Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 318 Iron Overlord applies to fight

At this time, the senior sister finally calmed down. The moment the armor knight's heavy blow landed on the alien's waist, she cleverly used the impact force and used the alien's interlocking special spine to pour the superimposed force into the body. On the moving tail.

At that moment, the tip of the tail blade, which was accelerating and swinging, cut through the airflow like a four-edged armor-piercing cone, and hit the armored knight at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

Even if the armored knight's material had been strengthened by Karl, he still had no resistance when penetrated by such concentrated power. The special tail blade was like a hot table knife stuck in butter, easily penetrating the armored knight's thick shoulders. armor, and caused severe tearing to the surrounding metal armor, nearly destroying the entire arm.

Due to the damage to the shoulder structure, even if the armored knight's core was not injured, one of his arms was disabled, and only a few parts were connected to the main body, which was obviously unusable.

Such exaggerated destructive power caused the onlookers to burst into an uproar.

Golems have always been famous for their strength and defense, far more exaggerated than knights of the same level, but they were shattered so easily. If it were them, they would be killed 100% instantly, and not even a whole corpse would be left behind. How could this not make their hearts skip a beat.

If this blow had hit the core, the outcome of this duel would have been decided long ago. Unfortunately, the senior's mastery of the alien puppets was not enough, and there was a slight deviation, resulting in the outcome not being determined immediately.

Tren's expression changed, and he broke into a cold sweat. He underestimated the opponent's attack methods, and the tail swinging back and forth was not that simple.

What most people pay attention to is the tail blade that can easily penetrate the armored knight. As the maker of the armored knight, Terun is very clear about how strong the current armored knight is, and it cannot be penetrated by simple sharpness.

This is indeed the case. The entire abnormally shaped spine and tail are a whole body, several meters long, and the structure is very special, which allows the force to be transmitted smoothly, especially when it is transmitted toward the tail end. The special structure will at this moment Locked layer by layer, the power is transmitted without any loss, and even continues to expand. When it reaches the end, it has far exceeded the upper limit of the power that this puppet can exert.

Just like a whip, the longer it is, the faster the tip of the whip will be when swinging, and it can easily burst the air and make a crisp sound.

If the whip were replaced with a tail connected to a metal spine, the power would be unimaginable, and Tren suffered from this disadvantage.

However, this move has a little more limitations, especially in the charging stage, where you need to shake your head and tail to accumulate strength, which can be easily interrupted. The senior can use the power of the opponent's attack to reduce the forward swing, which has to be said that she has some talent.

The armored knight was not a human being. He was severely injured but did not hesitate. His intact arm grabbed the alien's tail that had not been pulled out. Before Tren could give the order, according to the original setting, the enchanted gem in the core of the body immediately shattered, and alchemy Fire spurted out.

At the same time, the armor knight's visor opened, and the alchemical fire that could melt gold and iron was about to spray all over her body, but the senior sister noticed it in advance because she felt familiar with it.

Besides, the other party has a trump card, but it’s not like she doesn’t have one. If the other party knows how to sneeze, so can she.

Opening his mouth and flicking his tongue, the long and thick tongue like a cannon popped out instantly under the action of intracranial pressure, shattering the helmet of the armored knight in one bite. The unfettered alchemical fire spurted along the neck armor towards the sky for several breaths before stopping. At this time, The armored knight has been completely scrapped, and its internal core and magic circuits have been melted away.

Years of hard work were all scrapped in the blink of an eye, leaving Tren dumbfounded on the spot.

It's easy to say no matter what if you win, but if you lose now, who will you ask for reimbursement?

Not to mention that Tren, whose face turned like a lone star from the sky, was just as if his whole family were dead, picking up the still-warm remains of the armored knight. The second duel continued under the words of Kevin Flynn, who was gradually becoming interested.

After taking a look at Tren's devastated back, Owen spoke to Brody.

Contact him after the game and ask him if he is interested in joining Hydra.

Since this person can be selected to participate in the duel, even if he is not the top student, he is at least a first-class student and is worth wooing. After all, there are really not many good people in Hydra nowadays.

Brody nodded understandingly, and then prepared for the second duel according to Owen's decision.

Minas, the second student from the Alchemy Department, has quite a reputation, so Owen has relevant information about him.

He is one of the few students who is good at using alchemical objects to fight, and his own fighting power cannot be underestimated. This can be seen from the selection of the second fighting mode, but it is still not enough for Owen to deal with him.

Finally, it's my turn to appear. If Iron Overlord applies to fight, he will definitely win! Wearing something like a tights modified from black stockings, Obadi stuck out his fat buttocks and climbed into Iron Overlord confidently, and then He slapped his chest hard to show his confidence, but the three layers of trembling fat made the puppet student responsible for the final inspection change his face. For the sake of money, they gritted their teeth and quickly completed the inspection, and then immediately closed the cockpit door with force. , depending on the posture, if possible, they would like to weld the door shut.

Minas didn't take Obadi seriously at first, because he knew the nobleman's shame, but when he saw the Iron Overlord taking heavy steps on the field, his expression changed a bit.

This guy won't sell his castle, right? Minas murmured to himself.

Because the Iron Overlord was in a hurry and was not coated, it showed a smooth metallic color, so he could tell at a glance that the entire puppet was made of mithril steel.

In fact, let alone Minas, even Kevin Flynn's eyelids twitched, and the onlookers were in an uproar.

Mithril is known as a universal fusion agent and is widely used in the fields of alchemy and magic. Even adding a little bit to weapons and armor can improve their performance and gain enchantment properties. It is a well-deserved top-quality magic metal.

Of course, the price is also very in line with the evaluation. The price comparison with gold is purely an insult to mithril. If the alchemist knew that the price of mithril was the same as gold, Nohle would probably go crazy.

In fact, the price of high-quality mithril steel is equivalent to gold. Although the mithril steel used by Iron Overlord does not reach this quality, it is not just mixed with a little mithril.

Let's put it this way, the tail blade of the opposite sex that can easily penetrate the armored knight can only penetrate a little bit, but it can't penetrate the door. This shows how insane the Iron Overlord's defense is.

At this time, Minas still had reservations and immediately activated the alchemy mechanism backpack behind him.

As the backpack unfolded, a set of light armor similar to what the senior wore quickly covered his body. At the same time, four spider-like folding claw blades also bounced out of the backpack, supporting his body. And move quickly around the field.

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