The news of the duel between the Puppet Class and the Alchemy Department has spread. The students in the Alchemy Department are curious, but the students in the Puppet Class are at a loss, and can even be said to be panicked.

The puppet students are very self-aware. They know that they are incomparable to the alchemy department students. They usually choose to take detours even in class. Now that they suddenly know that they have to duel with each other, they are confused at first, and then panicked. Many people are thinking After quitting the Hydra interest study group, even though the treatment here is good, with low-cost materials, teacher guidance, and free drinks and snacks, the long-term fear of the alchemy department still makes them think of escaping first. It wasn't until the addition of several new members that people's hearts were stabilized.

The two secret realm key holders, the two genius students, even one of them is the son of the earl.

This lineup is enough to stabilize people's hearts, not to mention the two secret realm key holders, one is the powerful earl, and the other is the daughter of the Grand Duke. Even if it is a legend, it must be given some face. After all, the legend is not about cultivating immortals and cannot be separated from the ordinary world.

The legends are all giving face, why would the puppet students dare not to give face? What's more, leaving at this time is no longer a matter of escaping from the battlefield. It is 100% that they will be resented. Will they be able to take advantage of them?

So at least on the surface, the Hydra interest study group can be regarded as united, and everyone shows a unanimous attitude to the outside world.

But after all, it is a duel between the puppet class and the alchemy department. Sylvia's majors are not suitable for each other, so she has to rely on Kara, Brody and the puppet students to deal with the duel in a month.

Brody has his own plan, and Irving just needs to support him with some materials. He just doesn't want to win, and he just doesn't want to lose too ugly.

Kara is the key point, because many people in the alchemy department know what happened between her and her brother Karl. If she takes the lead, it will be okay no matter what the outcome.

But in order to achieve the achievement of supporting her younger brother, Sister Mohen, she must undergo a complete transformation. Even if Owen brings Brian, Emily, and the Flame Queen together, it cannot be completed in a short time. Time is very tight, so it cannot be divided. Too much energy was given to those two students.

Of the three student places, Owen occupied one, and the senior sister was also taken up, leaving the remaining one place for a little fat guy.

The senior sister uses the puppet given to her by Owen, she just needs to spend time getting familiar with it.

As for the little fat guy, his name is Obadie. He looks old, but he is a bit greasy at a young age. His face is shiny all day long, his hair is limp, and he has a fat belly. Even if he is the son of an earl, he is I don’t have much of a reputation, and I don’t have much talent in fighting spirit magic. I somehow managed to get into the puppet class. Not to mention, my stubby fingers are unexpectedly flexible in this area, and I have found a sense of presence here. It’s the biggest thing in my life. My only wish is to make a perfect doll maid with my own hands.

Owen met Obadi who signed up for the duel, and was speechless after hearing his wish. However, his ability is not bad. After all, compared to other puppet students who are constrained by the shortage of materials, Obadi, who has a good father, has More resources, so although the wish is a bit weird

It doesn’t seem right. As a normal male, compared to the Terminator or something, of course a cute and cute doll maid is more suitable as the target of desire, not to mention that Owen is a pioneer in this aspect and is Maya’s personal secretary. The robot puppet maid Ram, and the plant biochemical maid Lulu, who is Del's assistant, are all his masterpieces.

As a senior in a certain field, Owen deceived Obadi, who only had rich theoretical experience, in a few words. Especially after taking out the slime maid, Obadi looked at him like a god. , at this point, Owen's first loyal little brother in College City appeared.

For the first task given by the boss, Obadi was very attentive. He gathered all the people in the Hydra interest study group with the drawings. As the richest man in the puppet class, he had this appeal.

Now everyone shares weal and woe, and the materials are free, and Obadi also provides overtime pay. I am suddenly very motivated and do my best to build his puppet.

In this duel between the Alchemy Department and the Puppet Class, no one will die, but if he loses, he will never show his face. Obadi, who has been looked down upon for so long, suddenly cheered up and bought a lot of delicious food from his own pocket as a motivation for the team members. rewards.

A bunch of puppet students who had fought such a wealthy war were all as if they had been given blood. Some of them didn't even go back to their dormitories, but brought bedrolls and made beds in the basement. They had food and accommodation here.

If the basement hadn't been renovated by Owen and had a toilet and bathroom, these people would probably stink.

However, the result was gratifying. It didn't take long for the thick metal frame made of mithril steel to complete the main structure. It was fixed in the open space by brackets and chains, which looked slightly spectacular.

At the same time, relatively complex parts were processed by dozens of puppet students, who were repeatedly pondering over and installing them according to the drawings, and then continued testing and running-in. After all, lack of experience, just understanding the theory and drawings was not enough, many problems could not be solved It can't be seen at all after running for a period of time.

Fortunately, the drawings given by Owen were quite mature, the related technical difficulty was not too difficult, and the error tolerance rate was high. It was enough to serve as a test for these puppet students.

The only aspect that requires more and cannot be careless is the power backpack. Owen, who packed up many puppets in the territory and took them away, directly disassembled a ready-made one for them, so that the remaining work was to build and run it in.

Although he prefers doll maids, Obadi was equally excited when the heavy-duty puppet named Iron Overlord gradually took shape. After all, in addition to beautiful figures, otakus also have no resistance to Gundam-type models, so the control equipment has just been installed. Okay, he couldn't wait to start testing.

According to the separation between the golem and the puppet, the one that can move on its own is the golem, and the one that needs to be controlled is the puppet. Therefore, no matter how much the Iron Overlord looks like a steel golem, as long as it needs someone to control it, it is a puppet.

However, Iron Overlord's control method is different from that of ordinary puppets, because the control system is inside.

Obadi forced himself into a black silk tights. Because it was thin and elastic enough, even the dots and folds were clearly visible, which made him blush.

Fortunately, his belly was big enough and he was able to hide it without revealing too much. This allowed Obadi to save his face and hurriedly got into the cockpit despite everyone's surprised eyes.

This tights is no ordinary tights. It is filled with puppet-specific silk threads, which can perfectly feedback muscle movements to the Iron Overlord. Not to mention that as a puppet master, Obadi also masters the skills of magic manipulation, so when necessary When the time comes, he can also turn the Iron Overlord into as flexible as a human being.

The only pity is that unlike other aristocratic children who have at least received basic martial arts training, Obadi has been fat and clumsy since he was a child, so he is very resistant to exercise. As a result, even if the Iron Overlord's flexibility improves, he cannot play his role.

Fortunately, the drawings given by Owen have many improved versions. The dozens of puppet students may not be at the genius level, but there is no big problem in adjusting and combining them on the existing basis, so they are specially designed for Obadi. He has developed a fighting method that focuses on resisting beatings first and then dealing damage, completely abandoning flexibility and speed, which are of no use anyway.

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