors are entrusted to you. Although as the highest military commander in the territory, Howard has never underestimated the other party, even though Charles has always regarded herself as a maid, so although it is an order, it is very polite. said.

The armored and sharp Ciel nodded, leaving the Templars behind and led the Teutonic warriors up the city wall.

At this time, the battle on the city wall had entered a fever pitch. The musketeers and artillerymen were firing calmly, while the swordsmen and spearmen were using their flesh and blood bodies as a city wall to block the barbarian warriors. Both sides were bleeding like rivers and suffered heavy casualties, but neither of them retreated. step.

Char raised her halberds and fought from the east to the west of the city. The Teutonic warriors behind her were no less impressive. With their tacit cooperation, proficient martial arts, and sophisticated equipment, they killed the barbarian warriors who wanted to climb the city wall. It was impossible to take the lead until the arrival of the ancestral warriors.

The physical advantage of the barbarians is too obvious. After receiving the blessing of the power of their ancestors, they can beat the knights below the senior level based on their attributes alone. The problem is that this time they encountered cheating Charr and Teutonic warriors.

Needless to say, Ciel is extremely talented. Coupled with Owen's many enhancements, Eastern ancient martial arts and Western fighting spirit, superimposed on each other, it can be said that even the demigods and below are not enough for her to kill.

The Teutonic warriors are not the original ones. Each one has been strengthened by the T virus. They are considered junior ultra warriors. Equipped with sophisticated equipment, it is not a problem to kill those shirtless ancestor warriors.

It's over. The great shaman who saw this scene only had these two words in his mind.

Compared to the other shamans who were still cheering for the tribal warriors, the aging great shaman had already seen the ending, which was not a very happy ending.

No, absolutely not, I must not let the tribe be destroyed in my own hands, the inheritance of dozens of tribes! the great shaman whispered to himself.

The great shaman's first thought was to fight for his life. He didn't care about his own life. If he burned his soul and his remaining lifespan, it would be enough for one or two ancestral warriors to truly inherit the power of their ancestors and become legends.

But when he raised his head and glanced at Ciel, who was chopping up ancestral warriors like melons and vegetables, the great shaman immediately rejected the idea.

The woman with the legendary barbarian physique is by no means an ordinary legend. One or two temporarily upgraded legendary ancestor warriors may not be able to defeat them, let alone those warriors who are like steel monsters. Each of them has the strength to surpass the ancestor warriors.

Unless all shamans sacrifice themselves, victory is possible, but without all shamans, the tribe cannot exist.

At this time, the great shaman raised his head and looked in the direction of the bison tribe, thinking thoughtfully. Perhaps his unintentional idea became the tribe's last life-saving straw.

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