Owen is trying to narrow the scope of his perception because he is too sensitive to space. In his eyes, this broken place is like a glass plank paved with broken glass. Not only does it hurt his feet if he takes a wrong step, The feeling, and the illusion that I will fall into the abyss at any time.

In fact, this is not an illusion, because the secret realm is composed of space fragments, and the fragments cannot fit together perfectly. It is normal to have gaps.

But if you fall in, haha, the end result will be similar to falling into a kaleidoscope. It’s not just the eyes that are confused, but also the position. Without positioning, it is impossible to determine where you are.

You must know that the secret realm has more than one level. Even Owen was dizzy by the chaotic superposition of spaces, let alone other people. Even Archmage Marvin, who is proficient in space, fell in without preparation. Coming back depends on luck.

It's really a troublesome place. Owen retched and said. The high spatial perception made him feel more and more spatial confusion. He had to further compress the perception range and reduce the impact. Otherwise, let alone fighting for a while, he would become a walking person. question.

It doesn't matter to others. Even those who are talented in space can only have a vague sense of it. This is an advantage, unlike Owen who can see too clearly and is more easily affected.

While Owen was trying to reduce his perception, everyone had slowed down and was observing the surrounding situation, marveling for a while.

The place where Owen and the others settled was a piece of sand. Looking further ahead, they could see all kinds of terrain, and they didn't interfere with each other. It was like they were chopped up and then spliced ​​together randomly. The most outrageous thing was that the space was still moving slowly. Waiting After reaching a certain limit, it suddenly changes like changing faces, disappears without a trace, and is replaced by a new space.

In other words, the secret realm is like a Rubik's Cube that changes automatically. No one knows what will happen next second.

If students like Irving and the others had not been displaced from space, they would have been expelled over time and would automatically return to the academy city. Otherwise, coming here would simply be a bunch of meat buns beating dogs with no return.

However, this method has limitations. If you go too deep into the secret realm and are blocked by layers of space, you will be left here forever.

This is not a special case, this happens in every secret realm competition.

The main reason is that the higher the space debris, the heavier it is and will gradually gather in the depths of the secret realm. Therefore, if you want to obtain better and more precious things, you must continue to go deep into the secret realm. The problem is that it is difficult to grasp the boundaries, resulting in going too deep. And the situation of being unable to return happens every time.

Everyone knows that wealth can be found in danger, and there are many people who are willing to fight for hope.

Everyone knows the basic situation. Some small teams chose to leave immediately, and in the end only the three largest teams were left, including Sylvia.

Originally, Irving thought they would communicate with each other, or at least speak harsh words. However, the three parties ignored each other's presence, each took out their props and threw them into the nearby space gap.

The shapes of these props are different, but the function is the same. First, it uses space vibration to tear the space gap, and then uses the weak characteristics of the space gap to open a temporary portal.

The speed is fast, the space gate won't last long, and those who are left behind will just wait to die. Sylvia said coldly, and then walked into the portal first. Robert didn't know what the clues were in the opponent's hands. Follow closely behind.

Owen also didn't hesitate much. With ancient bloodline, he didn't need to consider the danger when traveling through space. Even if he was involved in the turbulence of time and space, he would be sure to escape. A mere gap in space would not stop him. forward.

But as soon as he entered, Owen's expression changed a little. The space passages in front of him were twisting and turning, getting darker and darker as they went in. This made even a veteran like him want to stop moving forward. It was too dark. , the edges are all rolled up.

In my wild thoughts, I didn't know how many layers of space I had crossed for a moment. It was obvious that I had exceeded the limit and went too deep into the secret realm.

When he walked out of the space channel and opened his eyes, Owen knew that he had guessed correctly.

The deeper you go into the secret realm, the lower the brightness of the surrounding space becomes, and the core is called the Eternal Night Zone.

The brightness of the place where they were before was about the same as in the afternoon, very bright, but here it was almost dusk, with blood clouds covering the sky and the ground, making people feel vaguely uneasy.

It seemed that Sylvia's words were all lies. In fact, those who followed were the ones whose lives depended on her, while those who stayed behind got rid of this thoughtful master.

Unfortunately, Owen couldn't warn the latecomers, so after a while, people kept coming from behind.

But not everyone followed, and there were also many smart people who took the opportunity to leave. After all, everyone knew what Sylvia and others were doing by recruiting them, and no one believed that they could get benefits by working hard, so they would not be so naive. .

In the end, only about 20 people followed, all of whom were obviously interested in wealth rather than life. However, the number was significantly lower than Sylvia expected. Therefore, her face was a little gloomy, but she did not burst out. It seemed that she had a big agenda.

The students who chose to follow now have discovered the problem and immediately regret it. They just want to take risks, which does not mean they want to die.

It's a pity that there is no turning back arrow. No matter how uneasy I feel, I can only continue to follow Sylvia. Only in this way can they have a chance to return alive.

But an ominous premonition has enveloped their hearts. No one is a fool. Sylvia couldn't have tricked them here for a hike. In all likelihood, she was.

Needless to say, everyone knew what it was, so although they continued to surround Sylvia, they seemed even more enthusiastic.

It's interesting, isn't it? Although they wanted to do this to Sylvia first and then do that, in reality, they could only make themselves feel at ease by licking harder, as if the licking was comfortable, and the other party They will be merciful when selling them.

Sylvia is like a lion who doesn't care what the rabbit is thinking. She has no interest in the performance and thoughts of these people and directly leads everyone on a more dangerous path.

Everyone looked at each other, but there was no way to retreat behind them, so what could they do but follow closely.

The road in front of us is very strange, like using the light of a flashlight to illuminate it in the dark. The road gets wider and wider, and it doesn't seem very long, but it feels like there is no end.

Owen didn't dare to let go of his spatial perception, but he knew clearly that the road in front of him was also a kind of spatial passage, but it was stretched.

Owen had some guesses about this. He had learned from Peters before that some people find very valuable things in secret realms, but they don't have enough time, so they leave clues and props to future generations. This is how they pass from generation to generation. Keep exploring and eventually get the treasure you want.

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