Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 256 Orochi's Matching Wheel

While waiting for the progress value to be restored, Owen thought about the third enhancer, which was Ren.

Although Samyi is the top leader at the root, her ability is more suitable for overviewing the overall situation, rather than being on the front line and doing it herself, so it is enough to give her a pair of white eyes.

Shinobu is different. She has been trained as a murder weapon from the day she was born. Even a hair is a murder weapon. One point of strength can produce a very effective effect. Owen has a lot of strength and can only use one on her. In addition, her legs are prone to weakness, so strengthening her has the best effect.

Ninja already has chakra. Owen had previously exchanged Orochimaru-related ninjutsu information for her, and also gave her the shikigami snake demon and the snakes in the dungeon as psychic beasts. Their strength is only below the legend, so she only needs to use it. Just give her Orochimaru's template.

Later, after thinking about it, he gave Shinobu the Sharingan eye that Orochimaru has been obsessed with all his life.

The image of a big snake paired with a writing wheel makes Owen feel excited just thinking about it.

Name: Shinobi, Age: 19, Occupation: Ninja, Template: Orochimaru.

Strength 30, Constitution 30, Agility 95, Charisma 85.

Ninjutsu 98, Taijutsu 80, Medical 80, Seal 90.

Specialties: Sharingan, ninja skills, software modification.

Skills: Face-erasing technique, Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes, Five Elements Seal, Reincarnation from the Dirty Land.

Equipment: shuriken, kunai, smoke bomb, Kusanagi sword.

Psychic beast: snake demon, snake group.

This is the attribute of Shinobi. Compared with Emile who obtained the Tsunade template, her physical attributes are much worse, especially in terms of strength and physical strength, and she can only bully ordinary soldiers.

But Shinobi's fighting style does not require such high strength and physique, especially after obtaining Orochimaru's template.

After the Kusanagi sword is added with chakra, I dare not say that it can cut everything. There are really not many that can be blocked, so it does not require much strength attribute.

The software transformation and Orochi-ryu ninjutsu allow her to reduce the physical damage she receives, while also having first-class life-saving abilities.

Orochimaru's talent in research was wasted. Shinobi only knew how to use it, but could not develop or improve on the original basis, so he uploaded this part of the knowledge to the Fire Queen's database.

Although there are currently four legends in the territory, there are no pure legal legends, which makes Owen feel a little regretful.

Although there are two mages in the territory, unfortunately they are both half-disabled, and their preferences are more focused on research and have little interest in fighting.

Of course, if these two really want to take action, with the help of a lot of new knowledge and the assistance of the Flame Queen, even Owen doesn't know how much lethality they can unleash.

In fact, if any legal professional has enough time and materials, it may be difficult to destroy the world without anyone stopping him, but when it comes to creating a disaster, the difference is only a matter of efficiency.

Owen has long recognized the power of legal professionals, which is why he spent so much energy building a magic school.

Unfortunately, the only ones that can be taught in batches now are witches and sorceresses, and mages are still too difficult.

After all, a mage does not rely on blood, but knowledge. It takes more than ten years to train a college student, let alone a mage who can be called a scientific researcher. It is not that easy.

With four legends, Irving feels much more at ease and can focus on other aspects.

With Maya here to build the city and the entire territory working together, it is only a matter of time before the construction is completed. Owen does not need to intervene at all. He only needs to open the authority and mobilize a batch of construction machinery, so his main focus is on improving the roots and the lord's guard team. .

The roots must be strengthened more. Entering the empire this time is a rare plan. It is embarrassing to go without inserting a few nails.

As for the Lord's Guards, they are put out for people to see, and they are also the first line of defense to stop some people with bad intentions.

In fact, not only Owen, but the entire Northland is busy. Every force is working hard to develop its own territory. The amount of materials shipped from the Empire to the Northland in just a few months exceeds the total of the past twenty years. And this is just the beginning, and there are With signs of getting worse, the entire Northland has fallen into a tense atmosphere similar to a military competition.

In fact, this is normal. Although everyone in the empire is well aware of their rush to the North to share the cake, they still have to do it. Not only must it be done, but it must be done enough so that no one can find fault. After all, who is a noble? There are not hundreds of enemies, and it is never a good experience to be caught one after another, so we try our best to do a good job in saving face.

Fortunately, these people are not bad at strength. Except for the territory of the two earls, which is too close to the border of the empire and is difficult to attack, Hydera did not expect to be so strong. There are still many places left to grab. Now almost the entire Northland Every village and town with a surname has changed its people.

With the previous foundation in place and the resource inclination of various domestic forces, the development speed is really not slow.

The only problem is that although the news of the empire's re-canonization of the northern nobles was released very early, it has been a year since it was actually implemented and the imperial envoy arrived at the border of the empire.

Owen was tired of waiting. He never expected that the empire's ability to move would be so slow.

But this is also a good thing. In almost a year, with Owen's cheating speed, the overall strength of the territory has directly improved to a level. Even he himself sometimes feels unreal.

After absorbing the last wave of chaos, the territory's population reached 60,000. At the same time, Akita Town was renamed Beicheng after completing its expansion, with 30,000 residents in the city and 30,000 outside the city.

In addition, there are five sub-cities with a maximum population of 10,000, namely Green Shade Town, Mara Town, Nomadic Alliance, and Bison Tribe.

Due to the inhuman reproductive ability of goblins, the population of Greenshade Town has reached four thousand. If it were not for the underground city ruins that diverted some of the population away, the town would not have had time to expand.

In comparison, the population of Mara Town is only more than a thousand. This is mainly because the large number of captured rebels are returned to the territory and not much is retained. After all, the geographical location of Mara Town is too prominent and is not suitable for living. Large population.

The Nomad Alliance has the largest population growth, reaching 5,000. This is because the previous wave of chaos drove the nomads from the central Northland.

Compared with farmers who rely on the land, the movement speed of nomads depends entirely on the livestock they raise, so they can run and run very fast.

After realizing this, Bella immediately took action. Using the salt and iron provided by the territory, she effortlessly got these frightened nomads to agree to join the alliance and eventually become a member of the territory.

The population of the barbarian tribes settled in the Buffalo Territory has also increased significantly, with almost 2,000 people. It is obviously impossible to double the population in such a short period of time relying on their own reproduction, and humans are not goblins.

This was mainly because Owen provided them with many boats, allowing the Bison tribe to cross the river to go further north to trade with the northern barbarians, exchanging salt and iron for fine furs, gold, silver, gems, and people.

Furs, gold, silver and gems are of little value to the northern barbarians. As for the population, one tribe cannot support many people. At least the hunting range owned by the tribe cannot support so many people. Therefore, there are many northern barbarians who have just grown up every year. The barbarians left the tribe with a wooden spear and went to the wilderness to survive. If they were lucky, they could join other tribes, or they could steal women and give birth to a tribe of their own.

There are only a few such lucky people, and the vast majority can only die in the wilderness.

Therefore, being accepted by a powerful tribe is the dream of any wandering barbarian, so they did not hesitate to choose the Bison Tribe, which would give them an iron one-handed ax as soon as they joined.

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