Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 281 Chapter 281 Demon Blade Moriti

Moriti rode the summoned demon horse and galloped in with rage. This time, she couldn't calm down her anger without ten lives, because these losers lost her most hated enemy, and they also lost their limbs when the other party... In the case of serious injuries, what use are they to this level of waste! ! !

Moriti, nicknamed Devil's Blade, was one of the top executives of the original Devil's Head. Later, she fell out with other top executives because of something, and the two parties parted ways. However, when she left, she took advantage of him and took away the Devil's Head's collection of treasures. Treasure, a pair of horns of a demigod demon.

This is the lifeblood of the Demon Head. His background cannot be compared with those powerful sects. If he loses this trump card, he will become a complete joke. Of course, he will not give up. To this end, he hired Fanny, who has just become a legendary assassin. Shah.

Moriti, who was just a demon warlock at the time, was naturally no match for the legendary assassin. One of his arms was cut off in a confrontation, and he was deeply insulted by Vanessa. In the end, he had to take the risk of using reverse teleportation to escape into the abyss.

When a sorceress falls into the abyss, you can imagine what her fate will be. It is no longer something that can be accommodated in a few films, and it can support an entire film industry on its own.

However, I have to say that Moriti was very lucky. Although she narrowly escaped death in the abyss and suffered a lot of torture, she finally managed to come back alive. However, there is no need to say more about the hatred for Vanessa in her heart. The hatred is as deep as the sea because of her. She was prepared for this, and she even set up an assassination organization specifically for revenge.

It's a pity that those idiots lost her carefully prepared enemies. How could this not make Moretti angry?

As for why it is so troublesome not to kill Vanessa with one knife, it is because just killing Vanessa cannot release the countless fires of revenge accumulated in Moretti's heart. She wants the other party to fully experience what she has experienced in the abyss. After everything she has experienced, it is not realistic to throw her directly into the abyss. She might be eaten by the little devil passing by, so the noble who is more perverted than the devil fell into her eyes, so there is That auction.

In fact, when she heard a report from her subordinates that Vanessa was suspected of being pregnant, she got drunk happily and even planned to extend her hatred to the next generation.

But those idiots messed everything up. Through the Blood Vengeance Mark, she clearly felt that Vanessa had gotten rid of the curse she had set and was reborn. Although she could no longer sense it for some reason soon, she could This was enough, enough for her to vent her anger on those losers.

Huh? How dare you appear in front of me. Moriti, who was galloping on horseback, narrowed her eyes and looked at an assassin kneeling on the ground not far away.

Although she really wanted the demon horse to trample this waste into mincemeat, Moriti, who wanted to know more precise information, decided to let the other person live a little longer, so she got off her horse and grabbed the other person's neck and lifted him up. She opened her mouth to ask, only to find that her subordinate, who was as frightened as a caterpillar when he saw her, turned out to be expressionless and even opened his mouth to her?


Moriti was shocked. Before she could use her strength to break the opponent's neck, she saw a cold light flash from the opponent's mouth, and a sharp sword that could extend to the stomach came out and stabbed her eyes.

Even before it touched, the sharp feeling was already rushing straight into her brain. Moriti immediately understood that her body blessed with demon skin could not block the sword at all, let alone her fragile eyes.

Seeking death! Moriti, who was frightened but not panicked, sneered and opened her mouth wide. Then a raging flame spurted out, instantly burning the person in her hand into a ball of fire, but her face was also covered in flames. A large cut was made, and a deep mark was left on the iron-hard forehead bone. The sword was sharper than she imagined.

Instinctively throwing the Pyro Man aside, Moriti wiped the blood from the corners of her eyes, and then focused her gaze on the sharp sword that fell aside.

Such a sharp weapon, even if it is not legendary, is almost the same. The strange thing is where did her assassins get them?

Moreover, the sword hidden in her stomach was an extremely sharp sword with an edge. Even she who had experienced the abyss could not do this job. It was estimated that only a succubus could do it.

Moretti, who was full of confusion, was about to pick up the long sword to check if there were any clues. The mouth of the burning man behind him was suddenly opened wide from the inside. It was as big as a swimming ring, and a man was covered in mucus. The woman got out of it in a very silky posture, it was Shinobu.

At this time, Shinobu has golden pupils, purple eye shadow, very pale skin, and a sinister aura all over his body. He is completely the female version of Orochimaru.

She just used the facial erasing technique to disguise a sneak attack. Unfortunately, Moriti is no longer a simple warlock. In order to target her mortal enemy, the legendary assassin Vanessa, she made many changes, so the initial sneak attack was not successful, but she endured it. The purpose has been achieved.

Before even touching the Kusanagi sword that fell to the ground, Moriti spat out a large mouthful of black blood, which was so toxic that it directly corroded the ground and dented it, and purple poisonous smoke emitted.

I've been poisoned?! Moriti covered her chest and said in disbelief. At the same time, she instinctively touched the wound on her forehead, but found nothing abnormal, so for a while she didn't even know how she was poisoned. .

However, as a warlock with demon blood, and having experienced the Abyss, Moriti's resistance to toxins has reached a level that ordinary people cannot imagine. Three meals a day of colorful mushroom hot pot are just for appetizers, and a bucket of expired milk can be consumed even in the toilet. They don't take it even once, so although the poison is strong, it won't be fatal for a while.

Besides, as a warlock, how could he not have the ability to extend his life with a few tricks? He had already activated the false life buddy fixed on his body to quickly recover.

The former can graft the subsequent damage to the false life, so as not to deepen the injury, while the latter stimulates life potential and speeds up the body's recovery.

These two recovery methods are commonly used by warlocks, but ordinary people cannot use them because they cannot bear it. After all, warlocks all have inhuman blood, which is still obvious. Their innate physique is far better than that of ordinary people, and they can withstand the loss of vitality. To recover from injuries, ordinary people may have to age several years to recover from a broken bone. If the injury is serious, the person will die before recovery.

Unfortunately, before the injured Moriti could drink the antidote potion, Shinobu launched an attack.

Wind Release, Wind Kiri no Jutsu! Shinobi did not choose to continue the sneak attack, but recited a spell like a mage and released the violent wind from his hands.

The wind blades hidden in the strong wind cut the ground into chaos. You can imagine what fate would happen to Moriti if she was involved in it. Therefore, she ignored the detoxification and endured the erosion of the toxins to release the pain shield. This was to save herself. The skill that turns pain into a magic shield is said to be tougher the more painful it is.

But most people don't know how to use it, nor can they learn it, because if the pain is less, the thing is brittle than the membrane. If the pain is severe, there is no mood to release magic. Only Moriti, who has experienced the torture of the abyss, can use it skillfully.

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