Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 245 Divide into Three Kingdoms

Everything was just as designed by An Qi. As the son of God, the female fire dragon perfectly integrated into the Shanmu clan and brought several heart-pounding victories. Then the entire Shanmu clan burst into cheers praising the Son of God.

Before the enhancement, the female fire dragon has the strength to surpass most of the giant beasts in the wild continent. After all, this world lacks magic power and cannot breed powerful monsters. If you want to defeat the monsters that can fly, fight, resist, and spray based on their size alone, The female fire dragon who releases poison from fire is completely overthinking.

Especially after being strengthened by the dragon mother, the strength of the female fire dragon is close to that of the pure-blooded dragons in their prime. The only thing they lack is wisdom and dragon language magic. However, in this low-mystery world, the female fire dragon already has crushing power. strength.

If it weren't for the possessed Dragon Mother Yanming, as the Son of God, it was inconvenient to intervene too much in the battle between believers, the Voodoo clan would have been defeated long ago.

There is no way to face the female fire dragon, unless the King of Voodoo takes action personally, otherwise with the help of the lizard warriors of the Voodoo clan, even if the female fire dragon cannot fly, it is not easy for one or two thousand people to take down the female fire dragon. You must know that the female fire dragon The land charge is more terrifying than the heavy tank.

Not to mention that the Shanmu clan, which has great morale at this time, cannot just ignore it. They are not afraid of death for the sake of the Son of God.

With Owen's intervention, the war between the two clans once again reached a stalemate, but this time the Voodoo clan was at a disadvantage. It was useless even if they brought out plague zombies, because Glen Town continuously provided herbs that could cure the plague.

As for the voodoo zombies, they were burned to charcoal under the fiery breath of the female fire dragon. No matter how invulnerable they were, there was a limit.

Fortunately, during this period, the Shanmu clan entered a period of reproduction, which involved a lot of energy and gave the Voodoo clan a chance to breathe.

The Mountain Mother clan knew this very well, but when they saw a large number of eggs piled on the altar, and after the high priest performed a ceremony, an unknown number of light eggs were thrown into the lizard eggs, they knew that the future of the clan was bright.

They knew very well that these light eggs were the elites of the mother clan who lived in the Zhongshan Mountain Kingdom of the Mother Goddess. They had not appeared before. Each one grew up to be the backbone of the clan, but their appearance on such a large scale was unprecedented, that is, It is said that as long as these little lizardmen grow up, the Mountain Mother clan will enter its true peak period.

Whenever they think of this, the high priest and the clan leader can't help but be impulsive and add several bigger eggs, contributing their own part to the development of the clan.

Everything is under control. Owen, like the villain, played with the chess pieces in his hand with a mysterious smile.

Owen was proud at this time, because with his intervention, the Mountain Mother Clan regained its disadvantage, preventing the Voodoo Clan from invading the mountains, and maintained the scale of the war to keep the mountains in a state of tension, creating a strange situation among the three parties. balance.

The advantage of this is that the limited intervention is not enough for the Shanmu Clan to achieve final victory when facing the Voodoo Clan, and they have to continue to spend a lot of energy to maintain the war. In this way, even if he has no influence on the Shanmu Clan, The layout reveals the slightest bit of flaws, and there is no way to conduct in-depth investigation and understanding. At the same time, they will increasingly rely on the female fire dragon as the core of the war to condense the belief of the Son of God. With the title of Son of God, the Mountain Mother clan will associate the Dragon Mother with the Mother Goddess. Together, let the Dragon Mother gain more faith and eventually replace her.

As for why the Voodoo clan was not completely defeated, the main reason was to maintain the situation where the two tigers were fighting so that neither side had time to take care of the mountains.

This layout is obviously because Owen's next development focus is not on the Mountain Mother clan, but on the mountains.

This is mainly because the lizard people are a single race, too exclusive, and they all worship gods. Owen does not intend to continue to interfere with the lizard people's affairs before the mother of dragons has digested the dividends from the mountain mother clan.

After Owen's layout, although the mountains are weak, they occupy a favorable location in a corner. At the same time, the world is divided into three parts, allowing Owen to make plans.

Although the three parties are simple-minded and the situation is clear, Owen's ability to make such a layout clearly shows that his vision and means have grown a lot, and he can no longer be said to be a political novice.

Of course, Maya also helped to check and fill in the gaps during the whole process, but the main decisions came from Irving.

The whole process seemed to Owen, who was familiar with the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Maya, who was familiar with the overt and covert struggles of the imperial aristocrats, just fun, not even intrigues. But for Shu Liya, who came with the boat and has been studying with Maya, it was like opening up a new world, and for Maya. I was so impressed that I fell to the ground.

As for why it was to Maya instead of Owen, it was mainly because he had been staying in the secret room of the dungeon under the altar to control the authority space to dismantle the earthly kingdom of the Mountain Mother. Most of the orders were executed through Maya.

In any case, when facing Maya, Shu Liya turned into a little fan girl and hung around her all day asking for advice, which made Owen want to castrate this guy.

Owen just thought that Maya would not spoil Shu Liya. In her opinion, Shu Liya was the owner's plaything, and playthings should look like playthings, so the whip flew up and whipped Shu Liya all over the floor, but that The expression on Owen's face made him feel perverted.

You must know that Owen's bottom line evaluation of himself is quite low nowadays. He even thinks it is abnormal. You can imagine how abnormal Shu Liya is.

Seeing the two of them indulging in Zhou Yu's little game of beating Huang Gai, Owen shuddered and decided that it would be better to go on a long trip recently.

Just as the Mountain Mother's above-ground kingdom was dismantled, Owen was finally able to escape from the secret room in the dungeon, and the Birds of Prey were back, so he decided to start the adventure template again to satisfy his little hobby.

This trip was much more convenient, because some of the underground tunnels of the Rat Engineering Brigade had been widened to accommodate human counterparts, so Owen and the others passed directly underground through the war zones of the two clans and arrived at the swamp area smoothly.

The swamp is definitely a hell in the eyes of any traveler. There is no safe area to speak of here. From the huge monsters like whales lurking in the swamp to the smallest microorganisms, a little negligence will cost your life.

Fortunately, their destination was not deep in the swamp, but somewhere close to the periphery. Although the air was so humid that it dripped water and the ground was like clay, there was no need to worry about being swallowed by the ground, Owen thought happily.

After arriving at the place, Ya and the others did not approach rashly. Apparently they had suffered a lot before, so they handed over the command of the operation to Owen.

The strength shown by Irving during this period made the three of them very clear that the two parties were no longer in a cooperative relationship, so they no longer planned to distribute according to the previous agreement, but accepted Irving's employment to help out.

The advantage is that the safety is greatly increased, but the disadvantage is that the benefits are small, but compared to holding a big thick leg, this benefit is insignificant.

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