Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 317 Armored Knight vs. Puppet Alien

The duel is divided into two modes. One is the safety mode. There is a two-meter-wide defensive array on both sides of the venue. As long as you stay inside, you are safe. However, it is equivalent to imprisoning yourself inside and you can only control or direct. , unable to personally participate in the battle.

The puppets and golems on both sides can fight each other, or they can be used to destroy the defensive formation. As long as the first layer of defensive formation is broken, it is equivalent to winning.

The other is the free mode, with no restrictions on means and methods until one party admits defeat or loses the power to resist.

But everyone is an extraordinary professional, and their methods are ever-changing and difficult to prevent. For example, there are poisons that can kill instantly or even dissolve the soul. Therefore, even if the legend is in charge, we can’t say it is 100% safe. What’s more, the legend is still an alchemist, even more so. It is unreliable, so those who choose free mode are confident in themselves and are not afraid of death.

Obviously, the senior sister and Teren did not belong to the latter group. They walked into the defenders honestly and activated the double-layer defense before ordering the golems and puppets to enter the venue.

Although Terun's golem is a quite popular armored golem, after being carefully crafted by him, ordinary items cannot be compared with it at all. Not to mention the material of the golem, just the combination of the internal and external magic patterns is enough. Doubles the combat power of the golem itself, so he chooses to charge at the beginning.

The armored knight holds the sword against his chest with both hands. This is a standard charging action for knights. Combined with strength, weight and speed, it has very terrifying penetrating power. Even if it is used by an ordinary knight, it is enough to nail the opponent's body and horse. On the ground, it was used by more powerful golems. Its power was no longer aimed at a single target, but more like a destructive move aimed at buildings.

Facing the menacing armored knight, the senior was a little nervous, but her own personality kept her calm, and she knew very well how rare this opportunity was, so she was forced to calm down.

The alien looks like a killing machine, but in fact it is not best at facing Gang head-on, so under the control of the senior sister, the alien disappeared.

Is it invisible? It's not a special ability. What's interesting is that this technique is a bit special. As a legend in alchemy, Kevin Flynn dare not say that he is omniscient and omnipotent, but he is involved in most fields, even if he has not studied it specifically , but by analogy, he knew more than an ordinary alchemist, so he could see the general idea at a glance, and became more interested.

Teren was stunned and immediately ordered the golem to enter a defensive state.

Although the golem does not need to be controlled every moment like a puppet, necessary and accurate commands can make the golem play a better role, and this is not a violation.

The armored knight in a defensive state begins to search for enemies. As a golem that does not need to rely on eyes, the armored knight will use more unique methods to find enemies. The most commonly used one is magic wave, which functions like a radar. Although the range is limited, it can Even if it becomes invisible within the detection range, it cannot be hidden.

It's a pity that Owen didn't take this into consideration. As an assassin-type alien, the body coating not only has the ability to distort light and change color, but also absorbs magic fluctuations.

Of course, this is not a panacea. High-intensity magic power fluctuations, as well as fluctuations integrating mental power, can break the invisibility state.

The problem is that the armored knight is a human shield type puppet, which enhances defense and strength. Detection is really not its strong point. Therefore, although many people present noticed the alien's movements, they were unable to remind them due to the rules. Even Terun could only act in a hurry.

Seeing that the alien's invisibility was effective, the senior sister breathed a sigh of relief and began to try to launch an attack.

As the air became partially distorted, several lines of fire appeared on the armored knight's back, which were scratched out by the alien's sharp claws.

Unfortunately, the sharp claws that could disembowel a heavy infantryman could only leave inconspicuous scratches on the armored knight's armor.

Have you helped strengthen it? Kevin Flynn could tell the materials of both sides from the harsh scratching sounds, so he immediately understood that his disciple had given a lot of benefits to the students who participated in the battle, and it seemed that the strengthening material was only one of them. .

Karl did not answer. Although he despised the puppet class, he still made a lot of preparations due to the caution of an alchemist. Material enhancement was only one of them. The other method was an enchanted ruby.

He originally wanted to save it as his trump card, but now he had to use it in advance. Tren took a deep breath and activated the enchanted ruby ​​embedded in the core of the golem. The blazing fire suddenly turned the armored knight into a flame knight.

The flames distorted the surrounding air, forcing the aliens who were very close to appear. After all, invisibility is very sensitive, and drastic temperature changes are obviously not suitable. Moreover, the senior sister's manipulation is not skilled enough, otherwise the invisibility would not be interrupted so easily. .

The sudden flames and the invalid invisibility made the senior a little panicked, but the relatively experienced Tren seized this opportunity very well, immediately changed the armor knight's mode, caught the revealed alien and attacked fiercely.

The sword in the armored knight's hand is not sharp, and the thick blade makes the blade more like an obtuse angle. However, this does not hinder the power of the sword. At least the blade will not be broken when it is chopped on the stone.

The one-and-a-half-meter-long broadsword was wielded by the armored knight like a tiger, and hit the alien body mercilessly. Every time, there was a harsh steel collision sound, which knocked the alien staggering around and made the senior even more panicked. .

In fact, many onlookers discovered that the situation was not one-sided, especially the relatively knowledgeable alchemy golem and puppet students. Even though the armored knight could smash rocks with every blow, the damage to the alien puppets was not as great as it seemed. So powerful.

It's really an excellent work. Some kind of light and tough mithril alloy shell, hook-lock structure links and excellent inner skeleton can quickly disperse the impact force suffered by the local area, just like a snake. That is, the young student is not completely Familiar with this puppet, otherwise it will be a regular duel. Kevin Flynn expressed unabashed admiration.

The alchemy department teachers and professors on the side did not refute because of the issue of face, because it was too obvious, even they could not open their eyes and tell lies, not to mention that the puppet class is also a part of the alchemy department. Regardless of winning or losing, it is a good thing for the alchemy department. , the higher the status, the more so.

Soon Tren also discovered this. The strange puppet looked like a slime fish. It seemed to be swaying left and right after being chopped, but the place where it was chopped would quickly transfer the impact force away, following the link. The shell armor is weakening layer by layer, and except for inconspicuous small pits, it is unable to cause effective damage to the internal core.

This is a puppet. If you want to win with such a negligible accumulation of damage, how long will it take to fight?

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