Build cities, expand the army, develop territories, and strive to fully demonstrate the appearance of a powerful force before the imperial inspectors arrive.

To pull off the tiger's skin to promote the banner, you must first have a tiger's skin. The project of saving face is also a project. Irving understands this deeply.

But these are not enough. As an extraordinary world, the role of top combat power cannot be ignored. There must be enough masters to block the temptation of the outside world. One Charr alone is not enough.

What's more, when he went to the empire to accept the canonization, he wanted to take away a group of masters, but the territory was equally important, and he also needed to leave enough strong men to guard it. Otherwise, a fire in the backyard would take a long time for him in the empire.

Now it is no better than before. The territory has consumed too much of his efforts, even though he knows that as long as he lives, it will only be a matter of time before he starts a business again.

But the second marriage always felt a bit worse. Owen felt that it was better to keep his eldest wife as much as possible.

This time Ciel will go with him, so one or two legends must be left behind for the territory.

Bella is a good choice. As a demonized centaur with the Ma Chao template, she has unique talents and huge potential. She has initially achieved legendary level strength, but she is not close to it after all, so Owen wants to give her a new training. The strengthening helped her break the current bottleneck.

But Bella's situation is a bit special. She is a demonized creature that swallowed demon eggs, so ordinary methods have little effect. For example, the T virus commonly used by Owen has no effect on her.

After thinking for a long time, Owen found the strengthening ability suitable for her in a mini game, which was derived from the marks in the My Little Pony world.

Thanks to the experience of watching cartoons with his daughter since childhood, Owen is not ignorant about the world.

In the world of My Little Pony, marks are very important. When a pony is focused or good at something, a mark unique to it will appear on its butt.

In Owen's view, this mark is more like the recognition of every pony in the My Little Pony world and the legal authority granted to them.

As for why, it's because it's obviously just a small game for children, but Owen's current progress value limit can't be fully opened. This means that the mystery of the My Little Pony world is higher than Onmyoji and Three Eyes. It's simply Off the mark.

But if you think about it carefully, the Universe Princess and the Moon Princess in the My Little Pony world control the movement of the sun and the moon respectively. Among them, the Universe Princess also sealed the Moon Princess to the moon. It is strange that the gods who are properly placed in this world are not very mysterious.

Owen spent a lot of progress points to redeem a blank mark from the system, and slapped Bella's high butt in front of him. From now on, she was no longer a bare-butt pony, but a mature woman who had the honor of having a mark. pony.

When Owen gave Bella the mark, Emile also came. She was very curious about Bella's changes, because even Owen couldn't tell what changes there would be, because this thing looks at people, no, it looks at horses. .

After Owen slapped her down, Bella's ass was glowing, which was great, very My Little Pony style.

When the light dissipated, an abstract devil pattern appeared on Bella's butt, making both Owen and Emile very curious.

The ability given by the pattern was more like an instinct, and Bella quickly mastered the new ability.

Bella can now transform into three forms: human, horse, and centaur. Except for one extra leg, there is nothing wrong with her. Anyway, Emile is quite satisfied.

If this were all, it would mean nothing to Owen except to make Emile more satisfied.

In fact, the real ability that the pattern gave Bella was demonization, not demonization, but demonization, and even her race changed.

Name: Bella, age 28, race: devil, profession: general, template: Ma Chao.

Strength 80/90, Constitution 80/90, Agility 80/93, Combat Skills 75/95, Charisma 70/85.

Specialties: literary and military skills, bravery and staunchness, devil transformation.

Skills: One ride can equal a thousand, and every shot will hit the target.

Equipment: Tiger Armor, Tiger Head Golden Spear, Horse-Slaying Sword, Treasure Bow and Feather Arrows, Iron Claw Flying Rope, and thirty-six short spears.

The two attribute values ​​​​are the changes of Bella's normal form and demonic form. It can be said that once she transforms, she will fully exert all the power of Ma Chao's template, and her combat power is comparable to Ciel.

It's just that due to the rejection of the world, Bella's demon form cannot be maintained for too long, otherwise she is likely to be thrown out of the world.

After seeing Bella's horse form, Owen wanted to ride her to the empire. After all, who would have thought that the mount under his crotch was actually a legendary demon warrior.

Just like the white dragon horse that Tang Monk rode, who would have thought that this inconspicuous white horse turned out to be a little white dragon.

Unfortunately, taking into account Emile's thoughts and the fact that the territory really needed a master with sufficient authority to be in charge, Owen had no choice but to give up this idea.

In addition to Bella, Emile is also on Owen's enhancement list, but he has been unable to decide which aspect to enhance.

Emile is a master of potions and is also good at magic enhancement. He can not only save people's lives, but also beat them into a pulp.

Based on these two characteristics, Owen finally redeemed a template for her.

This time the template is not from the Three Kingdoms, but from Tsunade in Naruto.

Needless to say, Tsunade's medical ability is even more ferocious in hand-to-hand combat, and her physical characteristics are quite consistent, even better than Emile's.

Name: Emile, Age: 46, Occupation: Witch/Ninja/Shikigami, Template: Tsunade.

Strength 80, Constitution 80, Agility 85, Charisma 90.

Ninjutsu 80, Taijutsu 95, Medical 98, Seal 95.

Specialties: Extraordinary physique, enhanced magic power, creation and regeneration.

Skills: Master of Potions, Advanced Charms, Advanced Transformation, Invoking God Guard, Yin Seal, Strange Power.

Equipment: Super broomstick, mace and wand.

Tsunade's template fully developed the potential of Emile's extraordinary physique. Even if the charm attribute reaches ninety, it is still quite amazing. What's more, Tsunade's decades of skills and experience are the most terrifying.

The masters in the Naruto world are notoriously fragile. Even if they are as strong as Senju Hashirama, although their vitality is ridiculously strong, they are not invulnerable without chakra protection.

Therefore, even though Tsunade has the blood of the Senju clan, and her physical fitness and potential are far superior to ordinary people, she cannot compare with Emile in terms of strength and physique. The difference in height and size is too big.

Using the skills that Tsunade has honed over decades on the basis of Emile's extraordinary physique, the power that comes out is even greater than Tsunade's, and can only be described as terrifying.

As strong as Ciel and Bella, if he was hit by a solid punch, it would probably be a pill, so he became the third legend in the territory.

Now Irving has summarized some rules. Compared with rigid reinforcement, strengthening and supplementing according to each person's characteristics will save more effort and have better results, so he is thinking about who else.

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