How can I put it that way, the empire gave Owen the feeling that it was too divided.

The place on the border of the empire looked completely like the Middle Ages. The farmers were rude, the nobles were domineering, and the knights were flamboyant. Everyone was showing off their teeth and claws, trying to prove that they were not easy to mess with. Even the farmers frequently fought and bullied each other.

This is mainly because they are too poor and unstable. The difficult life makes them have to put up every thorn in their body. While reminding others not to get close, they also hurt themselves.

As we get closer to the hinterland, the situation changes and seems to become more civilized.

The farmers here are also illiterate, but because most of them are landowners, they are more honest and diligent, while the common people are mostly handicraftsmen with a skill and a stable income.

The gentry and knights are more cultivated than those on the northern border and are very famous in the local area. Therefore, if there is a conflict between farmers and common people, they will ask them to decide the right and wrong. Regardless of whether the result is in line with their wishes, they will not refute, let alone have any objections. Opinion.

As for the lords, they are awe-inspiring and rarely come into contact with the common people. They are like people from two worlds.

Owen found that this way of ruling was unexpectedly stable. After thinking about it carefully, he discovered the mystery.

In fact, the most critical point of the entire class is that there are a large number of homesteaders and craftsmen who form the solid foundation of the upper-class rule.

The two groups with the largest number naturally long for peace after they have a stable income, because only in peace can they farm and do business. Therefore, anyone who causes unrest is their enemy, even a green forest hero like Robin Hood. There is no way to survive in such a ruling atmosphere, because what the vast majority of ordinary people need is not an occasional benefit, but a stable enough life.

As for the gentry and knights, their identity and status came from the local lords, and the lords also needed to rely on them to guide the thoughts of the grassroots, and the two sides complemented each other.

Therefore, the seemingly simple class division makes the rule of the local lords rock-solid. No wonder even if turmoil breaks out every few decades, it will not break the bones, let alone shake the rule of the lords.

This is exactly the confidence of every traditional noble, because each of them has ruled this land for hundreds of years, and every inch of the place has deeply left their mark. Even the emperor cannot go beyond their control of this land. any action.

In fact, it was the same in ancient times in my previous life, but it was called the Aristocratic Family.

A flowing dynasty and an iron-clad family are no joke. This stubborn class cannot be solved without breaking everything and repeatedly hammering it into a ball.

As long as classes exist, it will be impossible to achieve leapfrog, let alone development. The empire obviously has extraordinary power and a group of mages comparable to Leonardo da Vinci. However, apart from getting more and more bloated, the empire has not changed much for thousands of years.

In addition, underneath the seemingly peaceful surface, there is not without a dark and cruel side. If everything was so beautiful, where did the chaotic evil organizations in the empire come from, and where did the turmoil every dozens of times come from. I can’t wait to go to the North. Where did the pioneers come from? They were just maintaining superficial peace.

Auction? Owen put down the book in his hand and looked curiously at Earl Dekra, who was selling high-quality black tea.

Yes, a secret auction is being held nearby. I received the invitation. I wonder if you are interested in going and taking a look. After Earl Dekra thought about it for a while, he put down the black tea in his hand and said to Owen indifferently. said.

Being secretive means being invisible, and being invisible means being illegal. No, there is no question of whether it is legal or not. Unless you auction nobles, otherwise even taking out the emperor's underwear for auction is legal. As for slaves, it is even more customary. It is commonplace. Although there is no large-scale slave trade in the empire, it does not mean that there are no slaves. In fact, many nobles have the habit of buying slaves. As for where these slaves ended up, it is not a matter for civilians to ask.

Then go and see it. Although Owen knew that there would definitely be things going on in this auction that were inconsistent with his three views, his inner curiosity about the darkness drove him to agree and treat it as gathering information.

When we get to the Imperial City, I will take you to participate in the top secret auction. Where can you find the real good things? The auction here will just pass the time. Because of the fatigue of the journey, the special envoy and the entrusted group have to be here. After a few days of repairing, he happened to receive an invitation. Count Dekra planned to take this opportunity to deepen his relationship with the other party. After all, he was a young man and had little resistance to some things at the secret auction.

Earl Declara made an appointment with Owen with a strange smile, and slowly returned with the complimentary black tea.

Walking so slowly, Count Dekra was deliberately showing it to the two of them. Who doesn't want potential stocks depends on who has quick hands.

After the other party left, Owen pondered for a moment, snapped his fingers, and Shinobu immediately emerged from the shadows.

You go with me tomorrow, and Charles stays behind to take care of you. Judging from Count Dekra's attitude, the secret auction should not be dangerous, but as a time traveler, it is the first time to come to the empire, so what emergencies will happen? Owen would not be surprised by the situation. For example, a few hot-blooded teenagers rushed in to save people at the auction, or met a beautiful girl assassin with a tragic life experience who wanted to assassinate a fat noble, or someone came to assassinate Count Dekra, resulting in If you are involved, you need to consider these things in advance.

At night, eight black knights with black horses and black armor escorted a strange pure black carriage to arrive quietly.

Owen, who was wearing a mask and a robe, boarded the carriage, and inside sat Count Dekra, who was also dressed.

Neither of them spoke, because there was a magic restriction inside the carriage. In addition to eliminating the sound, it was also impossible to see outside. In addition, it had a function similar to a suspended chassis, which made people inside feel like they were isolated from the world, and they were not aware of things outside. Knowing nothing, and unable to predict where the carriage is going through other senses.

This is mainly for confidentiality. Obviously the secret auction does not want people to know the route and location.

But this method is only effective for ordinary people. Not to mention Owen, there are more than a dozen ways to crack it. Just looking at Count Dekra's calm look, you know that he is also prepared.

Two more people came up on the way. They were all wearing masks and black robes. If the soles of the shoes and shoulder pads were used and some hands and feet were used, it would be difficult to determine even the height and shape.

The main reason for dressing up in such a secretive way is that they are afraid that others will know who they are. After all, the things in the secret auction are not only a bit tricky, but there are also some special items that make it easy for people to guess their own XP.

Everyone is concerned about face. There are some things you can do, but you can't say. You have to hide them.

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