Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 344 The first round of testing

At this time, more than a thousand old barbarians who drank blood wine felt that their hearts, which had begun to weaken, were beating faster and faster. Although it brought a lot of pressure to the body, the gradually warming blood allowed them to regain the feeling they had before. .

Just like an old car, after being fully warmed up, it may not be impossible to take a lap around Mount Akina.

Without any unnecessary movements or words, these old barbarians carried weapons and stepped onto the farmland that had been harvested at a moderate speed. They were in groups of three or five in the open fields. They cooperated tacitly and kept a certain distance from each other. , just like hunting, running towards the most powerful prey they have encountered in their lives.

The behemoth-like North City dominates the earth. The tall walls are its carapace, and the soldiers who are waiting are its minions. Any enemy who dares to offend will face the wrath of guns and cannons.

As they ran in small steps, the old barbarians were getting closer and closer to the tall city wall of the North City. Although they were amazed by the height of the city wall, they did not hesitate in their steps because they had accepted their fate. This made those who saw this scene through the telescope Howard was shocked.

The old barbarians are not weak. In fact, they are only in their forties. However, the cruel environment in the North has exhausted their potential and lifespan in advance. Therefore, if they really fight to the death, their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. This made Howard more vigilant. Don't be careless.

Fortunately, the old barbarians had not experienced much war. The experience they relied on was hunting and fighting with barbarians from other tribes. Therefore, the beginning was okay, but as they approached, they unconsciously got closer to each other. This was also a cold weapon. The characteristic of the era is that only by uniting and concentrating can the greatest combat effectiveness be exerted. It can be said that the skirmisher line is completely seeking death in the cold weapon era.

The same is true even for firearms troops. Before the invention of breech-loading rifles and machine guns, a tight and strict formation was also the secret to victory.

When the first group of old barbarians stepped into the 100-meter limit, Howard raised the sword in his hand, and all the elite musketeers raised their guns uniformly, aiming at the opponent directly in front.

As the sword fell, dense gunshots rang out on the city wall. As the cold wind blew away the gunpowder smoke, the elite musketeers did not look at the target at all, but loaded ammunition step by step.

At this time, three to four hundred old barbarians had fallen a hundred meters away from the city wall. Although some of them were not killed on the spot, the bullets that penetrated the flesh were not arrows. These things could easily get lost in the body. A shot in the shoulder would cause the bullet to escape from the butt. It is not impossible to come out, not to mention that this thing will break, so it is almost impossible for the barbarian to stop the bleeding and heal the injury through traditional means, and the heavy blood loss also made the blood of the old barbarian man who had finally warmed up quickly become cold.

If it were an ordinary army, it would have been defeated due to panic, but the old barbarian who had long been determined to die only panicked for a moment, and then launched the final charge in unison.

As the distance got closer, the barbarian old man threw out the wooden spear and stone ax in his hand, and began to climb up the city wall without stopping for a moment.

The more powerful the enemy is, the more they have to charge forward, allowing the enemy to show off their methods and allowing the barbarians in the rear to see more clearly. This is the meaning of their existence.

Elite musketeers are equipped with steel helmets, breastplates, shoulder pads and leggings. Although they are thin and light, they are enough to withstand wooden spears and stone axes. Even if they are hit with a bloody head, it will not affect their continued fighting.

Facing the barbarian old man's charge with death intent, Howard showed no mercy. After completing the second round of shooting, he asked the elite musketeers to retreat and let the axe-gunners take the lead.

The already impatient axe-gunner smiled ferociously, aimed at the head of the old barbarian who was about to climb up the city wall, and pulled the trigger. One round after another, the single-head bullet exploded into flowers of flesh and blood, taking away lives along the way. There was no need to reload at all. Ammo, pick up the gun and ax and start slashing.

There are no carriages or long ladders. It is not so easy to climb the city wall with just two hands. Even if you barely have one hand free, you don't dare to wield your weapon forcefully because it is easy to fall from the city wall several meters high. In desperation, Next, the few hundred old barbarians who were still alive could only retreat. As a result, the elite musketeers who stepped forward to take over took away many more people with a volley of fire.

After one charge, only three to five hundred of the more than a thousand old barbarians returned alive. Such a terrifying killing efficiency made all the barbarians look unhappy.

The oldest shaman sat in front of the fire. Without looking at the ferocious-looking corpse, he put his finger into the wound without expression, held it for a long time, and took out a deformed projectile.

It's a musket from the Southern Barbarians of the Empire. It's more lethal than a crossbow, but the rate of fire is slower and it can't penetrate water. The old shaman handed the projectile in his hand to the shaman next to him and asked them to pass it around. Then he casually grabbed a handful of dirt, wiped the blood off his hands, and continued.

But the Empire has long since abolished the equipment of muskets in the army. Only the Empire's frontier troops retain some artillery. How could they encounter organic musketeers here?

Great Shaman, the destructive power of muskets is too great. Even the strongest barbarian warriors cannot withstand the concentrated fire of muskets. How should we deal with these muskets of the Southern Barbarians of the Empire? A shaman looked at the blood-stained projectiles with a look on his face. He said a little ugly, after all, more than a thousand old barbarians almost died without resisting a few rounds of shooting.

I noticed that each musket attack is separated by three to five breaths, and the range is only a stone's throw away. Therefore, as long as the warrior runs fast enough, he only needs to withstand one attack. As for the city wall, you can carry a lasso in advance to facilitate climbing. Another An observant shaman said this, and other shamans immediately agreed.

That's good, but we need more warriors to spread the news and let more barbarian tribes gather. The great shaman nodded first and then said.

Although I don’t want more tribes to divide the spoils, the great shaman is recognized as a wise man by the barbarians in the north, and the weight of his words is not low. What’s more, these shamans can’t find any reason to object, and recalling that it was a massacre just now scene, they also felt that they would be more confident in gathering more people to fight together.

Because there were many barbarians going south, within a few days, the number of barbarians outside the city exceeded 30,000. They even invited the Bison tribe to participate, but they were rejected.

Your Excellency, Great Shaman, the Buffalo Tribe refused. They are not trustworthy and must have colluded with the Imperial Southern Barbarians in the city. A shaman in charge of recruitment said firmly to the Great Shaman after returning from the Buffalo Tribe.

Of course they are related, but they are not untrustworthy. Although the great shaman is very old, he is not an old fool. He knows very well what a barbarian tribe established on the other side of the northern boundary river means.

Asking people to ask is just to determine the other party's attitude and position.

Being polite but distant means that the other party is related to the city in front of you, but not to the extent of being an ally.

In fact, this is impossible. Even if the northern barbarians want to find an imperial southern barbarian as an ally, they will only get betrayed. This is the lesson that the northern barbarians have learned for countless years. Therefore, they can do business, trade, and even be hired, but Only there will be no alliance.

So as long as they can win, there will be no obstacles.

If they lose, the Buffalo Tribe will become their last resort.

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