Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 244 The Love History of the Mother Goddess

One night, the high priest of the Shanmu clan, who was worried and unable to sleep, fell into a rare sleep again after many days. The nearby witch hunter put away the requiem incense and left quietly, hiding his merits and fame.

Deep sleep is the best way to recover for people who are physically and mentally tired. The high priest is like lying on a cloud, his whole body is soft, and he can even feel the warm sunshine shining on his body.

Wake up, my child.

A gentle voice like a mother woke up the high priest. Only then did she realize that she had come to a strange space in a daze. She suddenly woke up because she recognized that this was the kingdom of the God of the Mountain Mother. On the day of the priesthood, she was very honored to be summoned here by the God of the Mountain Mother. She immediately knelt on the ground in excitement and prayed loudly, praising the greatness of the God. Her eyes were wild and full of expectation, because their God finally woke up and the clan was saved. !

When he woke up the next day, the high priest was full of energy and even a little excited and couldn't wait to find the clan leader.

As a maternal tribe, of course the clan leader is female, and the characteristics are very obvious.

Although they are not mammals, the female lizardmen of the Shanmu clan still have obvious female characteristics in their bodies, such as the two lumps on their chests.

This was due to the influence of the Mountain Mother God, and the form began to transform into the appearance of a god.

In other lizardmen tribes, this is a deformity. After all, lizardmen are not mammals, and there is no part of breastfeeding at all. But in the Shanmu clan, this is proof of being favored by the mother goddess. The more obvious the morphological characteristics, the more it represents the favor of the mother goddess. Therefore, no matter the high priest or the clan leader, they have extremely good figures, and they are the kind who will never hit the wall with their faces in this life.

Unfortunately, it only looks like them in appearance. Lizardmen do not have the internal structures of mammals, so they are all muscles. Therefore, the more developed the chest muscles are, the higher the combat effectiveness will be.

Son of God?! Upon hearing the words of the high priest, the patriarch with the exaggerated chest muscles looked as if he had seen a ghost. The mother goddess they believed in actually had a son of God? ! She couldn't help but be shocked.

The high priest is obviously a little embarrassed, but there is nothing he can do now. The Voodoo clan is aggressive and the clan has suffered too much loss. Otherwise, the Mother Goddess would not have told what happened back then. It is not because they believers are not living up to expectations.

Hundreds of years ago, the Mother Goddess fell in love with a foreign dragon god. Although they did not stay together in the end, she still left behind a descendant, but she has been sleeping in the mountains. The Mother Goddess wanted us to wake up the Son of God. Protect the clan during this period of slumber. The high priest said to the clan leader, but had no intention of going into details.

The patriarch's eyes were full of desire for gossip, but thinking about the target of the gossip, he still gave up the idea of ​​seeking death. After all, the mother goddess was forced to tell the story of her relationship back then. If she continued to inquire without knowing what was good, I'm afraid it's going to end.

As the first and second-in-command of the Shanmu clan, the two reached a consensus and the matter was basically settled. Then the high priest and his priests compiled the legend about the Son of God.

That's right, except for one name, the rest is all made up.

The priests all know this very well. After all, it is impossible for the vast majority of believers to be able to feel the existence of the gods as close as the priests. For the sake of the gods, for faith, for stability, and for rule, appropriate propaganda and writing techniques are necessary. Everything is for the stability of the clan.

Fortunately, there are only a very small number of intelligent elites among the lizard people, and they are either priests or subordinates of the clan leader. They belong to the powerful class of the clan. They will not have any objections to this, but will support this approach, thus creating a layer of hypocrisy. The consciousness shrouded the entire clan from top to bottom.

The vast majority of ordinary lizard people are very simple. They pray, hunt, eat, sleep, and fight. This is their entire life, and they must obey the arrangements of the priests and clan leaders without questioning them.

Therefore, although the appearance of the Son of God was quite sudden, the people of the Shanmu clan were convinced of it, and they soon became obsessed with the fantasy of awakening the Son of God to reverse their current disadvantage.

So under the leadership of the high priest, they went to the place where the Son of God slept to hold a grand sacrifice in preparation for awakening him.

According to what the Mother Goddess said, the Son of God turned into a rock and slept somewhere in the mountains. This was perfectly in line with the Goddess of the Mountains. Both the high priest and the clan leader believed this statement, and successfully found a rock as huge as a hill. .

Present sacrifices, then play music, then dance! The respected high priest raised his hands excitedly and presided over the grand sacrifice in front of her loudly, because this would be the most glorious moment in her life. After all, she was the first to wake up. The high priest of the Son of God, unless the Mother Goddess gives birth to a second child, she is the only one.

Under her command, the brave warriors of the clan, the clan leader, offered fresh blood and flesh as sacrifices. At the same time, the old priests beat ancient musical instruments, and the young priests danced hard and chased the tail. The strange dance, as for the ordinary lizardmen who followed, could only watch it on their knees.

As the sacrifice progressed, the dragon mother, who had been paying attention, began to inject her consciousness into the female fire dragon.

Yes, the so-called son of God is actually a female fire dragon, but the dragon mother used the divinity of the mountain mother and spent a lot of faith to transform it into more obvious lizard and female characteristics. In simple terms, the body It became more slender, and a pair of extremely developed pectoralis major muscles appeared on the chest.

It was almost done. The dragon mother, whose consciousness had replaced the female fire dragon, began to break away from the old rock shell on her body, revealing her true body, and let out a deafening roar. She also spit out a pillar of fire dozens of meters high. She was really majestic and domineering. This undoubtedly convinced the high priest and clan leader of the Shanmu clan to the identity of her divine son.

Did the Dragon Mother ask you to wake me up? The Dragon Mother used her specially modified throat to make a thunderous sound. Although it was scary, she could still tell that she was a woman. This undoubtedly made the high priest and the clan leader even more excited. The idea that God would be succeeded by humans.

In addition, the high priest didn't think there was anything wrong with the Son of God calling the Mother Goddess Dragon Mother. After all, the Son of God had the blood of a dragon, so it was reasonable to call the Mother Goddess Dragon Mother. In order to make the Son of God happy, she even planned to give it to the Mother Goddess when she returned. Add a godly name, but from then on, he has fallen into Owen's plan.

Gods only die, but there is no such thing as retirement. Therefore, if you want Dragon Mother to replace Mountain Mother, there must be a reasonable transition.

Don't be afraid of flaws in this process because there is no evidence. Besides, given the current situation of the Shanmu clan, even if they know there is a problem, no one dares to speak out.

Because if it is true, doesn’t it mean that something is wrong with the Mother Goddess? !

The Shanmu clan cannot bear this change, and intelligent creatures have a sense of luck. Even the high priest and clan leader will force themselves to think on the bright side. And out of faith, it is impossible to actively doubt all this. After all, this is the mother clan. God's arrangement.

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