After crossing the border and entering the empire's territory, Owen, who had been farming in the North for several years, was not as excited or fearful as he had imagined.

Now he is no longer a dispensable little shrimp. With Hydra's current power in the North, even if the emperor wants to get rid of him, he has to consider the gains and losses first, not to mention that he does not have no escape route or means of revenge. , If everything goes to death, the empire will not feel better either. This is the self-confidence of having a system.

As for other forces, except for the Devil's Head and the Flesh Church, no one wants to offend an enemy who is remote but has development potential. The best way is to become friends, even if they are only superficial friends.

Owen calmed down and appreciated the differences between the empire and the north. From this journey, he first understood why the empire's border did not advance northward.

The main reason is that there is no geographical advantage after passing the border. The entire northern land is extremely empty and flat, and there is no danger to defend. Even if hundreds of thousands of border troops are dispersed, there will be loopholes everywhere, which is of little significance.

The current border of the empire is selected based on the terrain. It is not a straight line. It is winding and steep. The natural danger is that it is difficult for humans and animals to travel. Therefore, it is only necessary to build passes at key points or station troops for inspection, which can save a lot of manpower and material resources. Even hundreds of thousands of border troops can be allocated to three lines of defense, creating more depth.

Recalling that he had just seen the mountain-like tall and generous pass and the huge number of border troops, Owen shook his head. According to common sense, even if he formed an army of 100,000 firearms, it would not be easy to conquer the empire's border. , after all, the empire is not without firearms, and there are still a large number of heavy artillery placed at the pass.

The only good thing is that although the imperial frontier army has a large number of extraordinary professionals, because it has not encountered foreign enemies for a long time, the overall armament is lax and discipline is loose. In this case, the combat effectiveness cannot be used at all.

Although Owen was not good at military affairs, he was not blind. He could see that many of the soldiers' equipment was probably passed down from their ancestors and could barely keep their shape. They were not meant for fighting.

Everyone knows this. The problem is that if there is no war all year round, who will allocate funds to this aspect? Wouldn't it be better to use it for corruption?

As for the armament warehouse, haha, looking at the current situation, it probably only exists on paper. The real situation is known to the rats in the warehouse and the upper echelons of the border army.

The soldiers are like this, and the officers are even too lazy to clock in to work. The patrols are better, and they always come every three to five days. The officers guarding the gate are much more comfortable. Firstly, there is no shortage of business and entertainment around them, and secondly, they are in an important pass. It is safe enough, so it is common not to see anyone for ten and a half months.

As for the training of the army, it is perfunctory from top to bottom. Only a few elites are maintained as a facade, and most of the rest are given quotas or directly receive empty pay.

Owen estimated that there were hundreds of thousands of frontier troops. Excluding logistics and auxiliary troops, it was hard to say whether there were 100,000 real soldiers. If there were more elites, it was estimated to be at most 10,000 or 20,000. This number was far lower than that of the imperial frontier troops. The number of external claims.

There was no way, there used to be northern barbarians as a threat, but since the war twenty years ago, even the shadow of the barbarians can no longer be seen, and their existence has become meaningless.

And in twenty years, no matter how long the service is, it is time to retire.

After losing the only group of veterans with war experience as the backbone of the army, today's border army is only superficial, and even whether it retains the ability to conduct expeditions is a question.

An expedition is not a hike. Even if there are only a thousand people, it will be a big test for logistics, let alone an army of tens of thousands or even 100,000 people.

After leaving the ready-made garrison, just marching and setting up camp can make many people cry.

But this has nothing to do with Owen. Although he has no intention of conquering the empire and becoming emperor, as the military group closest to the territory, the weaker the better.

Thinking of this, Owen felt a lot more relaxed and agreed to the private party invited by Ferrier and Solari.

In fact, Owen had already expected the purpose of this gathering, which was to bond together.

In the Northland, even if so many river crossing dragons poured in, they were still the three giants, but in the empire, they were nothing.

Not to mention that only three of them in the ennobled group belong to the real northern nobles. The others are all outsiders who came to pick peaches, so it would be strange to get together.

But Solari probably didn't expect that Ferrier was also his. Owen smiled and took Ciel to the appointment.

As soon as the three of them met, Ferrier's familiar attitude towards Owen made Solari feel a little uncomfortable, and the following conversation proved that his hunch was right.

It was two to one, so there was nothing left to talk about, so the small group of three people quickly determined who was the boss, who was the second, and who was the third, to which Solari could only smile bitterly.

But Solari has no intention of going back on his word, because Owen is indeed the strongest. Just the elite soldiers he brought made him understand this, not to mention the fact that he just learned that the ridiculously strong maid turned out to be Legendary warrior.

This is nothing to argue about. Solari thinks very highly of himself, but he also knows himself.

In addition, although he did not confirm that the other party had an extraordinary origin like the special envoy, Solari was still aware of it, and vaguely felt Owen's inexplicable confidence.

The most important thing is that Solari understands Ferrier. She is not several times stronger than her, so don't expect her to have a good attitude.

As soon as the three-person group was formed, Owen saw the somewhat thoughtful look in the eyes of Marquis Bergassus the next day. Apparently he noticed something from Solari and Ferrier's attitude towards him, but Owen just smiled back. , after all, everyone knows, and no one will ask directly.

In fact, the grouping of the three of Irving is not an exception, but a beginning, because the other members of the sealed group are trying to communicate with each other, but the ingredients between them are too complicated, not as simple as the three of Irving, or that there is no choice. There is still room for success, so it is still early to form a successful alliance.

Because they took the official route and most of them were cavalry, the special envoys and the entrusted regiments traveled at a very slow speed, and could cover more than a hundred miles in a day.

This is not an empty and desolate northern land. Even if it is the border of the empire, there will be no shortage of towns along the official road. In addition, with the privileges of the special envoy, the road will be smooth. Just hurry up, and of course it will be fast.

Traveling so quickly, it would be inconvenient for Owen to inquire about the surrounding information, so he had to be patient first.

But in such a hurry, even riding a horse and a carriage would not be able to carry it. After crossing the border and gradually approaching the hinterland of the empire, the speed of the special envoy slowed down, and the entrusted regiment following them naturally also slowed down. Only then did Irving have time to organize Let’s take a look at what we learned along the way.

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