The sudden drop in temperature has brought the dry season of the North Boundary River ahead of schedule. After all, the main water source of the North Boundary River comes from melting glaciers, so the river water surges in summer and halves in winter. If you are not afraid of hypothermia and freezing to death, you can still cross the river.

Knowing that the river was freezing cold, but driven by natural disasters and death, the northern barbarians, old and young, resolutely chose to cross the river. There was no turning back for them. A large number of barbarian tribes headed south one by one. In this huge group, the individual fears fundamentally changed. Nothing.

But the North Boundary River, which has been washed away by glacial frozen water all year round, is too wide, too deep, and too cold. Even if they deliberately choose the shallowest place to cross the river, the water is still up to their thighs. The shallow water also means that the river is wider, so they need to walk in the water. The longer journey consumes more energy, especially the young and strong people who are carrying the tribe's supplies and leading the livestock. It is even more difficult to move. There is no spare time to help the old and weak of the tribe, because they have to go back and forth more than once, taking all the tribe's belongings. Bring supplies and livestock, because once they lose these, they will starve and freeze to death before natural disasters take their lives.

The contact with the cold water makes people feel like it is almost a solid smoothie. Everyone can clearly feel the cold spreading rapidly on the body. The most terrifying thing is that the cold continues to penetrate deeper, making the muscles and bones feel stinging and the blood becomes... The coldness makes the body gradually weak.

The frail old man fell first, with his back to the sky, his upper body floating on the river, and his legs hanging down, like a broken dead tree flowing down the current. He looked lonely and helpless, but those who were still alive had already There was no more strength to grieve. In order to survive and for hope, they tried their best to move, moving tents, food, weapons, and livestock, the most precious things of the tribe, safely across the river. The children, who are half the size of a horse's belly, are also working hard.

The northern barbarians continued to move south, even if many old people and children died as a result, they did not stop. When they decided to go south, death was already doomed, and if they could not plunder enough food, those who died due to natural disasters There will be more.

Owen's territory is not on the main route of the Northland barbarians going south, but it is not far away, because the river near the Devil's Horn Forest is wider, so the water flow is gentle, suitable for crossing the river, if it is not for the buffalo tribe in front. , Beicheng will face the northern barbarians heading south.

But as more and more northern barbarians moved south, Beicheng was still exposed.

A city close to the North Boundary River. Most of the northern barbarians didn't know what it meant. However, there were also wise men and radicals among the northern barbarians. They planned to gather enough people to conquer this city of the southern barbarians of the empire.

In fact, it is not cost-effective to attack Beicheng, but the barbarian wise men discovered that Beicheng's geographical location will pose a huge threat to them. Whether they attack or return with loot, Beicheng can attack and intercept them at any time, so a group of barbarian shamans came forward to communicate with each other. , made the decision to capture Beicheng.

In fact, this is also related to interests. After all, Beicheng is very wealthy at first glance. Many people may die if they attack it, but the distance is short, and the harvest after the attack is enough for them to return immediately. By then, before other barbarian tribes have come back, They can completely expand their territory and occupy more areas of their prey.

Two to three thousand strong northern barbarians were standing there holding the best weapons of the tribe. The shamans were busy applying paint, a mixture of animal oil and herbs on their bodies, applying them according to some ancient pattern, while mouthing Mutter the words and let the smeared pattern glow faintly.

This is the ability of the barbarian shaman. With the help of totems, herbs and the power of nature, the tribal warriors are blessed, making these barbarian warriors stronger, faster, more durable, and more fearless.

It is said that the legendary shaman used this skill to strengthen a dozen barbarian warriors to the legendary level in one war, almost causing the empire's army to collapse.

Today's barbarian shamans are no longer as glorious as they once were, but it is enough to strengthen ordinary barbarian warriors.

The barbarian warriors, with their blood boiling and steam rising from their heads, were eager to try, but the ones leading the charge were not the most elite and precious barbarian warriors of these tribes, but a group of old barbarians.

Because of the lack of civilization, except for shamans, the old people are of little significance to the tribe. Once they lose their hunting ability, they will gradually become a burden to the tribe. Therefore, every year, some old and frail barbarian old men walk into the wind alone. In the snow, repay the kindness of nature with your body.

But this year is different, and their sacrifices will have even more significance.

More than a thousand barbarian elders slowly moved their hands and feet to restart the declining energy and blood. At the same time, they drank the blood wine brought by the tribal shaman without changing their expressions.

This thing is a mixture of herbs and animal blood. After being blessed by a shaman, it can deeply stimulate the potential of barbarians, allowing the drinker to gain the strength of an ox and the speed of a wolf, at the cost of being weak for several days.

But this price is for the young and strong barbarian guys. For these barbarian old men, it is like the last bowl of wine, but they still drink it without hesitation, just to let more barbarian warriors live. Because the tribe needs these young people.

At this time, Beicheng was also preparing for war. Because there were too many barbarians and tens of thousands of people gathered there, Irving did not dare to follow his previous idea and let the villagers gather in the Muzhai earthen fortress to resist layer by layer, and all of them retreated into the city. , although this made Beicheng crowded, it did not appear chaotic because of the system's population obeying orders, and instead provided more sufficient manpower and material resources.

Facing the most important battle in his life, Howard did not panic at all, because he knew very well how strong the territory was. The army he commanded alone was enough to fight against ten times the imperial frontier army, not to mention that all the adult men in the territory were strong. They are trained reservists. Even women are proficient in the art of loading ammunition and can go to the battlefield when necessary.

And Howard knew very well that he only controlled the superficial power of the territory, and the real ace never showed up.

Sufficient confidence allowed Howard to deploy his troops calmly, showing the style of a general, and his men also lived up to their expectations.

Baron Charles, who was the first to receive the order, led his elite musketeers to the city wall. These elite musketeers lined up were equipped with high-quality muskets. Each one was carefully crafted. Not only did the range of the attack be greatly improved, but the accuracy was also improved. It is also much better than ordinary muskets. In the hands of elite musketeers, it can accurately hit wild wolves three hundred meters away. For muskets, this is already an incredible achievement.

After the elite musketeers who climbed onto the city wall took their respective positions, they skillfully took out the fixed charges and completed the loading. The whole process only took about twenty seconds, and even including aiming and shooting, it only took less than half a minute. This rate of fire made everyone understand. What is professional.

However, given the size of the northern city, it was obviously not enough to have a thousand people on one wall. The second and third battalions, which had also been strengthened, also climbed onto the city wall as ordered.

Compared with the first battalion, which is all elite musketeers, the second and third battalions also have their own characteristics.

The characteristic of the Second Battalion is its fierceness. All members are composed of big-bodied gunmen. The gunmen use short-handled muskets about three feet long with a large caliber. They mainly fire shotguns and single-point bullets. The power is not small, but the maximum Its characteristic is that an ax blade is installed under the muzzle, which can be swung like a tomahawk. It also carries four grenades with it, which is a good hand for breaking through enemy camps.

The specialty of the third battalion is artillery. Artillery of large and small calibers make them the most powerful fire support on the battlefield.

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