Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 289 Entering the Secret Realm for the First Time

The test will be held at the end of the month, and there are still about ten days left, which is enough for him to complete some adjustments to the puppet.

Due to the upgrading of tools, Owen has basically reached the conditions of the early Iron Man. Many parts only need to be designed to be automatically produced and assembled. Therefore, the number of puppets is more than he imagined, but it is also quick to adjust, plus The dungeon secret room below the room is becoming more and more complete, and Owen just put together a set of puppets to deal with the secret trial before the end of the month.

Looking at the puppets of different heights, fatness and thickness in front of him, Owen felt a sense of accomplishment.

It's almost time. Owen put away the puppet, took out his wand and used it to clean it up, changed his clothes and headed to the testing site.

The test location was located in a relatively remote semi-basement martial arts training ground. There were not as many people coming and going as expected, because there were actually very few people qualified to participate in the Secret Realm Tournament.

Except for gifted students who will be notified by the academy city, only aristocratic students can participate. The former are based on strength and the latter are based on financial resources. Both are needed by the academy, and it is fair.

In addition, the test he had been looking forward to for a long time turned out to be a voluntary contract of life and death. Simply put, as long as he signed it, his death in the secret realm was in vain, and the academy city did not need to bear any responsibility.

Dare to sign is courage, and courage is the content of the test.

It was such a fool, Owen was speechless.

In addition, this martial arts training ground is actually the entrance to the secret realm. When the time is up, the secret realm space will fold with this space. At that time, a space master will use magic to transfer everyone's anchor point to the secret realm air, using The power of space completes the transmission.

Once inside, Owen realized that he was wrong. There were actually quite a few people inside. There were almost a thousand people inside. Many of them had already formed preliminary small groups and had clear divisions of labor. If it weren't for the fact that there were many lone rangers, he might have already Feeling the pressure.

Just when Owen was looking around, he unexpectedly met an acquaintance, Robert. He was standing behind a dark gothic girl. It could be seen that his face was not very good-looking, and he looked at Owen with a hint of something. Share sympathy.

Owen's face didn't look good either, because he could guess who the girl was and could see that she was coming for him.

The dark makeup and the pure black lace skirt did not make Sylvia look any less beautiful. Instead, they added a bit of strong death temptation, as if she knew it was poisonous and couldn't help but get close to her, but her figure made her look a little bit... Cannian, although it's not a good thing or a bad thing, at most I put two poached eggs close to the body. Ten stacks together can't compare to the amount of the senior sister's side.

This poached egg lady is Sylvia, the daughter of the Grand Duke, a madman who is obviously of noble birth but obsessed with darkness and death. If it weren't for her super talent, even her father wouldn't be able to stand her.

Irving also can't understand why the other party likes this. It's no wonder that Peters is full of fear when talking about the other party, because the other party is simply a madman, and nothing he does is surprising.

Putting a hand on his chest, Owen bowed his head and gave a slight salute.

Although he is an earl, the other party's father is a grand duke. This gift is not for the other party, but for the other party's father.

I heard you have good taste. Sylvia said, staring at Owen with squinted eyes.

As soon as Owen heard this, he knew that Sylvia was targeting him because of Robert. He immediately rolled his eyes secretly, but he still spoke politely and modestly, trying to make the other party give up.

It's a pity that the other party is not big-minded, so Owen can only hold his nose and stand with Robert in the end.

It's not that he's afraid of the other party, but the main reason is that the destination is the same, so it doesn't make much sense to fall out directly. Besides, we're just traveling together. When it comes time to let him die, will he be willing?

Even so, Owen still sighed and began to feel that participating in this secret realm competition was a wrong decision. However, since it was a major event that echoed throughout the academy city, long live Hydra, he gritted his teeth and endured it, let alone the gathering in the secret realm. Recruiting the most elite students in the entire academy, not too many, just ten or eight as a team is not a loss.

With her strong background, Sylvia quickly gathered a group of people in this way, and similar scenes continued to play out on the scene. After all, she was not the only one with strong background and strength.

The whole scene is like a big fish eating a small fish, but this time it is not eating, but acting as cannon fodder.

Everyone knows this kind of thing. The civilian students are willing to come because they want to gain wealth and wealth, so they have no intention of resisting. As a result, the crowd becomes more and more distinct, and there is no room for the lone ranger to survive.

Irving has been observing, trying to find a suitable development partner, but as for Robert beside him, he has given up.

Although he wouldn't kill the other party's whole family just because of such a trivial matter, don't expect him to have a good attitude. It would be good if he didn't do anything behind his back.

Robert was somewhat self-aware and did not dare to say anything. After all, what he did was not authentic.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of person who makes me feel guilty when I look at you all day long because I owe you, so I'm sorry, I can only kill you first to save myself from continuing to feel uncomfortable.

Master Marvin, the strength of the students this time seems pretty good. A mage said to Master Marvin who was in charge of this secret realm transmission.

Well, the strength is pretty good, but it's a pity that luck is more important in the secret realm. Archmage Marvin sighed, because he also participated in the secret realm competition and was only one step away from success. Unfortunately, he fell short in the end due to luck. .

Knowing that this past mage did not dare to speak further, he pretended to be busy checking the magic circle. He would use it soon, but he did not dare to be careless. In case of an accident, so many treasures in the academy city were lost. , even if he dies, he will be pulled up and slapped in the mouth.

After repeatedly confirming that no one chose to quit, the building was immediately closed. Archmage Marvin began to use his mental power to guide magic to activate the magic circle in the building. Because he had to send away so many people in one breath, even if there was a magic circle, he was under great pressure. , when a legendary mage who is generally not good at space comes, he will have to scramble for a while, otherwise the academy city will not send him, a great space mage, to take charge of this matter.

With the control of Archmage Marvin, the space in the building began to distort, and the colorful secret space unfolded. Everyone present was swallowed in one breath, including the examiners, but in the end only the students were teleported away.

Archmage Marvin, who had just tried to control space and enter the secret realm, sighed, knowing that he could never go back to the past.

Not everyone can enter the secret realm, only young people with potential can enter it smoothly, like Marvin, even if he is an archmage, he has no way.

Owen was no stranger to time travel, and his ancient bloodline allowed him to recover immediately. However, the space in the secret realm was very chaotic, causing him to feel dizzy all the time, like motion sickness, so he was not conspicuous in the crowd.

After he recovered, Owen understood why he felt this way.

The so-called secret realm is a garbage dump of space debris. It is full of chaotic and overlapping spaces. It is like the mirror space cast by the Supreme Mage in the movie you watched in your previous life. If you take a wrong step, you will step into another space. What will you encounter? , no one can say for sure.

Owen is curious as to whether the college town can really create such a space?

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