Owen didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to the actions of Obadi and others, because Kara's transformation was nearing completion.

The physical part that was originally preserved as much as possible has been reduced again because it is no longer necessary. The previous damage has damaged the recovered vitality again. Even if it is forcibly activated and the cells divide rapidly, it will only accelerate aging, so it is simply changed.

He skillfully removed the head, then removed the skeleton and internal organs, replacing them all with metal and biochemical ones.

If not, Kara, who is not a warrior, will not be able to withstand the fierce battle, and a single collision will completely disintegrate her.

However, of course, normal flesh and blood cannot be attached to the metal frame. Irving used the Terminator T800's flesh and blood cultivation technology, using Kara's flesh and blood as a model to cultivate flesh and blood tissue like a leather sheath, and then fused it to the metal frame through a synthesis furnace. Come on, you can't see it at all unless you dig it open.

And because of the use of special biochemical technology, this layer of skin has its own blood circulation, powered by the mechanical heart in the body. What’s even more brilliant is that the mechanical part can control the temperature to make the skin secrete sweat, and even due to normal metabolism, it can Dirt will be produced and requires regular bathing and cleaning.

But what makes Owen most proud is the touch system, which can perfectly respond to the touch of flesh and blood to the brain. In other words, as long as this layer of skin exists, Kara can feel, touch, temperature, pain, these can all be truly reflected to her. Theoretically with the new exhaust, she could live a normal female life, maybe even happier, because the sensitivity is adjustable.

If Obadi knew about this technology, he would go crazy and even kowtow and call daddy, he would have to ask Irving to build one for him.

It's a pity that Owen is busy making weapons and has no time to take care of his little brother's happiness.

Because of the existence of bionic flesh, Owen did not choose built-in weapons, because this would destroy the integrity of the new skin.

As for using the natural sockets of the human body, Owen considered it, but finally gave up the idea because the bottom line was still there, and could only use a more troublesome design, which cost him a lot of energy.

Weapons are only one aspect. In order to better show the evil style, more effort must be put into the styling.

In addition to adding an eye patch to the specially reserved mechanical eyes, the black leather swimsuit of early female villains is a must-have, plus spiked rivets, skull chains, fishnet stockings, high heels, leather whips, all the S elements are directly highlighted, children's channel The kind that are not allowed to be broadcast.

In line with Owen's specially adjusted body curves for Kara, with long legs and long black hair, where should I stop?

Hydra cadre, Viper lady Kara, come and see me! Kara, who was dressed in S, flicked her whip, trembling forward and back, and she was full of villain elements no matter where she stood.

In order to be more realistic, Owen also specially asked Robert to hire a dozen students from the martial arts department. They were all wearing tight leather jackets and hoods. They stood behind Kara like minions, screaming and raising their hands. Just make random gestures.

Owen, as the designer, felt embarrassed when he saw this scene, but Kara remained indifferent, her expressions and movements were extremely natural, and she was obviously completely immersed in the role.

The dozen or so students who acted as minions were also extremely embarrassed, but they were given too much money, and they could also customize equipment at cost price, so after everyone looked at each other, they swore to keep this secret and never reveal it to anyone. Reveal the identities of their Hydra soldiers, and punish anyone who violates their oath.

There is no other way, if it is really exposed, let alone the right to choose a mate, I am afraid it will take a lot of courage to even stay alive.

Therefore, Hydra's covert infiltration is inexplicably achieved, because you can know who the Hydra cadres are, but the Hydra soldiers in the background are too mysterious. Even if they are caught on the spot, they would rather be beaten. Even a pig's head won't say a word, what kind of loyalty is this.

In fact, if you don’t tell the story, your brothers will take care of everything behind you. If you tell them, don’t blame the brother for turning against the other person and stabbing the brother in the back. After all, who hasn’t touched the dark history? I really want a person’s life to be worse. There are many ways to die.

Owen, who was unaware of this, was still busy finishing things. It wasn't until Brody personally came over to inform him that the duel was about to begin that he suddenly realized that the time had come.

The Puppet Class was mobilized in full force. There were a hundred people there, but compared to the thousands of alchemy students, they were too insignificant.

The venue for the duel was provided by the Alchemy Department. It was in the open space in the middle of the teaching building, surrounded by flower beds. On the ground in the middle was a pattern representing the alchemy formation. The place was not small and could be easily moved around.

What Irving didn't expect was that in addition to teachers and students from the Alchemy Department, it also attracted many people from other departments, including many teachers. Obviously this matter was quite a big deal.

I didn't expect that even this gentleman would be alarmed! Brody suddenly said excitedly.

Owen looked up and saw a group of people coming in separate layers. The outermost circle was a circle of students who were noisy but did not dare to approach. There was a gap in the middle. The outer circle of the inner circle was an assistant teacher who had temporarily transferred to work as a bodyguard to separate the crowd. Further inside are teachers and professors, the layers are clearly defined, and the whole group is like a middle-aged man in the middle supported by green leaves.

This person is obviously a big shot, otherwise how would he get this core treatment?

Legendary alchemist Kevin Flynn. Owen knew him, the teacher of Carla's brother Carl, and one of the only two legendary alchemists in the alchemy department.

In addition to students, the college town also has teaching assistants, teachers, and professors.

Teaching assistants are informal. They usually serve as assistants to help with tedious chores. The teacher can lead a class, and the professor has made considerable achievements in a certain field, and the higher he is, the more he becomes a legend.

Even though the Academy City does not have many restrictions on the legend, the two sides are more mutually beneficial, so the appearance of this person makes things start to become a bit interesting.

To say that the other party came to stand for Karl, even Karl himself did not believe it.

Legend's firm will and pure belief cannot be erased even by death. Karl's incident is unforgettable to ordinary people. For Legend, he doesn't even raise his eyebrows. Instead, he thinks it is a good training. It is not at all Will intervene, not even ask.

Otherwise, as long as he shows a hint of such intention, there are many people who are willing to help his students solve such a small problem.

No matter what, this person came anyway, and it came out of nowhere, but it made Owen more vigilant.

Standing in the open space, without saying a word, Kevin Flynn activated the alchemy array on the ground, which many students thought was just a simple pattern. Under his control, the open space seemed to be cut by invisible threads, turning into standard stones of the same size suspended in the air. , and then overlap with each other to form a semi-underground style duel field. It is not small in scale and looks quite formal.

Then Kevin Flynn entered the venue with teacher students from the alchemy department, and then people from other departments. The scene was quite lively, except for the popcorn happy water seller.

Haha, is it a big deal just to watch the fun? Irving shook his head. The appearance of a legend made him feel a little troubled.

Alchemists are not good at fighting, but they are best at positional warfare. Especially when standing on a well-constructed alchemy position, three or five legendaries may not be able to break the opponent's defense.

Obviously the building complex where the Alchemy Department is located is a terrifying place.

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