Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 280 The enemy has not yet arrived on the battlefield

Peters came this time because Owen mentioned the Service Academy yesterday. He remembered it in his heart and came here this time to take Owen with him to the Service Academy.

Although it would be good to take Owen to be friends with the same people, it will help deepen the relationship. In the future, they may not become good brothers who push each other's back. I am afraid that the other party will not be able to let go, so I will take it slow first and test the depth first. Therefore, the two of them Get on the carriage and head to the Service Academy first.

The School of Service is also a very old college and the most popular college. It mainly accepts children aged five or six and cultivates them into talents after more than ten years of training.

But just like the titles, the maids and housekeepers in the service academy are also divided into levels.

In addition to being loyal, the lowest maid is just an ordinary maid who is good at serving. Although she is very skilled, she is not irreplaceable.

It's amazing to have a powerful maid, like Maya, whose abilities are not inferior to those of aristocrats who have received elite education, and have the ability to stand alone.

There are fewer butlers because their abilities are more comprehensive. For this reason, each butler must receive nearly twenty years of training and have the ability to skillfully manage castles, territories and various affairs. They are the indispensable right-hand man of the nobles.

No one has too many loyal and capable subordinates like this, but not everyone can recruit them. There are just ordinary maids, and there are many of them, so anyone who has connections can recruit a few, and high-level maids can. No, it requires corresponding titles and identities, and the quality and quantity that can be recruited are also different.

For example, Peters' father, as the powerful earl, can hire one butler and four high-quality maids for his entire life.

Peters' maid was given by his father, because he is not qualified to recruit now, unless he inherits the title, so he is very envious of Owen who is qualified to recruit. Unfortunately, he does not have the idea of ​​​​fatherly kindness and son filial piety, otherwise Owen would be very You can't help him.

Owen, who was chatting happily with Peters, suddenly paused. Peters was keenly aware of this and spoke with some confusion.

What's wrong?

Nothing, just encountered some little mice blocking the road. Owen said with a sneer, and then knocked on the window. The witch hunters and Teutonic warriors who followed him immediately surrounded the carriage.

Peter's face suddenly turned green, because he didn't think the little mouse Owen mentioned was really a mouse, and was most likely an assassin.

But the reason why he looked ugly was not because he met the assassin, but because he had a headache about where the assassin came from.

Assassins are not necessarily used to assassinate. In many cases, they are also a means of spying and warning. The problem is that Owen has just arrived in the imperial capital, who will take action?

After much deliberation, he has always appeared as a playboy and shown a strong desire for revenge. No matter the size, length or width, he is the most suitable one. This makes Peters's face look good.

Of course, what Peters could think of, Owen could also think of, but he really didn't doubt the other party, because if the other party did it, he wouldn't be in the same carriage with him.

The main reason is that Owen has already guessed who the other party is.

From the time he bought Vanessa, Owen had expected that such a day would come, otherwise he wouldn't have allowed Ren to be secretly vigilant.

Not long ago, Vanessa was reborn. The other party obviously knew about it through some means, but did not know the specific situation. In addition, Owen sent Vanessa to the Northland thousands of miles away that day, so he could only find himself. After this assassination, I just don’t know how many people came and what their strength was.

In fact, where the two of them couldn't see, the two sides were already fighting for their lives.

Only peers can understand their peers better. Shinobu, who is responsible for secretly guarding his master's safety, immediately sensed the approaching murderous intent.

There is an enemy. Notify the master, inform the witch hunter, and the ninja is ready to hunt. Shinobu's eyes were extremely cold. She could not tolerate anyone threatening her master. This was the meaning of her existence.

The ninjas hiding in the darkness heard the order, quickly communicated with their eyes and gestures, and then immediately dispersed and began to lay traps to compete for the upper hand.

Vanessa's enemies only know that Owen is a relatively powerful Northland noble with many powerful knights. The more specific situation is not clear. In addition, this mistake made the leader furious, and he is coming in person. , causing them to not bother to investigate further in order to correct their mistakes in time, and immediately gathered the people around them to attack, trying to snatch the opponent away so that Vanessa could be under control again, otherwise their end would be worse than death. horrible.

But they forgot that assassination was never a simple craft, intelligence was half of the importance. Therefore, they ignored the preliminary investigation and fell into the ninja's death trap without knowing it.

The thin, light gray, nearly transparent thread would have been inconspicuous anywhere, let alone a forest, so it wasn't until the trap was triggered that the hapless assassins discovered they had been ambushed.

The well-trained assassin immediately moved his position, but it was too late. The extremely sensitive mechanism had ejected the same dark gray kunai, and also triggered a chain of surrounding traps, leaving the opponent with nowhere to escape. .

While several assassins who triggered the trap were sieved by the ejected kunai, the other assassins did not hesitate and immediately dispersed and tried to hide in the dark, because only in this way would they have a chance to fight back.

It's a pity that they met peers, peers who were good at cooperating and taking the upper hand.

Ninja teams never act alone. They work in groups of ten, consisting of one chunin and nine genin. When necessary, they can be divided into three independent action teams, so they are capable of most assassination missions, especially hunting. time, it even occupies a considerable advantage.

But this time their opponents are not simple either. They are real assassins, cold-blooded, ruthless, and efficient. The two sides engage in a fierce battle around the carriage where Owen is sitting, and the slightest mistake will cost their lives.

Assassins are good at sneaking and possess extremely explosive fighting spirit. After closing the distance, a sudden burst can enable them to achieve a leapfrog assassination.

Ninjas are not weak, and they are also good at sneaking. Although they don't have fighting spirit, the breathing method derived from Demon Slayer is also a highly explosive skill.

Both sides are facing each other head-to-head. It can be said that they both have the ability to kill with one strike. They are like hunters wandering in the dark jungle with shotguns. Whoever finds the other side first and launches an attack will survive.

Generally speaking, the ninja team has an advantage because compared to the assassins who fight alone, they are also proficient in coordination and will not hesitate to use their bodies and lives to create killing opportunities for their teammates when necessary.

However, the battle between ninjas and assassins is not the key to determining the outcome of this conflict, because the real enemy has not yet arrived on the battlefield.

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